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M Brits shrug off gloom in sun rush

BRITONS are shaking off the dark clouds of recession – and flocking to sunny Spain again. You'll probably be bumping into your neighbour on the beach next year as an amazing FOUR MILLION people head for the Costas and the Spanish holiday islands.

That's almost double the number who managed to scrape together enough for a paella and sangria package trip at the height of the slump in 1991. The figures are revealed today in a major travel survey. They show that a total of nine million people will take their holidays abroad in 1994 – one in six of every man, woman and child in Britain.

Spain and its islands, including Majorca, Ibiza and Tenerife, are the top destination. More pesetas to the pound and improvements at key resorts are two reasons for the boom. Holidaymakers will be tucking into bargain-priced meals and local wine at just 70p a bottle.

Greece and its islands such as Rhodes and Corfu come second, while the US is third, despite recent fears about tourist safety.

More people than ever are taking their holidays on floating hotels, says the survey. Six years ago, fewer than 100,000 people went on a cruise. But this year's bookings have risen to 240,000.

Spain also tops the winter resorts, the survey reveals. Tenerife is the most popular, followed by Benidorm and Malta.

But fewer people will be on the slopes this year. Skiing holidays have slumped to just 12 per cent of the market - mainly due to poor exchange rates at French and Austrian resorts.

Two other top travel agents, Pickfords and Hogg Robinson, also reported a massive surge in trade yesterday. So far, they have taken 1.2 million bookings for 1994 - with increased interest in the Caribbean.

Meanwhile, cross-Channel ferry firms say the number of day-trippers to France has doubled this year as bargain-hunters stock up on cheap booze and duty-free goods.

Daily Mirror 11.11.93


Write a report on the foreign holiday market, using word-processing or desktop publishing software. Relevant data should be tabulated or presented graphically where possible. Your report should contain:

1. An explanation of how market research can help the organisation plan future product lines with tour operators. (Give details of types of holiday, destinations, accommodation, length of stay, etc., and suggest how they could be marketed, including price and promotion.)

2. A description of marketing methods already used by tour operators to promote the holidays they offer.

3. A summary of useful data sources for information on tourism, and the market research methods that could be used to gather primary data. (Consider what additional information on consumers would be useful to the organisation, and the most suitable method(s) of obtaining it.)

4. A discussion of how the demand for different types of holiday and destination may change over the next 3-5 years.

5. Recommendations for product developments and marketing strategies, based on your view of future consumer trends in the holiday market. This should include: * changes to the range of holidays offered * features of holiday packages * holiday sales outlets * holiday promotions * prices * the timing of your marketing communications.

6. References to sources of data and other information.

Prepare and give an oral and visual presentation of your report findings and main recommendations for the management team. Your presentation should last about 5-10 minutes and be followed by an equal amount of time for the management group to ask questions. To complete your report you will need to gather quantitative and qualitative data to supplement the information presented in the article.

Quantitative data can be used to investigate past trends in overseas tourism from the UK, e.g. numbers travelling overseas, expenditure, etc. Has the market been expanding or contracting? The British Tourist Authority is an useful source of information. They regularly provide data for government publications such as the Employment Gazette and Social Trends.

Qualitative data can be gathered from your original research. For example, survey the views of people entering a local travel agents. Prepare a short questionnaire to collect relevant information on consumers' wants and willingness to pay, and how these might change in the future. For example, would they consider taking a cruise? What factors would influence their choice?

In addition, visit a local travel agents (on a quiet trading day!) and look through some holiday brochures to help you identify the range of holidays available and how they are marketed. Discuss with staff the types of holidays available, the people they appeal to, and how they are marketed. What is their opinion on future trends in tourism?


Complete the same exercise for a product of your choice. Produce a report and presentation to show how market research could help improve marketing and product design. Investigate and suggest how consumer demand for the product may change over time and, in light of these changes, make recommendations for modifications to the current product and its marketing strategy.


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