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Of considerable organizing capacity and the last three years of the war he

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  1. Actress in England. There are only three people who bring money into the
  2. Organizing Files into Directories
  3. They had moved into that house two years before, and he knew, and Julia
  4. Three basic types of transmission
  5. Three Reformist Sultans (1808-1876)
  6. Twenty, and for years, wet or fine, he had got up every morning at eight to put

Passed at G.H.Q. He ended it as a major, with the Military Cross and the

Legion of Honour.


Meanwhile (тем временем) Julia had been playing a succession of important parts

(Джулия сыграла вереницу: «последовательность» важных ролей) and was

recognized (и была признана) as the best of the younger actresses (самой лучшей

молодой актрисой: «из молодых актрис»). Throughout the war (во время

войны) the theatre was very prosperous (театр /очень/ процветал), and she

profited (и она получила выгоду: «прибыль») by being seen in plays (выступая

в спектаклях: «будучи замеченной в спектаклях») that had long runs (которые

долго держались на сцене; long run — более или менее длительный период

времени). Salaries went up (зарплаты выросли: «пошли вверх»), and with

Michael to advise her (и с /помощью/ советов Майкла: «с Майклом,

советующим ей») she was able to extort eighty pounds a week (она смогла

выжать: «вымогать» восемьдесят фунтов в неделю) from reluctant managers

(из сопротивляющихся импресарио; reluctant — делающий что-либо с

неохотой, вынужденный). Michael came over to England on his leaves (Майкл

приезжал в Англию на /его/ побывки; leave — отпуск, воен. увольнение) and






Julia was divinely happy (и Джулия была божественно счастлива). Though he

was in no more danger (хотя он был не в большей опасности) than if he had

been sheep-farming in New Zealand (чем если бы он пас овец в Новой

Зеландии; sheep-farm — овцеводческая ферма), she acted as though the brief

periods he spent with her (она вела себя так, как если бы те короткие периоды,

что он проводил с ней) were the last days the doomed man (были последними

днями, которыми обреченный человек) would ever enjoy on earth (/в

последний раз = когда бы то еще/ наслаждается на земле).


succession [sqk'seS(q)n] prosperous ['prOsp(q)rqs] reluctant [rI'lAktqnt]

doomed [du:md]


Meanwhile Julia had been playing a succession of important parts and was

Recognized as the best of the younger actresses. Throughout the war the

Theatre was very prosperous, and she profited by being seen in plays that had

Long runs. Salaries went up, and with Michael to advise her she was able to

Extort eighty pounds a week from reluctant managers. Michael came over to

England on his leaves and Julia was divinely happy. Though he was in no

More danger than if he had been sheep-farming in New Zealand, she acted as

Though the brief periods he spent with her were the last days the doomed man

Дата добавления: 2015-07-17; просмотров: 122 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Gossip, while he answered once a week, four pages exactly in a neat, precise | When he announced the date of his sailing she could not contain her joy. She | She kissed him fondly. | Exultation. | Middlepool. Jimmie Langton would not have him. | Her to her room she held up her face to his. | Ridiculous. | She gave him a look of scorn. | Use of it. | Business. He eventually got a part in a costume play. |
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Acting, and she could not resist what might very well be his dying request.| Would ever enjoy on earth.

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