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Modernism and its Alternatives

  1. Some attributes of modernist literature.
  2. James Joyce (1882 - 1941) “Dubliners”(1914), “The Portarit of an Artist as a Young Man”(1916), “Ulysses”(1922).
  3. Virginia Woolf (1882 – 1941): “The voyage out”(1914), “Night and Day”(1919), “Mrs.Dalloway”(1925), “To the Lighthouse”(1927), “Orlando”(1928), “The Waves”(1931), “The Years”(1937)
  4. Joseph Conrad (1857 – 1924)
  5. Dorothy Richardson (1873 – 1957) “Pilgrimage”,
  6. David Herbert Lawrence (1885 – 1930) “The Rainbow”, “Women in Love”
  7. Thomas Stearns Eliot (1888 – 1965) “The Waste Land”
  8. Evelyn Waugh (1903 – 1966)
  9. Thomas Henry Huxley (1825 – 1895)
  10. Wystan Hugh Auden (1907 – 1973)
  11. Modernism in inter-war drama (Sean O’Casey (1880 – 1965), Noel Coward (1899 – 1973), John Boynton Priestley (1894 – 1984))
  12. T.S.Eliot: “The Waste Land”(poem, 1921), “Hollow men”(poem, 1925), “Ash Wednesday”(1930), “Murder in the Cathedral”(1935)


The Theatre of Absurd.

1. Samuel Beckett (1906 – 1989) “Waiting for Gobot”

2. Harold Pinter (1930 -) the author of the “comedy of menace

3. Edward Bond (b.1934).

4. Tom Stoppard (b.1937)

5. Joe Orton (1933 - 1967).

6. Arnold Wesker (b.1939)

7. John Arden (b. 1930)


English Literature of the 20th century


Graham Greene “The Power and the Glory”(1940), “The Ministry of Fear”(1941), “The Heart of the Matter”(1948), “The Third Man”(1949), “The End of the Affair”(1951), “The Quiet American”(1955), “Our Man in Havana”(1958)

W.H.Auden «Another Time”, “September 1, 1939”(poems) (1940), “For the Time Being”(1945)

C.P.Snow “Strangers and Brothers” (11-volume novel sequence, 1940), “The Masters”(1951), “The New Men”(1954), “The Conscience of the Rich”(1958), “The Affair”(1959)

A.J. Cronin “Keys of the Kingdom” (1942), “The Green years”(1944), “A Thing of Beauty”(1956)

Joyce Cary “Mister Johnson”(1939), “Herself Surprised”(1941), “To be a Pilgrim”(1942), “The Horse’s Mouth”(1944), “Except the Lord”(1953)

C.S.Lewis “The Srewtape Letters”(1941), “Prelanda”(1943), “That Hideous Strength”, “Collected Poems”(1954)

Nigel Balchin “The Small Black Room”(1943), “Mine Own Executioner”(1945)

H.E.Bates “Fair Stood the Wind for France”(1944), “The Purple Plain”(1946), “The Jacaranda Tree”(1948)

William Sansom “Fireman Flower and Other Stories”(1944)

W.S.Maugham “The Razor’s Edge”(1944)

L.P.Hartley “The Shrimp and the Anemone”(1944)

George Orwell “Animal Farm”(1945), “1984”(1949)

Evelyn Waugh “Brideshead Revisited”(1945), “The Loved One”(1948), “Men at Arms”(1952), “Sword of Honour”(trilogy, 1952), “Officers and Gentlemen”(1955)

Ronald Duncan “The Way to the Tomb”(play. 1945), “Stratton”(play, 1949), “Our Lady’s Tumbler”(1951), “The Death of Satan”(1954), “The Catalyst play”(1958)

Christopher Isherwood “The Berlin Stories”(1946)

J.B.Priestley “Brigh Day”(novel, 1946), “The Inspector Calls”(play, 1946)

C.S.Forester “Lord Hornblower”(sea novel, 1946)

Noel Coward “Still Life”(1946)

Pamela Hansford Johnson “An Avenue of Stone” (1947)

Louis MacNiece “The Dark Tower” (1947)

Philip Larkin “A Girl in Winter”(1947)

Malcom Lowry “The Volcano”(1947)

Christopher Fry “The Lady’s not for Burning”(play, 1948), “Venus Observed”(1950), “The Boy with a Cart”(verse play, 1950), “A Sleep with Prisoners”(verse play, 1951), “The Dark is Light Enough”(play, 1954)

L.P.Hartley “The Boat”(1949), “The Go-Between”(1953)

T.S.Eliot “The Cocktail Party”(verse Drama. 1949)

Elizabeth Bowen “The Heart Of the Day”(1949)

Elizabeth Jane Howard “The Beautiful Visit”(1950), “The Long View”(1956)

Doris Lessing “The Grass is Singing”(1950), “Martha Quest”(1952), “A Proper Marriage”(1954), “The Ripple from the Storm”(1959)

Nancy Mitford “The Blessing”(1951)

Anthony Burgess “A Dance to the Beginning of Time”(12-volume novel cycle, 1951)

Angus Wilson “Hemlock and After”(1952)

Agatha Christie “The Mousetrap”(mystery play, 1952), “Witness for Prosecution”(mystery story, 1953)

Ian Fleming “ Casino Royale”(James Bond Mystery, 1953), “From Russia with Love”(1957), “Goldfinger”(1959)

Roy Fuller “The Second Curtain”(1953)

John Wain “Hurry on Down”(1953)

J.R.R.Tolkien “The Fellowship of the Ring”(first trilogy The Lord of the Rings, 1954), “The Two Towers” (1955) “The Return of the King” (1956)

William Golding “Lord of the Flies”(1954), “The Inheritor”(1955), “Pincher Martin”(1956), “Free Fall” (1959)

Kinsley Amis “Lucky Jim”(1954), “That Uncertain Feeling”(1955)

Enid Bagnold “The Chalk Garden”(play, 1955)

Arthur Clark “Earthlight”(science fiction novel)(1955)

Harold Pinter “The Dumb Waiter”(play, 1957), “The Birthday Party”(1959), “The Caretaker”(1960)

John Osborne “The Entertainer”(play,1957), “Look Back in Anger”(play,1957)

Lawrence Durrell “Justine”(1957), “ Mountolive”(1958)

Iris Murdoch “The Sandcastle”(1957)

T.H.White “The Once and Future King”(quartet of novels 1958)

John Berger “A Painter of Our Time”(1958)

Alan Silitoe “Saturday Night and Sunday Morning”(1958), “The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner”(1959)



English Literature of the 20th century

1960 – 2000

Anthony Powell “Casanova’s Chinese Restaurant”(1960), “The Kindly Ones”(1962), “The Valley Of Bones”(1964)

Anthony Burgess “ The Doctor is Sick”(1960), “A Clockwork Orange”(futuristic novel, 1962), “Inside Mr. Enderby”(1963), “The Eve of Saint Venus”(1963)

Peter Shaffer “Five-Finger Exercise”(play, 1960), “The Roayl Hunt of the Sun”(play, 1964)

Stan Barstow “A Kind of Loving”(1960)

David Story “This Sporting Life”

Graham Greene “The Burnt Out Case”(1961)

Arthur C.Clarke “A Fall of Moondust ”(science fiction novel, 1961)

John Osborne “Luther”(play, 1961), “Tom Jones”(1963)

Winston Graham “Marnie”(crime novel, 1961)

Iris Murdoch “A Severed Head”(1961), “The Italian Girl”(1964)

Ian Fleming “Thenderball” (1961)

Doris Lessing “The Golden Notebook”(1962), “African Stories”(1964)

Brian Aldiss “Hothouse”(science fiction novel, 1962)

John Wain “The Contenders”(1958), “Strike the Father Dead”(1962)

John Braine “Room at the Top”(1957), “Life at the Top”(1962)

Muriel Spark “The girls of Slender Means”(1963)

H.E.Bates “A Moment in Time”(1964)

Christopher Isherwood “A Single Man”(1964)

William Golding “The Spire”(1964)








Дата добавления: 2015-08-13; просмотров: 109 | Нарушение авторских прав

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