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What kind of person are you? Do you take after your parents?

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What is happy family?


I believe that everything begins in the family. Family is very important for every person, because it gives you a sense of stability and tradition, a feeling of support and understanding. The importance of family bonds has been portrayed in proverbs and sayings of all nations. Here we say “East or West, home is best”, the English say “My home is my castle” I completely agree with it.

My family is very little. It consists of me and my Mum. And in spite of this fact we are very happy together. I’m an only child in the family but despite it I’m not a spoilt child. I help my mom around the house. I try to take care of her.

Well, I can say that I enjoy honest and open relationship in my family. It’s really great when parents trust their children, give them freedom, respect their opinion and understand them. That is what my mum does. I get on well with her, and look up to her but sometimes we don’t see eye to eye. She takes a good care of me and when I do something wrong she tries to get through me and help to solve my problems. Whatever happens to me in my live she will always support me.

I can rely on her and she does the same. I can’t say we are free from problems, but they are not serious and we try to solve them immediately. I love my mother very much and I can say that our little family is a good example of happy family.



What do you like\dislike in men\women appearance?

The proverb says: «Appearances can be deceptive». I agree with it, but we all are humans and have some feelings and emotions. Sometimes we see a person and feel a strong dislike about him or her.


As for me I try not to judge people by their appearance, but of course there are some features I can’t stand.

For example I can’t put up with a person, who doesn’t take much care over his or her appearance. The person, who looks ugly, scruffy and untidy. The person, who doesn’t keep fit and wears out-of-date clothes. It concerns both men and women of all ages.

Speaking about the features I like, I can say that it’s really pleasant to look at the person, who dresses spick and span. This person is always nice to look at. He or she is well-groomed, attractive, looks healthy and elegant.

Unfortunately, we stop communicating with such people, whose appearance we don’t like. We think that if the person isn’t attractive his character and inner world are either unpleasant. But we don’t do right.

Things are not always what they appear to be. At times people are more interested in correcting other’s appearances than in correcting themselves.

So before judging the person you should try to get through him.

What kind of person are you? Do you take after your parents?


I’m said to take after my mother not only in appearance, but also in character. I’m the kind of person who is always open, easy-going and communicative. I never sit around doing nothing. Either I’m making something, or mending smth or doing something to entertain myself and others. I’m a very active person. My friends say that I’m the life and soul of the party.


I have a sense of humor and can have everybody in stitches. But I’m a bit too straight and even sometimes rude, especially when nosy people try to know something I don’t want to say about my private life. Also I can be a bit lazy. But such episodes are rather rare in my life.

I’m very kind-hearted and like children very much, so I decided to become a teacher, like my mother. I think my future profession requires being very patient and tactful. Unfortunately I’m not as patient as I wish to be, but in near future I will try to improve it.



Дата добавления: 2015-11-26; просмотров: 246 | Нарушение авторских прав

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