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IV. Proceedings

European Convention on Human Rights


First part: Human Rights in general

A. Human rights and natural law

I. Natural legislation

Inalienability of human rights

Commitment to natural freedom in codifications

Natural law

II. The natural freedom of man

Basic principle

Intellectual historical development

A. The Ancients

B. The Scholastic philosophers

C. Enlightenment philosophy

D. German idealist philosophy

Restrictions on primal freedom

The state as a guarantor of freedom

V. Conclusion

B. Fundamental rights according to the civil liberal human rights understanding

I. Basic rights


A. Objective Law

Aa. Elements of objective order

Bb. Objective system of values

Cc. Institutional guarantees

Dd. Guidelines for law making and law applying

B. Subjective rights

Aa. Liberties of defence character

Bb. Right granted by the state for protection from third parties

Cc. Rights of participation

Dd. Fundamental right of the individual to participate in public institutions

Ee. Social rights

Legal check

A. Scope of protection

aa. Individual scope of protection (ratione personae)

bb. Material scope of protection (ratione materiae)

B. Infringement

C. Restrictions

D. Limitations on statutory and inherent reservations to basic rights

C. Fundamental rights according to socialist human rights understanding

Second part: Europe and the ECHR

First chapter: Council of Europe

A. Aim

B. Membership

C. Organs

Second chapter: Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms

A. Evolutionary history

B. Legal nature, structure and further development of the ECHR

C. Legal effect

I. International level

II. National level

D. Scope of operation

I. Personal scope of operation

II. Territorial scope of operation

E. Interpretation

I. Principles of interpretation

Grammatical interpretation

Teleological interpretation

Systematic interpretation

Historical interpretation

Equality of states

Principle of subsidiarity

II. Official languages

III. Margin of appreciation

F. Human Rights

I. Convention

Right to life

Prohibition of torture

Prohibition of slavery and forces labor

Right to liberty and security

Right to a fair trial

No punishment without law

Right to respect for private and family life

Freedom of thought, conscience and religion

Freedom of expression

Freedom of assembly and association

Right to marry

Right to an effective remedy

Prohibition of discrimination

II. Additional Protocols

Protection of property

Right to education

Right to free elections

Prohibition of imprisonment for debt

Freedom of movement

Prohibition of expulsion of nationals

Right of appeal in criminal matters

Compensation for wrongful conviction

Right not to be tried or punished twice

Equality between spouses

General prohibition of discrimination

Abolition of the death penalty

G. European Court of Human Rights

I. Judges

II. Plenary Court, Single-judge formation, Committees, Chambers and Grand Chamber

III. Competences of the Court


Individual application

Advisory opinions

IV. Proceedings

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