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Revision Test

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I. Crossword.


HORISONTALLY: 1) место, пятно; 2) нежный; 3) искренний; 4) терпеливый; 5) обстоятельство; 6) благовоспитанный; 7) помимо; 8) увядать; 9) присоединяться; 10) человек; 11) остроумие; 12) пыльный.


VERTICALLY: 1) приличный; 2) жалкий; 3) жалить; 4) скучный; 5) определенный; 6) свобода; 7) заколдованный; 8) предупреждать; 9) пытаться; 10) прятать.

II. Choose the appropriate variant and translate the phrases:

To fall (in/to/into) love with; to run (on/into/away); to set pen (on/to/onto) paper; to poke (away/around/with); to figure sth (in/on/out); to count (on/to/onto); to straighten (in/on/up); to set (at/on/in).

III. Translate from Russian into English:

1) Мне все равно, как много времени это займет. Я рассчитываю на тебя; 2) «Ты влюбился. Чтобы завоевать ее любовь, тебе нужно научиться держать себя в руках» «Это бесполезно. Она никогда не полюбит меня» 3) «Убегай, если хочешь спастись» «Но я не хотел сделать ничего плохого» «Поспеши»



Episode 17

1. Study the comments:

to intend to do sth - to plan to do smth

to keep a promise - to perform as a duty

to spark – to sparkle, to flash, inspire

encouraging – inspiring

exciting - ravishing

chores – routine household duties

mean – unkind

coarse -rude

to glance – to look at smth very quickly

to shudder – to tremble with fear or disgust

alarming – frightening

peculiar – stange, special

timid – shy

bold – fearless

daring – ready to take risks

to care for – to feel interest or soncern in smb/smth; to like smb.

2.Watch the episode and answer the questions:


1) What did the Beast do?

2) Was Belle happy?

3. Watch the episode and fill in the gaps using new words and expressions:


BEAST: I've never felt this way about anyone. I want to do something for her. But


COGSWORTH: Well, there's the usual things - flowers, chocolates, ………….

you don't intend to keep...

LUMIERE: Ahh, no no. It has to be something very special. Something that

……….her interest - wait a minute.

BEAST: Belle, there's something I want to show you. But first, you have to close

your eyes. It's a surprise.

BELLE: Can I open them?

BEAST: No, no. Not yet. Wait here.

BELLE: Now can I open them?

BEAST: All right. Now.

BELLE: I can't believe it. I've never seen so many books in all my life!

BEAST: You - you like it?

BELLE: It's wonderful.

BEAST: Then it's yours.

BELLE: Oh, thank you so much.

MRS. POTTS: Oh, would you look at that?

LUMIERE: Ha ha! I knew it …………………..

CHIP: What? What works?

COGSWORTH: It's very encouraging.

FEATHERDUSTER: Isn't this ………………!

CHIP: I didn't see anything.

MRS. POTTS: ……………….. Chip. There's chores to be done in the kitchen.

CHIP: But what are they talking about? ………………………..?

BELLE: There's something sweet

And almost kind

But he was ………….

And he was ………..and unrefined.

But now he's dear

And so unsure,

I wonder why I didn't see it there before.

BEAST: She …………this way

I thought I saw

And when we touched

She didn't …………at my paw

No it can't be

I'll just ignore

But then she's never looked at me that way before.

BELLE: New, and a bit ………………..

Who'd have ever thought that this could be?

True, that he's no Prince Charming

But there's something in him that I simply didn't see.

LUMIERE: Well who'd have thought?

MRS. POTTS: Well………………………….

COGSWORTH: And who'd have known?

MRS. POTTS: Well who indeed?

LUMIERE: And who'd have guessed they'd come together on their own?

MRS. POTTS: It's so ………………

ALL: We'll wait and see

A few days more

There may be something there that wasn't there before

COGSWORTH: Yes, perhaps there's something there that wasn't there before.

CHIP: What?

MRS. POTTS: There may be something there that wasn't there before.

CHIP: What's there, mama?

MRS. POTTS: I'll tell you when you're older.


LUMIERE: Tonight is the night!

BEAST: I'm not sure I can do this.

LUMIERE: You don't have time to be…………….. You must be bold, daring.

BEAST: ………... ………….

LUMIERE: There will be music. Romantic candlelight, provided myself, and

when the time is right, you……………………………….

BEAST: Yes, I -- I con--No, I can't.

LUMIERE: You ………..for the girl, don't you?

BEAST: More than anything.

LUMIERE: Well then you must tell her. Voila. You look so...so...

BEAST: Stupid.

LUMIERE: Not quite the word I was looking for. Perhaps……………………

COGSWORTH: Ahem ahem ahem. Your lady awaits.

4. Answer the questions:

1) What did the Beast want to do?

2) What did Lumiere advise to him?

3) What did the Beast ask Belle to do?

4) What did Mrs. Potts say to Chip?

5. Match English equivalents to the Russian words:

to intend to do sth обнадеживающий, воодушевляющий

to keep a promise намереваться сделать ч.-л.

to spark работа

encouraging держать обещание

exciting зажигать, искрить, вдохновлять

chores восхитительный

mean взглянуть

coarse тревожный

to glance своебразный, особенный

to shudder смелый, бесстрашный

alarming грубый

peculiar злой

timid дерзкий, отважный

bold испытывать симпатию к кому-либо

daring робкий

to care for содрогаться

6. Match Russian phrases to the English equivalents:

признаться в любви I knew it would work.

Что происходит? Come along!

Ей-богу! What's going on?

Я знал, что это сработает. Bless my soul

немного не в своем уме to confess one's love

Пошли! a little more off the top

7. Translate from Russian into English:


1) «Я никогда не испытывал ничего подобного к кому-либо.» «Ты должен предложить ей что-то особенное, восхитительное, чтобы как-то зажечь ее интерес.»; 2) Он дает обещания, которые и не собирается держать; 3) Пошли, нужно сделать кое-какую работу на кухне.

8. Retell the episode from the point of view of:


a) The Beast; b) Cogsworth; c) Lumiere; d) Belle; e) Mrs Potts; f) Chip.

Episode 18

1. Study the comments:

to miss sb - to suffer from smb's absence

alone – lonely, without any company

to release – to set free

peachy – pleasant, wonderful

to let sb do sth - allow smb. to do smth.

a tale – a story involving adventure and magic

barely – hardly

a tune – a series of musical notes

bittersweet – both bitter and sweet


2.Watch the episode and answer the questions:


1) Why wasn't Belle quite happy?

2) Who did she miss?

3. Watch the episode and fill in the gaps using new phrases and words:


MRS. POTTS: ……..as old as time

True as it can be

Barely even friends

Then somebody bends unexpectedly.

Just a little change

Small to say ……………

Both a little scared

Neither one prepared, beauty and the beast.

Ever just the same

Ever a surprise

Ever as before, ever just as sure

As the sun will rise

Tale as old as time

………..as old as song

………………..and strange,

Finding you can change, learning you were wrong

Certain as the sun

Rising in the east

Tale as old as time,

Song as old as rhyme, beauty and the beast.

Tale as old as time,

Song as old as rhyme, beauty and the beast.


Off to the cupboard with you now, Chip. It's past your bedtime. Good night, love.

BEAST: Belle? Are you happy here with me?


BEAST: What is it?

BELLE: If only I could see my father again, just for a moment. I …… him so much.

BEAST: There is ……... This mirror will show you anything, anything you wish to see.

BELLE: I'd like to see my father, please.

Papa. Oh, no. He's sick. He may be dying. And he's all ………..

BEAST: Then...then you must go to him.

BELLE: What did you say?

BEAST: I …………….. you. You are no longer my prisoner.

BELLE: You mean... I'm free?


BELLE: Oh, thank you.

BEAST: Take it with you, so you'll always have a way to look back, and remember me.

BELLE: Thank you for ……………………. how much he needs me.

COGSWORTH: Well, your …………... I must say everything is going just …….. I knew you had it in you.

BEAST: I ………………..

COGSWORTH: Ha ha ha, yes. Splend... You what? How could you do that? BEAST: I had to.

COGSWORTH: Yes, but why?

BEAST: Because, I love her..

ALL: He did what?!?!

COGSWORTH:Yes, I'm afraid it's true.

CHIP: She's going away?

LUMIERE: But he was so close.

MRS. POTTS: After all this time, he's finally learned to love.

LUMIERE: That's it, then. That should break the spell.

MRS. POTTS: But it's not enough. She has to love him in return.

COGSWORTH: And now it's too late.

4. Answer the questions:

1) How did the Beast show Belle’s father to her?

2) What did she see?

3) Did the Beast understand her?

4) Why did he let her go?

5.Match English equivalents to the Russian words:

to miss sb едва

alone позволить к.-л. сделать ч.-л.

to release мелодия

peachy освобождать

to let sb do sth один

a tale скучать по к.-л.

barely горьковато-сладкий

a tune приятный, замечательный

bittersweet сказание


6.Match Russian expressions to the English equivalents:

Есть способ our highness

по меньшей мере There is a way

Ваше величество Thank you for understanding

Спасибо за понимание to say the least

7. Translate from Russian into English:


1) «Я так по нему скучаю. Он совсем один. Ваше величество, позвольте мне уехать.» «Хорошо. Я тебя отпускаю. Ты больше не моя пленница.»; 2) О, это такой замечательный подарок!; 3)Как ты смог это сделать?; 4) Все идет просто замечательно!

8. Retell the episode from the point of view of:


a) The Beast; b) Belle; c) Cogsworth.


Episode 19

1. Study the comments:

to escape – to run away from

horrible -terrible, awful

a stowaway - a passenger without a ticket

fella – a frind (colloqual)

to collect – pick up

2.Watch the episode and answer the questions:


1) How did Belle's father feel?

2) Who jumped out of the bag?

3) Why did D'Arque come?

3. Watch the episode and fill in the gaps using new words and expressions:


BELLE: Papa?

LEFOU: Oh, they're back.


BELLE: It's all right, Papa. I'm home.

MAURICE: I thought I'd never see you again.

BELLE: I missed you so much.

MAURICE: But the beast. How did you …………….?

BELLE: I didn't escape, Papa. He let me go.

MAURICE: That ……………… beast?

BELLE: But he's different, now. He's changed somehow.


BELLE: Oh, a …………………….

MAURICE: Why, hello there, little ………... Didn't think I'd ever see you again.

CHIP: Belle, why'd you go away? Don't you like us anymore?

BELLE: Oh, Chip. Of course I do. It's just that-

BELLE: May I help you?

D'ARQUE: I've come to ……………. your father.


4. Answer the questions:


1) What did Belle tell him about the Beast?

2) What did Chip ask?

3) What did Belle answer?

4) Who knocked at the door?

5.Match English equivalents to the Russian words:

to escape собирать, забирать

horrible убегать, спасаться

a stowaway ужасный

fella безбилетный пассажир, «заяц»

to collect дружок



6. Translate from Russian into English:


1) «Как же ты сбежала?» «Я не убегала. Он отпустил меня.» «Это ужасное чудовище?» «Он очень сильно изменился.»; 2) Твой приятель проехал эти 5 остановок «зайцем».


7. Retell the episode from the point of view of:

a) Maurice; b) Belle; c) Chip.


Episode 20

1. Study the comments:

to take care of sb - to look after smb.

enormous – huge

at least – at the minimum

to clear up - explain

a misunderstanding – false interpratation

to prove sth - to verify

2. Watch the episode and answer the questions:

1) On what condition did Gaston promise to clear up that little 'misunderstanding'?

2) Did Belle agree to marry Gaston?

3) How did she want to prove that her father wasn't crazy?

3. Watch the episode and fill in the gaps using new phrases and words:

BELLE: My father?

D'ARQUE: Don't worry, mademoiselle. We'll ………………….. of him.

BELLE: My father's not crazy.

LEFOU: He was raving like a lunatic. We all heard him, didn't we!


BELLE: No, I won't let you.


LEFOU: Ah, Maurice. Tell us again, old man, just how big was the beast?

MAURICE: Well, he was...that is.… ……………….. I'd say ………………. eight, no more like ten feet.

LEFOU: Well, you don't get much crazier than that.

MAURICE: It's true, I tell you!

LEFOU: …………………

MAURICE: Let go of me!

BELLE: No, you can't do this!

GASTON: Tsk, tsk, tsk. Poor Belle. ……………. about your father.

BELLE: You know he's not crazy, Gaston.

GASTON: I might be able to ……………. this little ………………………., if...

BELLE: If what?

GASTON: If you marry me.

BELLE: What?

GASTON: One little word. Belle. That's all it takes.

BELLE: Never!

GASTON: ………………...

MAURICE: Belle? ………………….!

BELLE: My father's not crazy and I can ……….. it! Show me the beast!

4. Answer the questions:

1) Why did bystanders think Maurice was crazy?

2) How did Maurice describe the beast?

5.Match English equivalents to the Russian words:

to take care of sb прояснить

enormous недоразумение

at least доказывать ч.-л.

to clear up заботиться о к.-л.

a misunderstanding огромный

to prove sth по меньшей мере

6.Match English equivalents to the Russian expressions:

Отстаньте от меня! It's a shame

Все, что требуется Have it your way

Пусть будет по-твоему That's all it takes

Какой позор... Take him away!

Заберите его! Let go of me!

7. Translate from Russian into English:


1) «Какой позор!» «Это ничего не доказывает. Я хотел бы прояснить это небольшое недоразумение»; 2) «Ты должен позаботиться о ней» – «Пусть будет по-твоему» 3. Отстаньте от меня!

8. Retell the episode from the point of view of:

a) Maurice; b) Belle; c) Gaston; d) Lefou.

Episode 21

1. Study the comments:

dangerous – involving danger

vicious – wicked

to have feelings for sb -to have an affection or sympathy towards smb.;

to make off – to run away

to come after sb -to come to take smb.

to mount – to take place

to stalk – to hunt stealthily

to sacrifice – to give up for the sake of smth. else

to wreak havoc – to cause wide general destruction

to wander – to move around aimlessly

to take action -to take measures

to rid of smth/smb – to take actions so that smth or smb no longer affects you or exists


2.Watch the episode and answer the questions:


1) What was a woman afraid of?

2) What did Belle try to explain?

3) What did she say about the Beast?

3. Watch the episode and fill in the gaps using new words and expressions:


WOMAN 1: Is it …………………….?

BELLE: Oh, no. He'd never hurt anyone. Please, I know he looks ……………., but he's

really kind and gentle. He's my friend.

GASTON: If I didn't know better, I'd think you had ………… for this monster.

BELLE: He's no monster, Gaston. You are!

GASTON: She's as crazy as the old man. The beast will make off with your children! He'll ………………. them in the night.


GASTON: We're not safe 'til his head is ………………. on my wall! I say we kill the beast!

MAN 1: We're not safe until he's dead!

MAN 2: He'll come stalking us at night!

WOMAN 1: Set ……………… our children to his monstrous appetite!

MAN 3: He'll wreak havoc on our village If we let him ……………. free.

GASTON: So it's time to take ………………….., boys. It's time to follow me!

BELLE: No, I won't let you do this.

GASTON: If you're not with us, you're against us. Bring the old man.

MAURICE: Get your hands off me!

GASTON: We can't have them running off to warn the creature!

BELLE: Let us out!

GASTON: We'll rid the village of this beast. Who's with me?

4. Answer the questions:


1) Who was a monster?

2) Why did Belle say so?

3) What was Gaston trying to do?

4) Why did he do it?

5) What was his threat?


5. Match English equivalents to the Russian words:

dangerous принимать меры, начинать действовать

vicious подкрадываться

to have feelings for sb опасный

to make off прийти за к.-л.

to rid of smth/smb избавиться от к-л.

to come after sb испытывать чувства к к.-л.

to mount блуждать

to stalk опустошать

to sacrifice жертвовать

to wreak havoc убежать

to wander злой

to take action занимать (к.-л. место)

6. Translate from Russian into English:


Лорд Флеминг очень опасен и зол. Он не испытывает к кому-либо нежных чувств. Он приезжает за своими жертвами ночью, бесшумно (quietly) подкрадывается и начинает действовать: он опустошает дома, крадет женщин и детей, никто не успевает (to manage) убежать.

7. Retell the episode from the point of view of:


a) People; b) Belle; c) Gaston.

Episode 22

1. Study the comments:

to get one’s hopes up – to hope

to be ready for sth - to be prepared

booty – a kill

to ablaze – to be on fire

a banner – a flag

unafraid – brave

to increase – to become greater in size, number, value or power

to raise sth – to help to rise; to lift to a higher position

to be under attack - to be assaulted

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