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Revision Test. Horisontally: 1) щекотать; 2) подарок; 3) обнаруживать; 4) обманывать; 5) зарабатывать; 6) замок; 7)

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I. Crossword.


HORISONTALLY: 1) щекотать; 2) подарок; 3) обнаруживать; 4) обманывать; 5) зарабатывать; 6) замок; 7) тупой; 8) усы; 9) странный; 10) цвести; 11) желать; 12) изобретатель.


VERTICALLY: 1) вторгаться; 2) предлагать; 3) внешность; 4) уродство; 5) оставаться; 6) требовать; 7) извиняться; 8) красота; 9) возражать; 10) наказание; 11) выполнять.

  1 1           2   3  
2         5   6        
    3           4               7  
          8       6          
    10       11      

II. Choose the appropriate variant and translate the phrases:

To fit (at/in/on); to take care (on/of/about) smb; in return (on/of/for); to transform sb (in/to/into) sth; to cast a spell (on/at/in); to be ashamed (by/with/at); to pay attention (to/on/at); to take a look (on/of/at); to be (in/on/of) charge; to stare (on/at/in) sb.


III. Translate from Russian into English:

1) Никогда не впадай в отчаяние и не теряй всю надежду; 2) Он вмиг починил эту штуковину; 3) Ты обречен; 4) Прошу прощения, это зашло слишком далеко! 5) Да ты вымок до нитки! 6) Я полагаю, это – кратчайший путь; 7) Тише! 8) А сейчас я отправляюсь на курсы.

Episode 6

1. Study the comments:

lucky - fortunate

to thank for sth – to express gratitude to

wedding – a marriage ceremony

to propose to sb - to make an offer of marriage

pleasant – giving pleasure

to be full of sth – containing as much as possible

plenty – a lot of

latest – the most recent

kill – victim, trophy

to massage – to manipulate with body parts for relaxation or treatment

strapping - tall and strong

to be speechless – to have no words

to marry sb – to join as husband and wife according to law or custom

to deserve sth – to be worthy of

touchy – easy to get offended, to get hurt

boorish -rude

grand -great

2.Watch the episode and answer the questions:

1) Why did Gaston go to Belle?

2) Was she glad to see him?

3) What was he sure of? Why?

3. Watch the episode and fill in the gaps using new words and expressions:

LEFOU: Oh, boy. Belle's gonna get the surprize of her life. Huh, Gaston?

GASTON: Yep. This is her ………day, I'd like to thank you all for coming to my ………….. But first I'd better go in there and …………. the girl. Now, Lefou, when Belle and I come out that door…

LEFOU: Oh, well. I know. I know.

GASTON: Not yet.

LEFOU: Sorry.

BELLE: Gaston: What a ………….. surprise.

GASTON: Isn't it though? I '… just …………….. surprises. You know. Belle. There is not a girl in town who wouldn't love to be in your shoes. This is the day... Yes, this is the day your dreams come true.

BELLE: What do you know about my dreams, Gaston?

GASTON: ……….. Picture this. A rustic hunting lodge, my latest……… roasting on the fire, my little wife ……………. my feet while the little ones play on the floor with the dogs. We'll have six or seven.

BELLE: Dogs?

GASTON: No, Belle. ……………. boys like me!

BELLE: Imagine that.

GASTON: And do you know who that little wife will be?

BELLE: Let me think...

GASTON: You, Belle!

BELLE: Gaston. I'm... I'm …………….. I really don't know what to say.

GASTON: Say you'll …………….. me.

BELLE: I'm sorry, Gaston. But... But I just don't ……………. you.


LEFOU: So, how did it go?

GASTON: I'll have Belle for my wife. Make no mistake about that.

LEFOU: ……………!

BELLE: Is he gone? Can you imagine, he asked me to marry him. Me, the wife of that boorish, brainless... Madame Gaston, can't you just see it Madame Gaston, his little wife No sir, not me, I guarantee it I want much more than this provincial life... I want adventure in the great wide somewhere I want it more than I can tell And for once it might be grand To have someone understand I want so much more than they've got planned


4. Answer the questions:

1) What did Belle dream about in Gaston’s opinion? Was it true?

2) Did Belle accept Gaston’s proposal? Why? What did she say?

3) What did Gaston decide to do then?

5. Match English equivalents to the Russian words:

lucky приятный

to thank for sth массажировать

wedding чувствительный, трогательный

to propose to sb жениться (выйти замуж) за к.-л.

pleasant счастливый, удачный

to be full of sth рослый, сильный

plenty заслуживать ч.-л.

latest потерять дар речи

kill свадьба

to massage делать предложениек.-л.

strapping быть полным ч.-л.

to be speechless вполне, довольно, очень

to marry sb поблагодарить за ч.-л.

to deserve sth последний

touchy неотесанный

boorish добыча

6. Match Russian equivalents to the English words:

Твои мечты сбываются Isn't it though?

Дай подумать to be in one’s shoes

Разве это не так? Your dreams come true

жариться на ч.-л. a rustic hunting lodge

деревенская охотничья сторожка to roast on sth

He заблуждайся на этот счет! Let me think

быть на ч.-л. месте Make no mistake about that


7. Translate from Russian into English:


1) Моя последняя добыча жарится на огне; 2) У меня просто нет слов!; 3) He заблуждайся на этот счет; 4) Разве это не так? 5) Я не хочу оказаться на твоем месте; 6) Ты не заслуживаешь этого; 7) Это так трогательно! 8) Мясо жарится на огне.

8. Retell the episode from the point of view of:


a) Gaston; b) Belle; c) Lefou.


Episode 7

1. Study the comments:

to invite – to request the presence

hospitable – generous and cordial in receiving guests

to make up – create, invent

wild - extravagant, fantastic

tub – an old or slow boat; a bathtub

irresponsible – lacking a sense of responsibility

to look for – to seek for

to explain – to make plain or understandable

to leave – to go away


2.Watch the episode and answer the questions:


1) What do you think Belle felt when she saw father’s horse?

2) Why did Cogsworth get angry with Lumiere?


3. Watch the episode and fill in the gaps using new words and expressions:


BELLE: Phillipe, what are you doing here? Where's... Where's papa... Where is he, Philippe? Whathappened? Oh, we have to find him. You have to take me to him. What is this place? Please. Please, steady. Steady. Steady. Oh, papa.

COGSWORTH: Couldn't keep quiet, could we. Just had to ………. him to stay, didn't we? Serve him tea, sit in the master's chair, pet the pooch.

LUMIERE: I was trying to be ………………….

BELLE: Hello, is anyone here? Hello. Papa? Papa? Are you here?

CHIP: Mama, there is a girl in the castle.

MRS POTTS: Now, child, I will not have you ………….. such ……….. stories.

CHIP: Believe me, mama. I saw her.

MRS POTTS: Not another word. Into the ………...

FEATHERDUSTER: I saw a girl, she is in the castle.

CHIP: See? I told you!

COGSWORTH: ……………………, devil-may-care, slack-jawed...

BELLE: Papa?

LUMIERE: Did you see that? It's a girl.

COGSWORTH: I know it's a girl.

LUMIERE: Don't you see she is the one. The girl we have beenwaiting for. She has come to break the spell.

BELLE: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Papa? Papa? Hello! Is someone here? Wait I'm …………… my father. That'sfunny, I'm sure there is someone. Is anyone here?


BELLE: Papa?

MAURICE: How did you find me?

BELLE: Oh, your hands are like ice. We have to get you out of here.

MAURICE: No, I want you to leave this place.

BELLE: Who has done this to you?

MAURICE: No time to ……………... You must go, now.

BELLE: I won't leave you.

BEAST: What are you doing here?


4. Answer the questions:

1) What did Chip say? Why didn’t Mrs Potts believe him?

2) What did Lumiere mean when he said about Belle “she’s the one”?


5. Match English equivalents to the Russian words:

to invite объяснять

hospitable безответственный

to make up приглашать

wild искать

tub гостеприимный

irresponsible дикий, невероятный

to look for лохань

to explain сочинять

to leave уйти

6. Give English equivalents of the following Russian expressions:

пожалеть дворняжку



убраться отсюда

7. Translate from Russian into English:


1) Что случилось? 2) Ты не мог промолчать! 3) Он такой гостеприимный: угостил их чашечкой чая, пригласил переночевать,.. 4) Кейт любит сочинять такие невероятные истории! 5) Чего мы ждем? Это просто смешно! 6) Нет времени объяснять. Он безответственный, бесшабашный разиня; 7) Я ищу своего отца.


8. Retell the episode from the point of view of:


a) Belle; b) Maurice; с) Lumiere; d) Cogsworth; e) the Beast.

Episode 8

1. Study the comments:

to trespass - to enter unlawfully upon the land of another

prisoner – a person kept in prison

instead of smth/smb – as alternative to

to promise – to make a promise

forever – everlastingly

concern – care

to spare – to refrain from punishing or harming

to let smb out – to allow smb to go

2.Watch the episode and answer the question:

Was Bell brave or cowardly? Prove your opinion;

3. Watch the episode and fill in the gaps using new words and expressions:


BELLE: Who is there? Who are you?

BEAST: The master of this castle.

BELLE: I've come for my father. Please, let him out. Can't you see? He's sick.

BEAST: And he shouldn't have ………………… here!

BELLE: But he could die. Please, I'll do anything.

BEAST: There is nothing you can do. He is my …………………..

BELLE: Oh, there must be some way. I can... Wait! Take me …………………..

BEAST: You? You? You will take his place.

MAURICE: Oh, no, you don't know what you are doing.

BELLE: If I did, would you let him go?

BEAST: Yes. But you must ……………. to stay here ………………..

BELLE: Come into the light.

MAURICE: No, Belle. I won't let you do this.

BELLE: You have my word.

BEAST: Done.

MAURICE: No, Belle, listen to me. I'm old. I've lived my life.

BELLE: Wait.


BELLE: Wait.

MAURICE: No, please! ……………… my daughter.

BEAST: She is no longer your …………... Take him to the village.

MAURICE: Please, let me out. Please.


4. Answer the question:


1) What promise did Bell give to the Beast? Why did she do that?

2) Was the Beast compliant?

5. Match English equivalents to the Russian words:

to trespass щадить

prisoner забота

instead of пленник

to promise нарушать границы владения

forever вместо

concern навсегда

to spare отпустить к-л.

to let smb out обещать

6. Match Russian expressions to the English equivalents:

Договорились to take one's place

Я отжил свое Done

Я обещаю I've lived my life

Вы ничего не можете сделать There is nothing you can do

занять ч.-л. место You have my word

Она больше не твоя забота Come into the light

Выйдите на свет She is no longer your concern

7. Translate from Russian into English:


1) Ему не следовало нарушать границы моих владений! 2) Выйди на свет; 3) Тебя это больше не касается; 4) Он займет твое место; 5) Я отжил свое; 6) Я

обещаю. Договорились; 7) Разве ты не видишь? Он болен; 8) Пленник останется здесь навсегда; 9) Я не позволю тебе это сделать.

8. Retell the episode from the point of view of:


a) Belle; b) Maurice; с) the Beast.

Episode 9

1. Study the comments:

since – because

comfortable – giving comfort

to say good-bye – to say farewell; to part

to show smb to – to guide smb

a tower – a structure higher than the basic building

to follow smb – to go after smb.

except – with the exclusion or exeption of

the west wing - the west part of the building (castle)

forbidden – prohobitted

to attend to – to look after

to join smb – to come into the company of

a request - smth asked for


2. Watch the episode and answer the questions:


1) Why was Belle surprised?

2) Do you think the Beast was evil or ill-tempered?

3. Watch the episode and fill in the gaps using new words and expressions:


LUMIERE: Master...

BEAST: What?

LUMIERE: ………. the girl is going to be with us for quite some time, I was thinking that you might want tooffer her a more ……………. room. Then again maybe not!

BELLE: You didn't even let me ……………………. I'll never see him again! I didn't get to say good-bye.

BEAST: I'll ………………. your room.

BELLE: My room? But I thought...

BEAST: You want, you want to stay in the ……………?


BEAST: Then …………. me.

LUMIERE: Say something to her.

BEAST: I hope you like it here. The castle is your home now. So you can go anywhere you like escept …………………..

BELLE: What's in the west...

BEAST: It's ………….. Now, if you need anything, my servants will attend to you.

LUMIERE: Dinner.Invite her to dinner.

BEAST: You will ………….. me for dinner. That's not a ……………...

4. Answer the questions:


1) What did the Beast offer Belle?

2) What did the Beast forbid her to do? Did he explain why?

3) What was his last demand?

5. Match English equivalents to the Russian words:

since проводить к.-л.

comfortable присоединяться к к.-л.

to say good-bye попрощаться

to show smb to заботиться

a tower так как

to follow smb удобный

except западное крыло

the west wing запрещенный

forbidden за исключением

to attend to башня

to join smb просьба

a request следовать за к.-л.

6. Translate from Russian into English:


1) Я попрощался с ней, т.к. собирался уйти; 2) Я провожу тебя в твою комнату; 3) Это запрещено; 4) Следуйте за мной; 5) Ты можешь появляться где угодно, за исключением той старой башни; 6) Я бы хотел предложить вам эту комнату. Она очень удобная; 7) Это не просьба.

7. Retell the episode from the point of view of:


a) Belle; b) the Beast; с) Lumiere.

Episode 10

1. Study the comments:

to tangle – to get involved in a quarrel with smb.

to dismiss – to decide that smth is not important enough, to get rid of smb./smth

to reject – not to accept

to humiliatе – to say or do smth that makes a person feel ashamed or foolish

to disgrace – to bring reproach or shame to a dungeon – a dark underground prison in a castle a snout – a pig's nose a fang – long sharp tooth of an animal wacky – absurdly eccentric or irrational coot – a silly fellow (colloquial) sanity – ability to think normally and reasonably loony – crazy, foolish

2.Watch the episode and answer the question:

1. What was Gaston suffering from?2. What did Lefou advise him?

3. Watch the episode and fill in the gaps using new words and expressions:

GASTON: Who does she think she is? That girl has tangled with the wrong man. No one says 'no' to Gaston!LEFOU: Darn right! GASTON: Dismissed. Rejected. Publicly humiliated. Why, it's more than I can bear. LEFOU: More beer?GASTON: What for? Nothing helps. I'm disgraced. LEFOU: Who, you? Never. Gaston, you've got to pull yourself together. MAURICE: Help! Someone help me!OLD MAN: Maurice?MAURICE: Please! Please, I need your help! He's got her. He's got her locked in the dungeon. LEFOU: Who?MAURICE: Belle. We must go. Not a minute to lose!GASTON: Whoa! Slow down, Maurice. Who's got Belle locked in a dungeon?MAURICE: A beast! A horrible, monstrous beast! CRONY 1: Is it a big beast?MAURICE: Huge!CRONY 2: With a long, ugly snout?MAURICE: Hideously ugly!CRONY 3: And sharp, cruel fangs?MAURICE: Yes, yes. Will you help me?GASTON: All right, old man. We'll help you out.MAURICE: You will? Oh thank you, thank you! CRONY 1: Crazy old Maurice. He's always good for a laugh!GASTON: Crazy old Maurice, hmm? Crazy old Maurice. Hmmm? Lefou, I'm afraid I've been thinking.LEFOU: A dangerous pastime--GASTON: I know, But that wacky old coot is Belle's father. And his sanity 's only so-so Now the wheels in my head have been turning Since I looked at that loony old man See I promised myself I'd be married to Belle, And right now I'm evolving a plan!GASTON: If I...LEFOU: Yes?GASTON: Then I...LEFOU: No, would she?GASTON: GUESS!LEFOU: Now I get it!BOTH: Let's go!MAURICE: Will no one help me?

4. Answer the questions:

1. Why did people laugh at Maurice?2. What do you think was Gastjn's plan?

5. Match English equivalents to the Russian words:

to tangle унизить

to dismiss связываться

to reject эксцентричный (идиотский)

to humiliate отклонить, отвергнуть

to disgrace уволить

a dungeon клык

a snout простак, глупец

a fang рассудок, разумность

wacky сумасшедший

a coot темница

sanity позорить

loony рыло, морда

6. Match Russian expressions to the English equivalents:

Нельзя терять ни минуты! It's more than I can bear

разрабатывать план Darn right!

Это больше, чем я могу вынести to pull oneself together

Помедленнее! Not a minute to lose

Теперь я понял! Slow down!

собраться to evolve a plan

Верно, черт побери! Now I get it!

7. Translate from Russian into English:


1. Этот сумасшедший глупец опозорил всю нашу семью в прошлом году. 2. У этого медведя были острые клыки, и никто в зоопарке не связывался с ним. 3. Я сейчас разрабатываю план спасения плнников из темницы замка. 4. Пожалуйста, соберись! Нельзя терять ни минуты! Если ты не выполнишь эту работу вовремя, твой начальник уволит тебя.

8. Retell the episode from the point of view of:


a) Maurice; b) Gaston; c) Lefou

Episode 11

1. Study the comments:

a spot – a small quantity

to spill – to cause unintentially to flow

a trick - a cunning action, smth done to deceive or to entertain

to turn out – to appear, to end

to jabber on – to talk nonsense

a drawer – a sliding box in a table or a wardrobe

embarrassing – confusing

to look ravishing – to look gorgeous

2. Watch and answer the questions:


1) Were the objects glad to serve Belle? Why?

2) Was she sure she was doomed to live in the castle forever?


3. Watch the episode and fill in the gaps using new words and expressions:

BELLE: Who is it?

MRS. POTTS: Mrs. Potts, dear. I thought you might like ……….. of tea.

BELLE: But you...ah...but...I…

WARDROBE: Oof. …………...

BELLE: This is impossible.

WARDROBE: I know it is, but here we are!

CHIP: Told ya she was pretty, mama, didn't I?

MRS. POTTS: All right, now. Chip. ………. Slowly, now. Don't ………..

BELLE: Thank you.

CHIP: Wanna see me do ……………?


CHIP: Oops. Sorry.

MRS. POTTS: That was a verybrave thing you did, my dear.

WARDROBE: We all think so.

BELLE: But I'velost my father, my dreams, everything.

MRS. POTTS: …………, child. It'll ………….. all right in the end. You'll see. Oops! Look at me, ………….., when there's a supper to get on the table. Chip!

CHIP: Bye!

WARDROBE: Well now, what shall we dress you in for dinner? Let's see what I've got in my drawers. Oh! How ……………... Here we are. Ah! There, you'll look ravishing in this one!

BELLE: …………………, but I'm not going to dinner.

WARDROBE: Oh, but you must!

COGSWORTH: Ahem, ahem, ahem. Dinner...is served.


4. Answer the questions:


1) What did the objects think of Belle?

2) Was Belle going to dinner?


5. Match English equivalents to the Russian words:

a spot смущающий, стеснительный, неудобный

to spill ящик

a trick проливать

to turn out болтать, нести вздор

to jabber on обернуться

a drawer выглядеть восхитительно

embarrassing глоток

to look ravishing фокус

6. Match Russian phrases to the English equivalents:

Хватит Careful

Вы очень любезны That'll do

В конце концов That's very kind of you

Осторожно Cheer up

Выше нос In the end

7. Translate from Russian into English:


1) Как неудобно! 2) Ты выглядишь очаровательно; 3) Хватит! Не неси вздор! 4) Возможно ты хочешь глоток чая; 5) Выше нос! Все будет в порядке; 6) Хочешь, я покажу тебе фокус? 7) Вы очень любезны. Спасибо.


8. Retell the episode from the point of view of:


a) Belle; b) Mrs Potts; с) Wardrobe; d) Chip.



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