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Remember the sound of my voice. Remember, and obey.

Читайте также:
  1. Passive Voice.
  3. To me you'll be forever sacred I'm dying but I know Our love will live Your hand above Like a dove Over me Remember To me you'll be forever sacred...

Let it go. A voice, a voice in his head, whispering to him. Gently, calmly, patiently. Coaxing him. He knew that voice. He should ignore it. But it was still there, still urging him. Do as I say. Be at peace. Be with me. All you have to do is obey... Just listen to my voice...

He saw the rest of it, each second, another loss, and another part of him dying...

Party Poison, the Killjoys, The Trans AM, the Doc, the bombs falling, the world dying, fire everywhere, the desert, the Zones, Korse smirking, Korse holding him down, hurting, thrusting, tearing, killing him inside, Bert returning, throttling Lindsey, she was dead, she's never coming home, and Frank is crying, and Frank is walking away, and Mikey is running toward him, and he looks afraid, and Grace is there, and where is Bandit, and she still wants her Daddy but he can't get to her, and he's going far away, leaving, time to sleep, go, go now, everything is fading, dying, he's dying and he can't hear any more, and he can't remember any of it, and his name sounds strange now, what is his name, and it's all gone, and there's silence and there's nothing but darkness...

All slipping away...

Three faces, shrouded in the blackness, disappearing into the mist...

Who were they?

Who was he?

You are free.

Whatever he had been trying to remember, it was gone now. He felt nothing. He was nobody.

Why were those men looking at him? Who were they?

You belong to me now.

Why was one of them crying?

He didn't know them. And he didn't care.

Remember the sound of my voice. Remember, and obey.

There was only blackness. And he was free.

Nothing could hurt him now.



Frank was slumped on the ground, helplessly watching Gerard's inner battle. He'd called out to him, begged him to fight it, to fight Korse's control, but, despairing, he knew there was nothing he could do. Even Gerard couldn't fight BL/I's manipulation. He was being deleted. Everything that had made him so incredible, such a force for good; it was being ripped away from him. And then, when there was nothing left, they would create a new version of Gerard Way. And all Frank could do was sit there, held down by the Draculoids, and let it happen.

Until, finally, Gerard grew still. He stood, frozen to the spot, his arms hanging at his side. His lover, best friend, leader, who had always had so much love for life, was now staring straight ahead vacantly. Frank tried to catch his eye, but it was hopeless.

“Gerard?” He attempted, already knowing there was no point.

Gerard didn't even flinch.

There was no way he would get a response.

Gerard had no idea who he was. Gerard didn't know who anyone was.

There was no Gerard, not any more.

Frank could hear someone moaning, someone was in real agony. It took him a few more seconds to realise; the sounds were coming from him. He was falling apart.

“Gerard,” he mumbled, desperate. What other choice did he have? He had to try. “Please.”

“Gerard is no longer with us,” Korse stated loudly. “Not the man you knew. He belongs to me now. From here onwards, he's mine. And he will become whatever I want him to be.”

Frank could only whimper in reply.

It was true. He had lost the man he loved, and he could never get him back.

Korse was marching towards the unresponsive Gerard, his hands clasped behind his back, and with a triumphant smile on his face.

“Look at me,” he barked, and Gerard, slowly but surely, raised his dead eyes to gaze at Bert, but there was no emotion. He was simply responding to the order.

He was a robot. No better than the Draculoids.

That was what he would become. Once they got him back to the city. Just another drone.

Frank's heart was shattering into tiny pieces. All he wanted was to die. Why was he still alive? Korse had everything he wanted. Why did he still need him?

Korse, meanwhile, was playing with his new “toy.”

“Turn to your left,” he barked.

Gerard obeyed instantly.

“Step forward.”

Gerard did so. There was no expression on his face at all. There was nothing there.

“Hop on the spot.” Again, Gerard complied.

Korse smirked. “Now, give me a slow spin, slave.”

“Stop it!” Frank couldn't take it anymore. He refused to watch as Gerard spun round, tripping over his own clumsy feet, and falling onto his knees. Frank swore angrily, as shoved the Drac's away, and attempted to climb painfully to his feet. “You've made your point. He's gone. Just leave him!”

Korse turned to regard the devastated Frank, smiling nastily. “Something you want to say, Fun Ghoul? Gerard has never been so agreeable, wouldn't you say?”

Frank trembled. “Just kill me,” he spat, tears streaming down his face, and he didn't care. “You've fucking won! Just let me die too!”

Korse's eyes twinkled. “All in good time, Killjoy.” He pulled Gerard back up, and took great pleasure in dusting him down, infuriating Frank all the more. “Seems little point in waiting for the chip to finish you off. But why should I have the pleasure of killing you? Don't you think I should give 'the new boy' a chance to prove himself?”

Frank stopped. He stared, wild-eyed, at Korse.

“No,” he muttered. “You can't-”

“Slave,” Korse said, and Gerard looked at him once more. “You are instructed to obey only my voice, correct?”

A pause. And then, “Yes.”

“Whom do you care about?”

Gerard blinked. “I do not understand the question.”

“Who are your friends?”

“I have no friends.”

Frank couldn't stand there and listen to another word. He forced himself forward, although the agony in his head was no longer tolerable. He needed more drugs. He knew he wasn't going to get any. But then, he wasn't supposed to survive. He had been brought there to die. The only question now was whether he would die from the chip bubbling in his brain, or if he was to die at the hand of the man he loved, just a pawn in Korse's sick game.

“Gerard, look at me!” Frank pleaded. “You know my voice. It's Frank. Please, I know you are stronger than this. Come back to me!”

“You’re wasting your time,” Korse taunted. “He’s gone.”

“No, he's fucking not! He's stronger than you think he is.”

Korse smiled, and then placed a possessive arm around the unresponsive Gerard. In a gentle voice, he whispered; “It is time for you to prove himself, Gerard. Wouldn't you like that?”

Gerard blinked “Yes.” He replied, emotionless.

Frank could only stand there, helpless, as Korse continued to purr into his boyfriend's ear. “Then kill him for me. Can you do that?”

Gerard stared at Frank. There was no recognition in that gaze whatsoever.

“Yes, sir.”

In that moment, the world ended for Frank. He, instinctively, backed away, straight into the arms of the waiting Draculoid positioned behind him. He was held tightly, he couldn't move a muscle. Korse, smirking, gestured for Gerard to move forward.

“Come then. Show me what you can do. Impress me, Gerard.”

Gerard, his face expressionless, took the offered gun, looked up, and then slowly approached the now trembling Frank.

Frank gazed at his boyfriend desperately, searching his face, trying to find something there, anything, to give him some hope.

There was nothing.

“Gerard!” Frank whimpered. “It's me, Gee. It's Frank. Please don't do this.”

Gerard blinked. He didn't reply. There was not a hint of recognition as he carefully raised the gun, and pointed it directly at the pleading man's heart.

Frank didn't give up. How could he?

“You don't want to do this, Gerard. I love you! I've always loved you. You're not just my boyfriend, you're my hero. The best man I've ever known. Don't leave me. I love you.” He was shouting now, repeating himself, and yelling the first things that came into his head. “ You’re my hero! You've always been my hero!”

“This is all very desperate,” Korse taunted. “He's not your Gerard Way anymore, Frank. Accept it.”

Frank ignored him. “You are everything to me, Gerard. Think about you and me, and Ray and Mikey. Before the bombs, think about our band, and who we were. Remember us, Gerard. Please!” Tears cascading down his face as he added, his voice breaking; “ Don't let him win!”

Korse was beside Gerard now, playing with his long hair. The machine still bleeping, still sending it’s evil message directly into Gerard's brain. “So pretty,” Korse purred.

“Don’t fucking touch him!” Frank shouted.

Korse laughed. “He's no longer your concern.” He placed his hand on Gerard's back, urging him, softly but strongly. “Kill him, Gerard.”

Frank screwed his eyes shut. He didn't want to see Gerard fire that gun. He didn't want to see the man he loved ending his life.

Seconds passed.

Frank stood, his head turned slightly to one side, his teeth gritted. He waited for the sound of the blast, waited to hear the noise that would signal the end of his life. But it didn't come. He opened his eyes carefully, and a shiver went through him when he saw Gerard standing mere feet away from him, gazing at him with wide, hazel eyes. His gun was still raised and pointing straight at Frank, but the brunette couldn't help but notice the tremble in the other man's grip.

Gerard continued to hesitate, a conflict raging silently within him.

Every part of him wanted to shoot the man before him. He wasn't important, and the voice had to be obeyed.

But he couldn't do it. He didn't want to do it.

He shuddered violently.

Korse, still standing beside him, had run out of patience. “Why do you delay? I said, kill him! Do it! Now!

Gerard's face twitched. His finger covered the trigger.

And still, he didn't fire.

“I can't.” There was a slight tremor in his voice, thanks to the confusion in his mind, but he spoke loudly, and clearly. And confidently.

Silence descended. The only sound was Frank's laboured breathing as he waited, shocked by what was happening. Korse was clearly just as shocked. He was glaring angrily at Gerard, and evidently could not believe what he was hearing. “What did you say?”

Gerard spoke again, his voice remaining level and calm. “I don't want to.”

“I gave you an order!” Korse exploded, snarling into Gerard's face. “This man means nothing to you! You don't know him. You will obey me. Now, kill him!”

Gerard simply stood there. He looked at Frank once more and then back down at the gun still in his grasp. He needed to obey Korse, his hand wanted to fire, but something was stopping him. As he gazed into the man's eyes that was standing opposite him, he saw something there he did not expect to see. This man, whoever he was, he believed in him. He trusted him. Gerard had no idea why, but there was an aura around this man.

Gerard would not kill him. He could not.

He glanced at Korse, and then swiftly shook his head.

Korse hissed in fury, and then harshly shoved Gerard to one side, sending him sprawling to the ground. “You are useless,” he spat. He was breathing hard, and seemed at a loss at what to do next. Frank knew why. She was coming. She was on her way to check up on Korse. If Gerard were not completely under the Exterminator's control, then he would have failed. And all their efforts would have been for nothing.

Frank looked directly and Korse, and he chuckled. The Exterminator's head snapped round, and he stared at Frank is shock.

After a beat, Korse spoke again. “You think this is funny?” He whispered. “You think I'm beaten? He's unbelievably strong willed. I'll admit that. But once we increase the signal to full power, not even the great Party Poison will be able to put up any further resistance...”

That threat was the last straw for Frank.

With a roar, he wrestled free from the Dracs, and threw himself at Korse, screaming obscenities. His body was yelling its outrage, his was in absolute agony, but he fought to ignore the pain. But, he didn't stand a chance. Korse overpowered him all too easily, and soon, Frank was forced to his knees, with Korse pressing his thumbs to Frank's temple, and then he was pushing down, his teeth bared.

“He's mine,” Korse snarled. “You little shit.”

Frank screamed in pure agony. Korse wasn't going to wait for the chip to finish him off; he was going to kill him, there and then. The Exterminator was breathing hard, exhilarated, as he increased the pressure he was placing on the helpless Frank. He wouldn't rest until Frank was dead.

“Die,” Korse hissed. “Die knowing you couldn't save him, Frank Iero.”

Frank whimpered, clawing at the fingers causing so much pain. “ Gerard… please…

Gerard was slumped on the ground, trying to focus on anything except the mind-numbing noise and confusion in his head. He couldn’t see clearly, the voices were screaming at him, urging him to obey, and become at peace with them. They wanted to know why didn’t he fire? Why was he resisting? They only offered him happiness and contentment. All he had to do was obey. But the voices were lying; he was anything but at peace. He looked up and watched the desperate struggle happening a few feet away from him. The small man was dying.

He didn’t care.


Of course he cared.

Why couldn’t he kill that man? Who was he?

And why was that nagging doubt there, standing out amongst all the agony and fury inside his head?

If you don’t listen, then you’re never gonna learn.”

A smile. A laugh. A hand reaching out for his own. A guitar riff, so beautifully played.

“We just have to watch Mikey and make sure he doesn’t put anymore forks in the toaster.”

Wait. What the hell was a guitar riff? How did he know those words?

And who was Mikey?

“I would date Gerard.”

He stared, wild-eyed at the man fighting for his life.

“Yeah, for trees!”

Memories were hitting him now, one after another. He did know this man. But it was so much more than that.

“Gee, come back to me.”

He loved this man.

The screaming wasn’t just in his head now. It was all about him. The man was screaming. His lover was screaming.

What was his name?

Why couldn’t he remember?

The voices wanted him to forget. They said this wasn’t important.

“Obey, obey, obey…”

He felt the ray gun in his hand, and tightened his hold on it.

A name, lost in the muddled state that was his brain, was pushing out toward him. He clung to it. And then, he knew. And he remembered.


So very close by, Frank was in agony. The darkness was there again, coming to embrace him, to welcome him. Frank wanted it to surround him, to take him away from the pain. Part of him knew he wasn't done yet, Gerard still needed him, but Frank couldn't fight any longer.

It was pitch black now. The room was spinning. The pain was finally lessening.

He was leaving.

'I love you, Gerard. Forgive me'.

There was a muffled cry.

Someone had called his name.

But he had to leave. He couldn't stay.

There was a loud bang.

Frank flinched. There was a light now. He could see again. He blinked, staring up, stunned, and trying to focus on something other than the agony and confusion in his brain.

Korse had stopped. His hold on Frank loosened, and the agony and the darkness were easing. The Exterminator's eyes widened in confusion, and he staggered backwards, almost losing his footing. He turned awkwardly, swaying on the spot, and looked down at his body, his mouth gaining an “O” shape as he gazed down at the blast mark in the middle of his chest. He looked round, and saw Gerard, his gun aimed, his expression neutral.

“What-” Korse gasped.

He took a step forward.

Gerard fired again. He had to protect this man called Frank. This man he could barely remember, but knew that he loved. He had to save him from the evil man. The blast hit Korse on his hip. He grunted in shock, swaying slightly, his eyes boggling. He looked crazed. Gerard watched him. He seemed calm, but on closer inspection, he was twitching and sweating all over.

“How-” Korse managed. “How did you-?”

Gerard's legs seem to give way from beneath him, and he fell to the ground. He lay there, trembling, his gun hanging uselessly in his hand. Korse reached out for him, his face filled with pure rage. Gerard didn't move, couldn't move. As Korse took hold of the red head, he had just one intention. The plan he had followed for so long was redundant now. All he wanted was to destroy the Killjoy that continued to resist him. He would end him anyway he could.

But he didn't get the chance. The time Gerard had bought for Frank had done the trick. The brunette, drawing on the last of his strength for one last time, threw himself backwards, head butting the Draculoid behind him. As his head connected with the Drac's, Frank bellowed in agony. It hurt. It hurt so much. He had to keep going. He tried to focus on Gerard, saw Korse crawling towards him, a murderous look on the BLI bastard's face. Frank only had one chance. He snatched the gun from the Drac he had knocked unconscious and blasted its’ friend at point blank rage. The drone was sent flying, knocked cleanly off of its’ feet. It didn't get back up again.

Frank didn't hesitate. He stumbled forward, squinting through the all consuming agony, and saw Korse pinning the unmoving Gerard beneath him. He was throttling the Killjoy, and Gerard was not trying to fight back. Frank, screaming his fury, pulled the trigger. The shot struck Korse on his back. The exterminator yelled in outrage. He fell backwards, releasing Gerard, who closed his eyes, and rolled onto his side, tears streaming down his face, as he whimpered in pain. The voices were furious with him, they wanted to hurt him. The evil device continued it’s cruel work, sending its’ wicked messages directly into his brain.

Frank found himself mere feet away from Korse. His eyes met the Exterminator's and there was a flash of panic in those cold eyes.

Frank fired at once, and then Korse was down, lying on his back, at the former guitarist's feet. The brunette fired at him repeatedly, waiting for Korse's body to still before each blast. After shooting the evil bastard a further five times, Frank paused. Korse was gasping for breath, unable to move, on the verge of death. And, this time, he would stay dead. Frank aimed the white ray gun between Korse's eyes. It seemed poetic to him, that the BL/I weapon would destroy their best and most well known murderer.

Frank took a deep breath. His finger covered the trigger.

“It doesn't make any difference.” Korse's words were so weak; Frank had to strain to hear him. He listened intently, watching Korse's last moments of life. “You kill me now, and you win nothing. You'll follow me, and I'll hunt you down in hell, just like I did in life. And, while we both burn, your precious Gerard will belong to my company. I beat you both. I win.

Frank blinked. “Congratulations,” he said simply. He then moved the gun downwards, and blasted Korse directly at his groin.

A moment passed. It seemed to take a few seconds for Korse's brain to compute exactly what had happened.

And then, he began to howl. He writhed, and he screamed, and he cried. The son of a bitch actually cried.

“Fuck you,” Frank hissed. “You bastard.”

He shot the hated man in the head.

Korse stopped screaming.

There was no mistake this time, absolutely no coming back.

Korse was dead.

Frank stared down at him for a moment, his gun still raised, as if he expected Korse to suddenly open his eyes and grab for him. But he didn't. His unseeing eyes were staring upwards, a small sliver of blood protruding from his mouth. He was gone. They were free of him.

Frank came to his senses. He dropped the gun, and ran straight to Gerard's side. He could feel that Gerard was still shaking. He turned him over gently, eyeing the contraption covering his hair with hatred. He wanted to rip the thing off, but he knew he couldn't. Not without killing his love. He placed a hand against Gerard's face, and rubbed his cheek.


Gerard didn't respond. Frank's hopes were disappearing. Whatever had come over Gerard, whatever had made him fight back one last time against Korse, it seemed to have left him once more. “Gee,” Frank whimpered. He had to keep trying. He didn't have long left himself. He had to try. “Come on babe, I know you're still in there. Fight them, Gee.”

Gerard opened his eyes, and gazed up. Tears were cascading down his face.

Frank kissed the other man's lips gently. “Please Gerard,” he moaned. “Please come back...”

It was a tiny whisper, but it was the most beautiful sound Frank had ever heard.


Frank's head snapped back round. “Gee?” He managed, not quite believing it.

Gerard grabbed for Frank's hand, and clung on. “I can't fight it, Frankie. I can't block out the noise. I'm losing. I can't stay long...”

Frank couldn't speak. His own sobs wrecked his body, as he held Gerard tightly. His headache was all consuming, all destroying. He knew the blackness was coming for him. He didn't know how long he had left, but he knew he didn't have much time left. He buried his head into Gerard's chest, and stayed there, listening to the other man's heart beat. He wouldn't leave him; he wouldn't let him face this alone...

“I'm so sorry, Frank,” Gerard whispered. “I'm sorry. It shouldn't end like this...”

He winced, fighting every urge he felt to place his hands around the throat resting so close to him, and squeezing. The voices wanted him to kill Frank. He wouldn't.

He wouldn't.

Frank shook his head slightly. He didn't need to hear any apologies now. He just needed to feel Gerard, to hold him close.

They would not be parted again. Ever.

The two Killjoys were so transfixed by each other, lost in their own love, and both knowing they were nearing their ends, neither of them noticed movement from the corner of the room.

The Draculoid Frank had knocked unconscious was on its’ feet, and had picked up the gun Frank had discarded. It looked at its’ master, left in a heap, for a moment, and then returned its’ attention to the devastated Killjoys, ready to die in each other’s arms.

It would help them do just that. Its’ last order received from Korse had been clear. It would carry his orders out, in his honour...

The Drac raised its’ gun, and pointed it straight at Frank.

Its’ finger tightened on the trigger.

There was a shout. And the sound of ray gun blasts once more filled the small room...


Chapter 25

Chapter Text

There was a shout. And the sound of a ray gun blast once again filled the small room...

Gerard and Frank stared at each other, both wondering what was happening. They looked up and saw the Draculoid that had tried to end their embrace had met its own demise instead. It had been shot in the back of the head, and had fallen where it had been standing.

They gaped at each other, stunned. They had been so caught up in their own hopeless, intense moment; they had completely switched off...

“Gerard!” A figure was suddenly hurtling towards them, startling them both. “Frank!”

Mikey had flown into the room, his gun still raised and smoking. He looked around, his eyes wide with wonder as he took in the dead bodies all over the small room. A triumphant look spread across his face when he saw Korse, before his gaze fell onto Bert, and his eyes narrowed in anger. He then snapped his head back round, taking in Frank and Gerard, and their stunned expressions, and wasting no more time, he dived down beside them, grabbing for them both, relief now written all over his face.

“What the fuck, you two?!” He stormed, his whole form trembling. “Why did you go off on your own? What the hell happened?”

Suddenly, Ray appeared behind him. He let out a huge breath when he saw Gerard and Frank. “Thank fuck for that!” Then, it was his turn to gaze around the room in amzement. “What-”

Gerard let out a low moan, desperately trying to concentrate on Mikey and Ray, instead of the high pitched noise and furious shouting inside his head. He released his hold on Frank, and before he knew it, Mikey was upon him.

“I thought you were dead,” Mikey whimpered, clinging onto his brother for dear life. “I was so fucking scared!” He pushed Gerard back to have a good look at him and stared nervously at the glowing machine fixed to his brother's head. “What the fuck is that?”

Gerard gave him a tiny, pained smile. “Not my best look, huh?”

Mikey went to touch the machine, but Gerard grabbed his hand.

“Don't worry about it right now, Mikes.”


“Please Mikey, just hold me.”

He pulled Mikey forward again, into his arms, burying his head into his brother's shoulder, making the most of him being so close once again. He didn't speak, he just rested there. He had believed he would never see Mikey again. He was grateful for the one final opportunity.

Giving the brother's a moment to themselves, Frank reached out a shaky hand to Ray. “How did you find us?” Ray pulled Frank up, concerned by the evident agony on Frank's face, and then he embraced the smaller man tightly. “We were led to you.” He told him.

Frank pulled back, his brow furrowed in confusion. “What? By who?”

When Ray finally released Frank, he looked at the bodies at his feet, frowning, and then looked uncertainly towards the door.

“It's all clear. Come on in, Gracie.”

A small whirlwind swept into the room, rushed to Frank, and threw its arms around him.

Frank's eyes widened. He took hold of Grace and pushed her back slightly, looking at her in astonishment.

He rounded on Ray then, still holding on tightly to the child's hand.

“You brought Grace into this?” Frank snapped, fuming. “Are you high?

“She came to us!” Ray shot back. “We would never have found you if it wasn't for her!”

“She could easily have been seen-”

“I followed you guys,” Grace proclaimed, proudly. “I remembered my training, and I was good, Ghoul. No one saw me. Then I went back to get Kobra and Jet. I'm okay, Ghoul. Nobody saw me!”

“She was careful, Frank;” Mikey offered, looking up.

Frank was still glaring angrily. “That's not the fucking point-”

“Gracie,” a weak voice spoke up, cutting across Frank and his anger, and they all turned to see Gerard reaching out a shaky hand to Grace. She beamed at him excitedly, and then flew across the room, throwing herself on to him. He didn't complain, he just held her to him.

“Party!” She yelled, a little too loudly, causing both Gerard and Frank to wince. “I knew you'd be okay! I knew it!”

Gerard smiled, and Grace showered him with kisses, tears cascading down her face. Releasing Mikey, Gerard placed both arms around the small girl instead. “Well done, baby.” He whispered to her.

Frank whirled around. “You knew? You knew Grace followed us? Fucking hell, Gee! Do you know what would have fucking happened if Korse had seen her? She's just a kid!”

Gerard took a deep breath. He couldn't deal with this. Not now. “I trained her, Frank. Of course I knew she followed us. And I knew she'd be careful.”

Grace looked up at Frank then, now hurt by his anger. “I know how to stay hidden, Ghoul.”

Frank shook his head bitterly. “You risked her life-”

“Is anyone else coming?” Gerard asked wearily.

Ray exchanged a quick glance with Mikey. “We didn't have any time to get a message to anybody. We were alone-”

“I see,” Gerard said, looking down.

“I just wanted to get to you.” Mikey told him. “You were all I was thinking about. If that was wrong-”

“Not wrong, Mikes,” Gerard replied, holding up a shaky hand to silence his brother. “Its all good.”

Mikey frowned. It was very clear to him, and to Ray, that everything was a far as being “all good” as it could be.

Changing tact, Ray turned to Frank. “Do you have some drugs, Frank?” Ray placing a hand on the shorter man's shoulder. “We need to-”

Frank cut across him. “I'm okay, Ray.”

Ray stared at him, his gaze boring into the other man's.

“You need help, Frank.”

Frank smiled. He glanced down at the ground. “There's something you should know.” He said softly, deflecting the conversation. “About Bert.”

Mikey instantly tutted. “The bastard is dead. Let’s forget him.”

Frank shook his head. “Bert was being manipulated by Korse, the company turned him into their perfect spy. It wasn't his fault.” He glanced at Gerard. “He sacrificed himself to try and help us escape.”

The younger Way brother gestured in annoyance. He didn't believe a word of it. “He was a liar, Frank. He was clever, he'd wormed his way out of trouble before-”

“Not this time,” Gerard said quietly. “Korse killed him. He destroyed him completely.” He closed his eyes. “Because of me.”

“People need to know the truth,” Frank told Ray, giving him a knowing look. “We want them to know that Bert McCracken died a hero. Do you get me, Ray?” He reached out and grasped his wrist. “They used Bert. It wasn't his fault.”

Mikey made a disbelieving noise. “He wasn't under their control when he tried to kill you, was he, Gee?”

Gerard frowned. “Don't argue with me, Mikey;” His voice broke. “ Not now.

Mikey glanced at him. He was confused.

And then he noticed the “thing” on Gerard's head still seemed to be transmitting something. He didn't like the look of it and, in that second, he decided the thing needed to go.

Almost in slow motion, he leaned towards Gerard, who stayed very still, with an eerie air of calmness around him, and took hold of the Re Programmer, and began to pull, screwing his face up from the effort.

“This thing’s stuck!” He muttered. He gave it a good tug. Gerard gasped in pain.

Frank seemed to come to his senses, looked round, and saw, to his horror, what Mikey was attempting to do. He grabbed hold of Mikey and pulled him away from his brother. “No Mikey, you can't do that!”

Mikey rounded on him. “Can't do what?”

“You'll kill him!”

Ray was stunned. “Frank, what the hell-?

Frank glared at Gerard. “You were going to let him, weren't you?”

Gerard said nothing.

“We need to get that shit off of him!” Mikey shouted to Frank, who was clearly furious, mainly because he had no idea what was happening, and he didn't like being kept in the dark. “I know what that fucking thing is! Its re-programming him, isn't it?”

“It's wiping his mind,” Frank replied softly. “Preparing him for re-programming. He's fighting right now but he's going to lose. It’s a matter of time.”

Mikey gestured angrily. “Okay then. Let's get this fucker off of him then, while we still can.”

With a sigh of frustration, Frank pushed Mikey away. It took too much out of the youngest Killjoy though, and he slumped down in front of Gerard. Ray was quickly there, helping him up, eyeing his friend worriedly.

“What is it?” He asked, quietly.

“You can't take it off of me without killing me,” Gerard muttered, before Frank could answer. “Korse showed us. This thing comes off, it causes a brain tumour. Good night Vienna, basically.”

Mikey had paled. He looked from Frank to Gerard. “There has to be something we can do?”

“It’s too late, Mikes;” Gerard replied, every word obviously a strain for him. “I can feel it inside of me. The voices are screaming at me all the fucking time. And, it hurts. The fucking effort it takes to not do as they ask; They want me to kill you. All of you. And, I want to do it. So fucking much. Just for the peace. And I will eventually. It's a matter of time. I can't keep this up, every second is a struggle. I can't fight this-”

Ray reached out for him. “The Doc can help you-”

Gerard recoiled from him as if he had been burnt. “Don't touch me!”

Ray backed off at once. Gerard, trembling, gave him an apologetic look. “I'm sorry,” he whispered. “But it's not going to happen, Ray. I'm fading fast. You can't stay here with me.”

Mikey blinked. “What are you saying?”

Ray covered his face with his hands. Mikey glanced at him, swallowed, and then looked back at Gerard. “Well? What are you telling me?”

“I need you to leave.”

Mikey actually let out a disbelieving laugh. “Fuck no! Not this time.”

Gerard closed his eyes. “Please Mikey. Take Grace out of here. It's all up to you and Ray now.”

Mikey shrugged theatrically. “I don't care what you say, Gerard. There's no way I’m leaving you again.”

Gerard stood up shakily, Ray jumping forward to support him, but Gerard reached out, towards his brother. “I want you to live, Mikey. You and Ray have a chance but she's coming here, for us, so you have to leave now. Go.”

“She?” Ray repeated.

Gerard nodded. “The Coordinator. We heard Korse talking to her before he died.”

Ray didn't speak for a second. Then, he swept Gerard up into a big hug. Gerard nestled his face into Ray's chest, taking in his support and his strength one last time.

“I'm sorry, Gee;” Ray told him.

“Shh,” Gerard responded.

Gerard pulled away from Ray then, and turned to his younger brother, who was trying hard to keep it together. He wouldn't look at Gerard.

“Come here, Mikey.”

Mikey shook his head. He turned away.

Ray, frowning, touched Frank's shoulder

“Time to go.”

Frank didn't move.

Ray stared at him. “Frank?”

“I'm not going.”

Ray blinked. Mikey looked as if he was ready to pass out. Gerard merely looked down at the ground as tears formed in his eyes.

Only Frank seemed in control.

He brushed his hair back. “I'm dying anyway. I've got minutes left.”

“We can still save you, get you back to the base-”

There was a flicker of a smile from Frank at that. “Typical Ray Toro. Never give up. That's one of the many things I love about you.”

Ray bit his lip. He grasped Frank's shoulder.

“But I'm not leaving him to die alone, Ray.” Frank added.


“I'm not leaving him, Ray.

Frank's voice was steady but firm as he gazed into Ray's eyes. “And you know it.”

Ray wanted to cry. He wanted to stop this somehow, to save both of his best friends and keep them all together, and safe and happy, where no one could ever hurt them again. But that was a dream. He couldn't save them, and they were about to be separated forever.

What else could he do? He returned Frank's tiny smile, and then nodded.

“This is not happening.” Mikey whispered, his head in his hands. “This can't be happening. God...”

“Come here,” Frank said, stepping toward Mikey, his arms outstretched.

Unlike when Gerard made the same request, Mikey moved to Frank at once; and the two friends hugged tightly. Ray exchanged glances with Gerard, both men struggling to hold it together. When Mikey finally released Frank, the youngest band member then turned to embrace the lead guitarist, falling into Ray's arms. Ray just held him, laying his head against the smaller man's.

Finally he let him go. Frank leaned back against the wall, eyeing Ray through the agony in his head. He knew the truth, knew his time was running out. All of their time was running out.

Then, it was Grace's turn for hugs. She went to Frank, and then to Gerard, sobbing her little heart out, as she whispered her goodbyes, and her thanks, to her two heroes.

Finally, Frank again turned to Ray. He took a deep breath.

“You have to go,” he muttered. “Please.”

Ray swallowed hard. Then, he nodded.

There was a devastated cry.


Mikey was shaking his head, agonising over what he was being asked to do, his gaze locked on Gerard. “Frank too? No. I can't...” He took a step forward. “I can't do this without you, Gee. I can't live my life without you. I don't want to.”

There was a painful silence, until Gerard finally cleared his throat.

“I can't fight this, Mikes. I'm sorry.” Gerard whispered. “Nor can Frank. Both of us are dying, and I don't want you to suffer the same. I know I'm letting you down.” A lone tear slowly trickled down his cheek. “But you have to let me go.”

The younger Way stood there, gazing back, clearly fighting the urge to simply crumble where he was stood.

And then, he grabbed for his brother, crying into his shoulder, and clinging to him as he cried and cried, all the pain, and hate, and grief and unfairness pouring out of him in waves. They stayed like that for a few precious seconds, until Gerard finally took hold of Mikey's shoulders, and forced him back purposely.

Then, the four members of My Chemical Romance stood facing each other.

None of them spoke. They all knew how monumental this moment was. The last time they would ever all be together. None of them knew what to say. None of them wanted to break the silence. They wanted this moment to go on. Forever.

Ray rubbed at his eyes with the back of his hand, and then turned to Mikey. “Come on, Mikes.” He said softly, pulling on his arm. “We gotta go.”

Mikey Way closed his eyes, as if he could block out what was happening. Ray glanced at Gerard, who gave him a weary look.

“You have to go now, Mikey.” Gerard whispered. “I'll see you soon.”


“Who knows?” Gerard replied, with a tiny laugh. “Maybe in Heaven.”

Mikey wiped at his eyes. “You actually think we'll get into Heaven?”

“Why not?” Gerard responded. “The four of us together? God won't have the balls to keep us out.”

Mikey couldn't help but laugh along with his brother. Then, the laughter turned to sobs as the younger man finally broke down. He stared down at the ground, no longer able to look directly at Gerard.

“I love you,” he muttered, and in the next moment, he was rushing out of the doorway, not looking back. Ray gave Gerard and Frank once last long look, before he quietly slipped out, following Mikey, carrying Grace in his arms.

She blew both Gerard and Frank a kiss as she disappeared through the door.

There was finally silence for a few precious seconds, and then Gerard let out a deep sigh, and slumped to the ground, unable to stand for a moment longer. He sat there, his head bent low. It was nearly done. Nearly time for him to give up the fight. Nearly time for the voices to be silenced. Forever.

Frank was beside Gerard against in an instant. He wrapped both his arms around the other man, holding his lover tightly to him. He could hear Gerard breathing, see his chest gently rising and falling, and knew he was weaker now. The struggle was almost over for Gerard Way, and Frank would be there to the end. He wouldn't leave him. It was all Frank had left to live for. His own time was disappearing quickly. The pain in his head was dimmer now; a sense of tranquillity had spread over him. He was ready. As long as he was with Gerard, then he was prepared for his final journey.

His time had come.

“Frank,” Gerard muttered, so softly. Every word was difficult for him.

“Shh,” Frank whispered back. “Don't speak, baby. Just rest.”

Gerard gently shook his head. “No, Frank. Please listen to me.”

Frank glanced down at Gerard. “What, Gee?”

“I want to die on my own terms, Frankie. Not on theirs.”

The other man was confused. He wondered if Gerard was delirious. He held him ever more tightly. “You're okay, sugar.” He muttered. “It'll all be okay. Trust me.”

There was a pause before Gerard spoke again. “I want you to take this thing off of me, Frank.”

Frank looked down at him, sure he had heard wrong.

“What?” He asked.

“Please, Frank.”


“Just pull it off. I can't do it myself. The voices won't let me.”

Frank released his hold, and brought a weary hand up to his own confused, exhausted head. “I can't do that, Gee. I can't kill you.”

“Frankie, I'm gonna die anyway. I can't fight it any more. I'll kill you, Frankie.” His voice broke. “I can't do it; I can't become one of them.”

“Don't fucking ask me to kill you, Gerard!”

Gerard was struggling to breathe. “I don't want to die as one of them, Frankie, wearing their fucking shit. Please. Do this for me.”

Frank closed his eyes tightly. How could he do this? How could he kill the man he loved?

“I love you, Frank, and I know you love me;” Gerard whispered, as if he was reading his mind. “I love you more than I can ever tell you. And I don't deserve you. I never did.”

The tears came then, slowly slipping down Frank's cheeks. He couldn't help it. He knew this was it. He knew this was goodbye.

Gerard was still speaking, so softly, straining to say every word. “I aimed at gun at you. I told you I hated you-”

Frankie shook his head desperately. “Doesn't matter, Gee. That doesn't matter now.”

“For everything we've ever meant to each other, Frankie; Every time you stood on a fucking stage beside me, or fought alongside me afterwards, please do this one last thing for me. Let me die as me. As Gerard.

Frank was sobbing uncontrollably.

He knew he had no choice. He knew he couldn't deny Gerard anything.

Especially at the end.

“I love you,” Frank whispered. “I always will.”

He heard Gerard letting out a shaky breath. And he knew why. Gerard knew he had made Frank understand. And he was finally going to be set free.

Frank released his hold on Gerard, and the other man fell forward slightly. Then, the brunette took hold of the Re Programmer, and with a low whimper, he ripped it off of Gerard's head.

Gerard slumped down, but didn't hit the ground as Frank caught him safely. Gerard opened his eyes and stared, peacefully, up at Frank.

“Look at me, Frankie.”

One pair of hazel eye's met the other. Both were watery and red.

“I'll see you,” Gerard whispered.

Frank whimpered, tightening his hold, waiting for the agony he knew was coming to consume the other man.

He didn't have to wait long.

A horrific torment gripped Gerard, and he began to writhe and cry out, fingers clawing at his own head, his face contorted in agony.

Frank sobbed quietly, holding Gerard against him, trying to comfort him. His lips were against his lover's hair, whispering loving words into his ear.

Gerard finally drew still, the tremors still causing his body to shake gently. His eyes met Frank's one last time, his breathing soft and laboured.

He spoke, so quietly that Frank could only just hear him, but he drew the words into him, right into his very soul.

“I see your eyes...”

Frank shushed him, clinging to him, gently rocking him.

“I'll meet your eyes...”

Gerard let out an audible sigh.

It was getting darker now.

It didn't hurt any more.

He thought of Frank, of Mikey, and Ray. He saw a flash of bright lights, felt a microphone in his hand, felt love and joy all around him.

He looked at the others.

They were smiling at him.

He was loved.

So dark. But he wasn't afraid.

He was free.

No fear. No pain. It was his time.

He was leaving.

'I'm free.'

And then, he knew no more.


Frank was trembling. He couldn't hear anything. The world had vanished. There was only him, and Gerard, sleeping in his arms.

Only, Gerard wasn't sleeping.

He clung to him, shaking him gently, wetting Gerard's head with his ever flowing tears.

The tears would never stop now.

“Wake up,” he whispered. “Please wake up.”

But, Gerard didn't respond.

Frank looked up to the ceiling, to the sky. “Please Gerard!” He called out desperately. “Please fucking wake up!

Still, Gerard didn't answer him. His eyes were closed. He looked so peaceful. He was safe now.

Gerard was gone. He'd left Frank alone.

An anguished scream filled the room, a horrific sound of pure grief and rage, and it took Frank a few seconds to realise the scream was his. His whole body trembling, and still holding Gerard as tightly as ever, Frank stared upwards, pleading with whoever was listening.

“Please... Please, bring him back... Please...

But no one was listening.

Frank, the tears still falling, kissed Gerard on the forehead. A kiss to signify not only farewell, but also forever. For they would be together again soon, Frank swore it on his life. Or whatever was left of that life, anyway.

“You wait for me.” He told Gerard. “I'll be right there...”

A noise from just outside startled him, and Frank looked up sharply. He wrapped one arm around Gerard's chest and pulled him closer, and stuck his other hand deeply into his pants pocket. He then frowned, and waited.

Sure enough, a stern but powerful looking oriental woman marched into the room, her arms placed firmly at her sides, her cold, piercing eyes staring straight at Frank. He gazed back at her, unflinching. He had seen her face so many times on banners, and advertisements, and the television obviously, back when the company were first taking control. Before the bombs fell, and everything changed.

He knew enough that she was called the Coordinator. And she was the reason why Gerard, and Bert, and Gareth, and the rest of them, were all dead.

She was the reason he had lost Jamia and the girls.

He eyes narrowed. She would pay for all of the blood on her hands. Blood spilled in the name of her damned Corporation. And he would make her pay dearly.

The Coordinator watched Frank for a moment more, and then her gaze switched to Gerard, and her lips twitched. “I'm disappointed.” She murmured. She turned and crossed the room, the Draculoids that had entered behind her taking up positions, all of them aiming their guns at Frank. He couldn't take them all on in a gun battle, not if he was at full strength, even if that had been his plan. He'd last a matter of seconds before he was overcome. But, that wasn't his plan. His gun remained on the ground beside him, and he didn't attempt to go for it. Why would he? He had a better idea.

The Coordinator had walked over to Korse, and was leaning over him, pressing her fingers to his neck.

“Long dead,” she noted. “Numerous ray gun blasts. That is unfortunate.”

Frank snorted. She looked over at him.

“This means we have a position now open in the Company that needs filling, Killjoy.” She smiled. “I hoped it could have been Party Poison, I would have enjoyed the challenge of conditioning a famous rebel leader, but it was clearly not to be.” She stepped closer to him. “I suppose you will have to do in his absence, Fun Ghoul.”

The Killjoy laughed a hollow laugh.

“Lets get you into surgery. That chip needs removing.” She smiled. “Quickly, by the look of you.”

He simply continued to glare at her.

The Coordinator shrugged, and then jerked her head, towards two waiting Draculoids, in Frank's direction. “Take him.”

They went to move forward.

Frank, smiling, pulled his hand out of his pocket and revealed two small explosive devices in the palm of his hand. She stopped, staring at them, realisation of what they were dawning at her.

She had a split second to meet Frank's twinkling eyes, and shake her head slightly.


Frank was ready. He held Gerard to him ever tighter, almost crushing his lover's body, and grabbed his hand. Then, he smirked. “Go to hell, you fucking bitch.”

He saw her grab for her own wrist.

'I'll see you.

He placed a gentle kiss on Gerard's head, and at the same time, crushed the small explosive balls in his hand, destroying them utterly.

He closed his eyes.

I mean this, forever.


*A few minutes earlier.*

“Mikey!” Ray hissed. “You have to keep down!”

They were crouched behind a wall, Grace at their side. Mikey was glaring hatefully at Ray, and trying to pull free of his hold, so he could get around their protective wall cover.

“Why?” Mikey snapped. “I'm supposed to hide while my brother dies? Is that right?”

“He told us to get out because that damned bitch was coming for them! She could be here any minute! Now, get out of sight!”

Mikey glared. “Ray? Why don't you just-”

Ray grabbed Mikey, covering his mouth with his hand, as suddenly there were blue flashes everywhere, and then Draculoid after Draculoid was appearing before them, just outside the building. And then, they saw her. The source of all of their problems. The woman they knew was called the Coordinator was walking past her Drac legions, heading straight for the entrance to the facility. She paused for a second outside, and then pulled open the door, and entered. The Draculoids filed in behind her.

Ray and Mikey perched there, watching, breathing hard.

Mikey couldn't stand it. What was he supposed to do, sit there while his brother was captured and tortured again by those bastards? Erased forever? Before Ray even had the chance to stop him, Mikey was up and running, back towards the small building, back towards his brother.

Grace screamed his name. Ray shouted at her, ordering her to stay exactly where she was, out of sight. He then flung himself out from behind the wall, and tore off, right on his boyfriend's heels.

Ray called after Mikey desperately, catching the other man easily, grabbing him by the arm and pulling him back.

“You can't do this, Mikes!” Ray pleaded. “There's too many of them!”

Mikey looked at Ray as if he was insane. “You think I give a shit about that?” He wrestled free of Ray's hold. “They're gonna fucking die in there, Ray!” He was breathing hard, gazing at Ray, every part of him begging that the other man would understand. “I can’t watch my brother die!”

“He wants you to live, Mikey;” Ray whimpered. “You heard what he said.”

Mikey shook his head. He made another attempt to run for the building, now he assumed overrun with Draculoids. He had to get in there; he had to help Gerard and Frank. He wouldn't leave them behind and he was furious with Ray that it appeared he was willing to give up, just like that. Because Gerard had asked him to.

But Ray was still fighting against him. He tackled Mikey from behind, sending the smaller man sprawling to the sand. Mikey struggled, kicking out at Ray.

“Let go of me! You bastard!”

“Mikey, you have to calm-”


Mikey jumped forward, punching Ray hard in the face, but still Ray didn't let go of him.

The truth was, losing Gerard and Frank was killing Ray inside, but he had made a promise. He had sworn, on his life, to protect Mikey. It had been Gerard's last request of him and Ray was not going to let him down. He would keep Mikey, and Grace too, safe. And he would do it for Gerard and Frank. He would keep the mission going, in their honour.

They were gone. He would not allow them to be forgotten.

And he would not let their deaths be the end of Mikey too.

“I can't lose you too, Mikey,” Ray sobbed. “You know they're gone, but you're not willing to face it.” He held Mikey down, pinning him beneath him. “I know it hurts, baby. But it's you and me now. Please don't leave me here alone!”

Mikey stared at Ray. He was trembling, tears cascading down his face. A beat passed.

Mikey opened his mouth to reply-

The explosion blew them both off of their feet, and the crashed to the ground, crying out in shock. When they turned to see, their hearts already in their mouths, they saw what was left of the building that had once been so close to them. The building that no longer existed. Fire had engulfed the structure and the flames and smoke were billowing everywhere. Nothing could possibly have survived such a blast.

Not the Draculoids, or their Co-Ordinator.

And not Gerard Way or Frank Iero.

Ray was kneeling, his hands placed behind his head, staring at the devastation before him in disbelief. Through the pain and heart stopping grief he was trying to hold at bay, one thought was constantly running through his head:

What the fuck happened?

Grace had edged out from behind the wall, and was gazing at the remains of the warehouse in horror.

“Poison?” She whispered, moving closer. “Ghoul?”

“Keep away, Gracie;” Ray urged her, waving his hand. “Just stay back.”

Turning away from her for a second, he turned his attention to the unmoving Mikey.

The younger Way was still laying on his front, flat on the ground. He was watching the flames with wide, staring eyes. He had turned as white as a ghost, and hadn't moved a muscle from the moment he had been sent crashing to the ground. He was shaking like a leaf, and was completely unaware of anything but the burning building. Ray was almost beside himself. He knew more Draculoids would be on the scene at any second, which meant they couldn't stay there too much longer. They had to get under cover, all they were all finished.

Ray swore in his fury when suddenly Grace ran forward, her breath coming out in short, raspy gasps, as she clawed at him, trying to push her way past him. He grabbed her around the middle firmly, and picked her up effortlessly. He cursed loudly as continued to fight desperately against him.

He gripped her to him, knowing he had to take back control of this situation or they would all be lost. If he didn't make them listen to him, none of them would be getting away from there with their lives.

He looked again at Mikey, and his blood ran cold.

The younger man still hadn't spoken, or even moved. His unblinking eyes were locked on the blaze. Ray could tell that he was in shock.

How was he supposed to get through to him?

“Mikes,” Ray breathed. “We have to get out of here.”

Mikey didn't respond, he simply continued to stare.

Ray was on the verge of collapse. The only thing that was keeping him from facing what had just happened, that his two best friends had just been killed in front of him, was his conviction to keep Mikey and Grace alive. If he didn't hold it together, he would break down there and then.

And if that happened, he'd have failed Gerard. And that was an impossibility for him.

He would make Gerard proud.

He fought back the tears threatening to spill as the anguish slowly built up inside of him. He had to keep trying. He had to get through to Mikey.

He crouched down beside the younger man.

“Mikey,” he stated, as calmly as he could muster. “Please sugar, come with me.”

Mikey gave no indication he had even heard.

Ray lost his patience. He grabbed at Mikey, trying to pull him to his feet.

“Mikey! ” Ray's voice broke, along with his heart, as he pleaded desperately; “I need you to listen to me, Mikes. Please!”

At last, at long last, Mikey lifted his head and regarded Ray with dead, cold eyes. There was nothing there. Mikey was disappeared behind the grief and shock he was experiencing.

Mikey was broken.

“Gone,” he muttered. “Gerard's gone.”

“For his sake,” Ray whimpered; “And for Frankie's, we have to get away from here. Now!”

“No point,” Came the stunted reply. “No point to any of it. Not without Gerard.”

“Mike,” Ray tried again. “You don't mean that. Gerard would want you to keep going. He wanted you to live. He told you to make him proud. You can't do that dead, Sugar!” He gripped Mikey's arm. Grace was now silent, holding onto Ray, watching Mikey closely. “We have to go on. For Gerard and Frank. We have to keep their memory alive-”

“Never going to see them again...” Mikey interjected. “It's over and done with...”

“Mikey,” Ray all but sobbed. “Please.”

The younger man swallowed hard. Finally, he raised his head and stared up at Ray with wide eyes. Ray could have broken down at the grief and agony he saw there. But he had to hold it together.

He had to go on.

Placing Grace down on the ground beside him, he indicated for her to stay close, and then grabbed Mikey's arm, and pulled with all his might, but his boyfriend dug his heels into the sand, and refused to move. It was like trying to budge a dead weight. Ray shook his head despairingly.

What the hell was he going to do?

“We have to get Grace out of here, Mikey.” He had to give it once last try. What choice did he have? “You know it's what Gerard and Frank would have wanted-”

At that, Mikey's eyes narrowed. The grief in those eyes momentarily changed to anger.

“Who gives a shit what they wanted?” He snapped. “They're dead, Ray. And they're not fucking coming back!”

Ray could take no more. Gripping Mikey with both hands, he manhandled the weaker man to his feet, and then began to force him along.

“Get off me,” Mikey was yelling, tears streaming down his face. “Let me the fuck go!” He hit out at Ray, trying to dislodge his hold, but Ray clung on. “I'm not leaving! I'm staying here with my brother!”

Ray swung round, holding Mikey's shoulders tightly. “I'm not leaving you behind!” He screamed in Mikey's face. “You're all I've got! I'm not leaving you here to die too!”

“He's my brother!” Mikey was gasping now, finding it hard to breathe properly. He suddenly seemed dangerously near to dissolving into hysterics. “I can't go on without him!”

“What about me?” Ray whimpered. “How am I supposed to go on without you?”

Mikey shook his head. He wasn't hearing Ray, couldn't take in what he was saying. All he could think of was Gerard and how he was never going to see his face again, hear his voice again, listen to him sing again...

And Frank. The pain only increased when Mikey's thoughts turned to his closest friend. Frank was gone too. His best friend and his brother both lost, in the same split second. And Mikey had walked away and left them. And he had lived.

He didn't want to live without the others.

“NO!” Mikey screamed, disbelief setting in. “No. This isn't happening. Ray, stop this...”

Before Ray could speak again, before he had the chance to drag Mikey on another step, there was a sudden bright flashing blue light we caught both the devastated men by surprise, and then the ear splitting scream, filled with total horror, caused them both to freeze, staring at one another in panic.

They turned to look at Grace as one, ready to ask why she had screamed with such terror, when they saw the reason, and understood instantly why the young girl was suddenly quaking in fear.

The Coordinator was stood a few feet away, flanked by her Draculoid guards. The head of BL/I was watching the two men with an expression of amusement and, as they looked at her with clear horror on their faces, she began to smile.

“Surprise,” she said.

Ray reacted first. Surging forward, he hurled Grace up with one arm, and then, whirling round, he grabbed Mikey by the back of his neck, and shoved him forward. “Fucking run,” he snarled.

“Where do you think you can run to?” The Coordinator called after them.

They soon found out why. More Draculoids appeared in front of them, ray guns instantly raised and ready to fire, just waiting for the order to end the three lives before them.

There were Dracs in all directions. They were beaten.

“Throw your guns down.” She declared. “At once.”

They regarded each other, and then appreciating that the situation was not looking good, they accepted they had no choice but to obey. Mikey dropped his gun first, Ray copying his action soon after.

“Smart,” The woman told them. “Now, get on your knees,” She tossed her hair. “All of you.”

There was no option but to obey. Very quickly, all three of them were slumped on the ground, ray gun held to the back of each of their heads. The woman nodded wit satisfaction, and then pulled out her walkie talkie, and pressed the button.

A voice quickly spoke up.


“The Transporter signal is dead,” she replied. “All the power was used up getting myself and my Dracs out of the fiery trap. I cannot transport again. You must send a helicopter.” She glanced round. “I have some prisoners.”

“Gerard Way and Frank Iero?” The voice questioned.

She smirked at her watching captives, whose agony was plain to see.

“No,” she snapped back. “They were both killed. Poison was already dead when I arrived, Korse and McCracken too.” She brushed a hand through her hair. “Iero died in the explosion he himself caused. I have captured the remaining Killjoys.”

“Then kill them,” the cold voice spoke again. “They are useless without the others.”

She placed her head on one side. “Even the child?”

“Especially her. More trouble than she's worth. Copter is on the way, Helli. Just end this, and get out of there. We need to begin again. New plans of action are required now Party Poison is deceased.” His tone became crueller. “There are other rebel leaders to hunt, my dear.”

She was nodding, clearly agreeing with whoever it was, a man who had the power to give her instructions. Instructions she followed happily. Ray was stunned. This woman had always been the face of BL/I. Everyone had assumed she was in charge of the whole company. But now, maybe this was not the case. He looked up at the others. Mikey was staring straight ahead, into nothing. He would not look at Ray. Grace, meanwhile, was crying, her whole tiny being trembling in fear. All Ray wanted to do was go to her, but he knew that if he moved, his life would be snuffed out in a second.

The woman was finishing up her conversation. “Will you come?”

“As you wish.”

The line was cut.

She turned, and regarded them closely. A cruel smile spread across her face.

“Well, so you are the Fabulous Killjoys? Not as Fabulous as I expected then.”

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