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Bazaar stuff, and you wondered how anyone had thought it worth bringing

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Julia was quick-witted (Джулия была сообразительной; quick — быстрый,

проворный, wit — ум, остроумие). It did not take her long (у нее не заняло

много времени; to take long — занимать много времени) to discover that the






Colonel (обнаружить, что полковник), notwithstanding his reserve (несмотря на

его сдержанность), and Mrs. Gosselyn, notwithstanding her shyness (и миссис

Госселин, несмотря на ее застенчивость), were taking stock of her (изучали ее

оценивающе; to take stock of smb. — критически осматривать кого-либо,

осматривать оценивающим взглядом). The thought flashed through her mind (в

ее мозгу промелькнула мысль; to flash — вспыхивать, сверкать; внезапно

приходить в голову) that Michael had brought her down (что Майкл привез ее

сюда) for his parents (чтобы его родители) to inspect her (осмотрели/изучили

ее). Why (зачем: «почему»)? There was only one possible reason (была

единственно возможная причина), and when she thought of it (и когда она

думала об этом) her heart leaped (ее сердце екало; to leap — прыгать,

скакать, перепрыгивать). She saw (она видела) that he was anxious (как он

переживал) for her to make a good impression (чтобы она произвела хорошее

впечатление). She felt instinctively (она чувствовала интуитивно) that she must

conceal the actress (что она должна скрыть /в себе/ актрису; to conceal —

прятать, укрывать), and without effort (и без /всяких/ усилий), without

deliberation (без /долгих/ размышлений), merely because she felt it would please

(просто потому, что она чувствовала, что это доставит удовольствие), she

played the part of the simple (она играла роль простой), modest (скромной),

ingenuous girl (бесхитростной девушки; ingenuous — искренний,

чистосердечный, простодушный) who had lived a quiet country life (которая

вела: «жила» спокойную сельскую жизнь).






anxious ['xNkSqs]

ingenuous [In'dZenjVqs]


Julia was quick-witted. It did not take her long to discover that the Colonel,

Notwithstanding his reserve, and Mrs. Gosselyn, notwithstanding her shyness,

Were taking stock of her. The thought flashed through her mind that Michael

had brought her down for his parents to inspect her. Why? There was only






One possible reason, and when she thought of it her heart leaped. She saw that

He was anxious for her to make a good impression. She felt instinctively that

She must conceal the actress, and without effort, without deliberation, merely

Because she felt it would please, she played the part of the simple, modest,

Дата добавления: 2015-07-17; просмотров: 112 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Julia told a thumping lie. | Thought never entered his lovely head. | Dreamt what ecstatic pleasure it gave her to spend her money on him. | For change. | Presently he blew his nose. | Sink into his mind. He smiled. | Would be madness to start in management unless one had at least three plays. | IT was getting on for Easter, and Jimmie Langton always closed his theatre | When he knew she was at a loose end. But she saw there was something he | He was thin and rather small, with a lined face and close-cropped white hair. |
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