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Read the text and translate it into Russian.

Читайте также:
  1. Card 2. Translate from Russian into English.
  2. Define the underlined nouns as count, uncount, singular, plural or collective. Translate them into Russian paying attention to singular-plural correspondences.
  3. Ex. 507. A. Read and translate the sentences Define the function of the Infinitives
  4. Exercise 5. Put the following adjectives into 2 categories – describing positive qualities and negative ones. Translate them into Russian.
  5. Exercise 6. Translate into Russian.
  6. II. Translate the sentences into Russian
  7. Read and translate the article. Write out new words and word-combinations.


Expression List on the topic «At the Hotel ”

to stay at a four (five) star hotel with first rate service — остановиться в четырёхзвёздной

(пятизвёздной) гостинице с первоклассным сервисом.

to have some accommodation — иметь свободные номера.

to make a reservation for a single room with twin beds — иметь бронь на одноместный номер с двумя


to book a room with a double bed — заказать номер с двухспальной кроватью.

a room with a lavatory, a bath and a shower — номер с туалетом.данной и душем.

the room is expensive when it includes service and meals — номер дорогой, когда его олата включает

обслуживание и питание

to get the key of the room — получить ключ от номера

this cosy room faces a nice square with flowers — этот уютный номер выходит на красивую площядь

с цветами.

to keep rooms very clean — содержать номер в чистоте

the maid comes up on call — горничная приходит по вызову.

to have meals in the room – питание в номере

to take a bath or a contrast shower — принять ванну или контрастный душ.

to have one's linen washed and ironed — постирать и погладить бельё.

to have one's shoes repaired and cleaned — отремонтировать или почистить обувь.

to have one's hair cut at the baber's (hairdresser's) — подстричься в парикмахерской

to tidy oneself up — привести себя в порядок

Is there any message for him? — ему что-то передали?

to bring one's mail — принести чью-либо почту

to change bed linen — менять постельное бельё

to have one's bill ready — подготовить ч-л счёт

to check in (check out) — оформляться (выписываться) в гостинице

to arrange to have a taxi — заказать такси

to start packing (unpacking) — начать упаковывать (распоковывать) вещи

visiting card — визитная карточка

air conditioning — кондиционер

to park a car near the hotel —поставить машину у гостиницы

to render services with 10 per cent of tipping — оказывать услуги с 10% чаевых.

Find Russian equivalents of the following English sentences:

1. Mr. Grab, a wealthy man with position/often stays at this five star hotel with top fate service. He always

carries alone.

2. This suite on the second floor faces a green square, doesn't it?

3. There was no other accommodation and he had to book a single room with a double bed, air conditioning and an excellent fridge full of eatable and drinkable things.

4. Having meals in his room John always ordered black caviar, banana juice and dry wine for his light


5. Disguised as hotel electricians they took the key of his room and stole all his things that he wanted to

resell at profiteer's prices at the market It serves him right.

6. In this four star hotel all rooms are kept very clean and bed linen is changed every day. Service is top

rate here.

7. Our maid, a charming fair-haired girl with deep blue penetrating eyes, always came up on call with

untoldly splendid smile on her naturally pink juicy lips. Men fell in love with her at first sight, to say

nothing of Tom, our known philanderer.

8. When staying at their hotel he doesn't go to the restaurant and always has meals in his room paying good

tips to his charming maid Susana by name.

9. At Jim's hotel all guests may have their clothes washed and ironed and shoes repaired and cleaned

within not longer time than three hours.

10. Jack had his hotel bill ready by the hour of his checking out. They arranged him a taxi to go to the

airport. This toprate hotel renders services with 10 per cent of tipping. One day at the hotel may be over

1000 dollars per man.


1. В этой четырехзвездной гостинице все комнаты содержатся в чистоте, а постельное белье

меняется каждый день. Сервис здесь высшего разряда.

2. Переодетые под гостиничных электриков они взяли ключ от его номера и похитили все его вещи,

которые он хотел перепродать по спекулятивным ценам на рынке. Так ему и надо.

3. Этот люкс на втором этаже выходит в зеленый сквер, не так ли?

4. Наша горничная очаровательная белокурая девушка с глубоким проникающим взглядом

голубых глаз, всегда приходила по вызову с несказанно прелестной улыбкой на ее естественно

розовых сочных губах. Мужчины влюблялись в нее с первого взгляда, не говоря уже о Томе, нашем

известном Донжуане.

5. Питаясь в своем номёре, Джон всегда заказывал черную икру, банановый сок и сухое вино лёгкий завтрак.

6. У Билла был готовый счет к часу выписки из гостиницы. Ему организовали такси для поездки в аэропорт. Эта гостиница высшего разряда оказывает услуги с десятипроцентными чаевыми. Один день проживания в гостинице может стоить 1000 долларов на человека.

7. Мистер Греб, состоятельный человек с положением, часто останавливается в этой пятизвездной гостинице с высшим сервисом. Он всегда приезжает один.

8. Останавливаясь в гостинице, он не ходит в ресторан и всегда питается в своем номере, платя хорошие чаевые своей очаровательной горничной по имени Сюзанна.

9. Не было других номеров и ему пришлось заказать одноместный номер с двухспальной кроватью, кондиционером и отличным холодильником, полным питьевых и съестных продуктов.

10.В гостинице Джима все гости могут выстирать и погладить свою одежду и отремонтировать и почистить обувь не позднее, чем в течение трех часов.

Answer the questions:

1. When your parents go abroad, they always stay at a four star hotel with top service? Is it true? And you?

2. In our town there are some very dirty hotels with good for nothing service. Do you agree with it?

3. In his young years your neighbour's grandfather liked to enjoy his life to the utmost. While travelling in Europe he used to stay at hotels with top level service. Is it really so?

4. In our big cities hotel staff are very polite and well-bred people. They treat guests very kindly. Are you sure of that? You never come across rude and dishonest people in our hotels. Is it true?

5. In our hotel cafes, restaurants and snack bars customers are never overcharged and overweighed. Isn't it really so?

6. Do you know any local hotels where service is good for nothing and bed linen is changed once in a blue moon?

7. Do you often go on business to other towns and stay at good hotels with fairy service? Is a single room with all modern conveniences in our fashinable hotels very expensive? How much is it a day?

8. If you were fantastically rich and rolled in money, at what hotel would you stay in Paris or in London? You would book a room with all modern conveniences, wouldn't you?

9. When staying at four star hotel you prefer having meals in your room, don't you?

10. In all our hotels services are rendered without any tips. Do you think it is really so?

11. When you stayed at the Beardsley Hotel in London last year you ordered red caviar, banana juice and Russian pancakes with honey and hot tea with herbs? It is very useful for our health, isn't it?

12. Why don’t you want to visit Brazil next year? They say that hotel service is excellent there and not very expensive if you have good money and can speak English not badly. English speaking guests are usually treated there very respectfully and good-heartedly. Don't you know that?

13. Yesterday when you were at the theatre Frank Tompson left a message for you at your hotel. Did anybody pass it to you? Frank is your American friend, isn't he? You got acquainted with this sociable and open-hearted boy when you visited the US 2 years ago. Is it so?

14. Your distant relative Jane, working as a maid at your town's central hotel, always looks very smart. She has her hair cut at the most fashionable hairdresser's. She is always well dressed and feels fit. Her white-teeth sunny smile makes the girl very attractive. Is it true? She knows Dale Carnegie's rules well, doesn't she?

15. After checking in at our town's best hotel guests, both our country people and foreigners, may use all modern conveniences and top level service. Don't you think so? And they can tidy themselves up after travelling. Is it so?




Expression List on the topic “At the Hotel”

1.to reserve (to book) предварительно заказывать, “бронировать”
2. to cancel a booking аннулировать
3.double room номер на двоих
4.single room номер для одного
5.to go through the customs пройти таможенный осмотр
6.clerk (desk clerk) дежурный администратор
7.arrival card листок прибытия
8.to fill in a form заполнить (бланк,карточу,анкету)
9.to register (to sign in) прописаться, зарегестрироваться (при въезде в гостиницу)
10.to sign out зарегестрировать отьезд,выписаться
11.to wait on обслуживать
12.a hotel guest человек, остановившийся в гостинице
13.to leave at the desk оставлять у портье
14.rack полка, вешалка
15.pigeon hole отделение письменного стола
16.post (American mail) почтовая корреспонденция
17.lobby, foyer вестибюль, фойе
18.stationery бумага для писем и конверты
19.snack лёгкая закуска на скорую руку
20.press button кнопка звонка
21.to press a button нажать кнопку
22.transient временный
23.transient guest лицо, временно проживающее в гостинице
24.transient rates посуточный тариф
25.to check out выехать из гостиницы, освободить номер
26.to check in въехать в гостиницу, получить ключ от номера
27.boarding house пансионат
28.to supply smb with обеспечивать(посетителей)
29.free of charge бесплатно
30.a bill счёт (за проживание)
31.available доступный
32.lower ниже (по цене)



33.in advance заранее

34.to pay in advance платить авансом

35.to warn предупреждать

36.to settle an account оплатить счёт

37.to pay an account оплатить счёт


Read the text and translate it into Russian.


When you are through with the customs you go to the hotel. The desk-clerk will ask you to register. He will give you an arrival card which all guests are asked to fill in. The guests passports are left behind at the desk-clerk for registration.

After all formalities are over the porter will show you up to your room. Now you will always be referred as a guest if you decide to stay at a hotel. You will find notices everywhere, reminding "guests to leave their keys at the desk when going out".

If there is any post for you the desk-clerk will let you have it with your keys.

In the lobby you usually find a special corner or room to write letters. First-class hotels supply their guests with hotel stationary free of charge.

Most hotels have snack bars or restaurants.

Many hotels have special weekly and monthly rates, so that it is cheaper to pay by the month than by the day (transient rates).

You will find rooms with and without bath, single rooms, double rooms.

All the hotels have a special laundry service for their guests.

Guests are asked to warn the clerk in advance when leaving so that he can have the bill ready for them in time.

Rooms and meals abroad are also available at boarding houses where the rates are usually lower in most of the hotels.

Дата добавления: 2015-12-08; просмотров: 108 | Нарушение авторских прав

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