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Man in motion

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Oh sport, you are life!

In 1976, Rick joined the University of British Columbia, University of British Columbia) in the faculty of arts... Athlete-art critic? You are right, more than a strange combination. While Hansen was on the faculty of physical culture received him not.Rick first signed up not in the library, and the University's basketball team «Ванкуверские trams». And later met with the legendary Terry Fox. They became friends. Terry and Rick were United by the idea that sport can reverse the attitude to disabled people, and the disabled themselves a new look at your body and your life.To prove it, Rick took part in the «Рикатоне» - 32-kilometre marathon, the purpose of which was to collect money to help the параспортсменам. Simultaneously, Hansen well proved in basketball, volleyball and other sports. So well, that the University where he studied, could not ignore it - in 1977 Rick was transferred to the faculty of physical culture, and after a few years he became the first certified specialist in physical education in a wheelchair.During the study Rica thrice awarded the title of «the Best athlete with a disability» in 1979, in 1980 and 1982. In 1980 he took the gold, silver and bronze medal at the Paralympics in the Dutch Arnhem. In 1982, he represented Canada at the pan American games for people with disabilities. There Hansen has set eight world records. In the same year, Rick took part in the Boston marathon (by the way, throughout his career, he won 19 international marathons). In 1984 - again Paralympic games and the newly silver and gold.



Man in motion

For myself Rick has already proved that sport is life could only show people all over the world that people with disabilities do not need оправданиях, but they need support. To attract attention to the problems of people with disabilities and raise funds (10 million dollars) on the study of spinal cord diseases, Hansen decided to incredible adventure.

on 21 March 1985 Rick Hansen went round the world tour under the name «People in motion» (Man In Motion World Tour). Many twisted his temple is madness. But Richard was the purpose of:

«I hope that people will start to respect and not with kindness, to treat disabled persons, and will see what they can do and not what they are incapable».26 months, 40 074 kilometers, the 4 continents, 34 countries, 85 kilometers per day, 30 000 hits on ободам strollers daily spite of himself and bad weather.From Vancouver in the USA, UK, Europe, the Middle East, New Zealand, Australia, the far East and newly America, Miami, new York, and, finally, Vancouver. on 22 may 1987, thousands of residents poured into the streets of the city to meet the hero.Circumnavigation of the Rick Hansen - an unprecedented journey, got in the Guinness Book of records showing the world that persons with disabilities, despite the difficulty of his position, not looking for any excuse.


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