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Would you like to be famous?

Читайте также:
  1. Increase equally affects purification, as would a decrease in NaOH concentration
  2. Losses of alkali would be to recirculate the pressed lye to the sodium hydroxide
  3. Match each group of words (a-o) with the correct business function (1-16) and discuss with a partner which area you would like to work in and why.
  4. Translating Would, Could, Should
  5. What would you answer if somebody asked you the following?
  6. Why Would I Need to Know Another Language?



An interview with a Hollywood star

Are these statements about Liza Minnelli, the singer and actor, true or false?

1 She has been married five times.

2 Her recent wedding had no guests.

3 Her mother was Judy Garland.

4 She has had similar health problems to her mother.

5 She was born in England.


Listen to part one of the interview (Track 4.5). Correct the false statements in exercise 1. Answer the questions.

1 The song she sings is in three languages.
Do you recognize them? What is a cabaret?

2 Why does she love London and London audiences?

3 What does she mean when she says 'It's like a tennis match to sing to people in London'?

4 How does her voice change when she describes the school she went to?

5 How does she describe her current state of happiness?

6 In the second song, what is the thing that can change the world?

Willkommen,bienvenue, welcome

Friend, etranger, stranger,

Glücklich zu sehen, je suis enchantee, happy to see you,

Bleiben, rester, stay...

How the world can change

It can change like that

To the one little word, Married

See a palace rise,

From a two-room flat,

To the one little word, Married

Listen to part two (Track 4.6). Complete the interviewer's questions.

1 Did it_______________ to you?

2 I think yours______________, though, wasn't it?

3 How______________ all of that?

4 So you haven't_____________ over it?

What are Liza Minnelli's answers to the questions? How does she explain the fact that all the guests at the wedding were famous? What did Elton John say about David?


Listen to part three (Track 4.7).

How does Liza feel when she talks about...?

1 earning her own living in New York

2 her mother and father

3 the interviewer getting into trouble at school

4 the film Cabaret

5 Marisa Berenson


I used to have this girlfriend known as Elsie

With whom I shared four sordid rooms in Chelsea

She wasn't what you'd call a blushing flower

As a matter of fact she rented by the hour...

Start by admitting from cradle to tomb

It isn't that long a stay

Life is a cabaret old chum

It's only a cabaret, old chum

And I love a cabaret.

Language work

Try to remember the words from the interview.

1.... the problems which ___________ her mother....

2.... she was looking___________ for a British audience.

3. The world... is like the inside_________.

It____________ and__________.

4... you know Elton... he was just___________.

5 Was it always expected that you would_________?

6 You clearly___________ a live audience....


What do you think?

• What is name dropping? Why does Liza Minnelli mention so many famous names?

• Is she a typical Hollywood star? Why/Why not?


Final note

Liza Minnelli and David Gest separated after sixteen months.


TASK 2 (Track18)

Would you like to be famous?

1 Andy was asked if he would like to be famous and what he thought the advantages and disadvantages would be. He was also asked if he'd ever fantasized about being famous for anything in particular. Listen to Andy talking and answer the questions.

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Читайте в этой же книге: Архитектура | Процес утворення гумусу | Вплив умов середовища на утворення гумусу | Listen to part two (Track 4.6). Complete the interviewer's questions. | Complete these extracts with the expressions Andy used (from exercise 2). Then listen and check. | Organizational Change | Types of Groups | Studying Small Groups | Development of Formal Organizations | Voluntary Associations |
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Мікроорганізми і родючість грунту| Complete these extracts with the expressions Andy used (from exercise 2). Then listen and check.

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