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Читайте также:
  1. A3. Как характеризует отца Надежды информация, заключён­ная в предложениях 16—18? Укажите верное продолжение фразы: Отец рассказчицы...
  2. Exercise 2. Замените придаточные предложения герундиальными оборотами, вводя их, где необходимо, предлогами, данными в скобках после предложения.
  3. Exercise 4. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple.
  4. IV. Эластичность предложения по цене
  5. VI. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в соответствующем времени. Предложения содержат придаточные предложения условия. (Реальное или нереальное условие)
  6. А10. Укажите верную характеристику предложения 5 текста.
  7. В) Переведите на понятный язык смысл последнего предложения текста.


1. Whether or not we establish freedom rests with ourselves. 2. As piracy percentages climb in a particular nation, it becomes increasingly difficult for US copyright owners to establish a legitimate market. 3. I am tomorrow, or some future day, what I establish today. I am today what I established yesterday or some previous day. 4. To head off allergies, expose your kids to pets and dirt early. 5. While mastering listening comprehension you are to find ways to expose yourself to speech that you can understand. 6. There are numerous reasons why you may be considering asking your boss whether you can work from home, compress your workweek, job-share, or initiate some other arrangement so that you can schedule your in-office hours outside the 8-to-5, five-day-per-week norm. Of course, to convince your employer to allow you to work under one of these arrangements, you’ve got to show a benefit to your company. Or at last that the arrangement will not cost the company, slow down projects, and unfairly shift work to other employees. Companies benefit significantly by allowing their employees to create flexible work arrangements. 7. In this book you will find all the information you need about marriage arrangement and ceremony. 8. If you fail to plan your retirement, then you’re really planning to fail. 9. Record investment in education and computer technology in the classroom has failed to deliver more graduates and better qualified school leavers, an international study said. 10. Unless you’re willing to have a go, fail miserably, and have another go, success won’t happen. 11. The second world war experience centre, which aim is to save personal experiences of wartime, collects documents, preserves, exhibits and encourages access to the surviving material evidence and associated information of the men and women who participated in the war in whatever capacity whether military or civilian. 12. Conscious experience is at once the most mysterious. There is nothing we know about more directly than consciousness, but it is extraordinary hard to reconcile it with everything else we know. 13. Employers have to accommodate nursing mothers: 50 per cent of new Moms in the US return to work within the first year of their babies lives – and not all are given opportunity to pump their breast milk. 14. Quit or commit. 15. Ever since Hamas, which is committed to Israel’s destruction, won parliamentary elections in January 2006, the Quartet has called on it to commit to non-violence.


1. Houston this year has suffered 44 days of ozone levels that exceeded national health standards and registered the highest ozone reading in the nation. 2. A somewhat anxious business always, for a woman, buying a swimming costume, especially as one gets old. 3. A call came from a young woman called Sarah Cussons, who identified herself as the driver of the Vauxhall cavalier which had followed Wexford’s car out of the car park. 4. Albert Einstein, Enrico Fermi and Leo Szilard concluded that a nuclear chain reaction was achievable. In such a reaction, the splitting of each nucleus would be a tremendous release of energy. 5. The 1930s saw an eccentric British version of a toaster ejecting the toast sideways and pop-up toasters did not become popular in Britain until Morphy-Richards introduced a model in 1948. 6. Gabrielle D’Annunzio, the celebrated Italian poet, was fiercely nationalistic and flirted with fascism which earned him not a few haters among Europe’s progressives. 7. They didn’t tell him until two weeks later that his brother John, took driver with the 8th Armoured Brigade, had been killed in the offensive. 8. It was not an uncommon type of marriage that Peveril had described; he was only one of many who had elected to make the dreariest and the longest journey with jealous foe. 9. Long hair on an elderly makes its wearer look like a nineteenth century statesman. 10. Because we have an unwritten constitution, it is difficult to know what exactly rights are because they are generally expressed negatively – we may do whatever is not expressly forbidden. 11. The confederation of British Industry yesterday urged the government to pump more cash into universities to the number of graduates available to industry. 12. The Government’s plans risk making the whole process of buying and selling a house more bureaucratic and more expensive without giving consumers, especially first-time buyers, the reassurance they deserve. 13. Adelaide was admitted to hospital in September to undergo a number of tests and receive some treatment. 14. We drove around in search of the ground but found the streets to be deserted but for the occasional stray dog. 15. Denis was a quick learner and was soon hilting the ball over the back fence. 16. When police tried to pull him over, Robinson refused to stop, police said. Robinson was arrested about 10 miles away in Mankato, and the criminal complaint said a field test measured Robinson’s blood-alcohol content at 0,11 per cent. 17. The United Nations must address the disintegration of states, humanitarian disasters, management of the environment and natural resources, and redistributive needs articulated by the concept of sustainable development. 18. Trade between the two countries was worth $180 m, although it has been falling for several years as political relations between the two countries deteriorated. 19. He made his way from the dining room to the bar. The meal had been a lonely affair, but he enjoyed it. 20. Very tentatively, spirits advertisers are dipping their toe into the water that is television advertising. Bell’s is expected to make its TV debut in two weeks’ time. 21. Harry Holzer, a professor of public policy at Georgtown University, has co-authored a report which makes the scope of the crises clear. 22. Are we not in danger of falling into Oscar Wilde’s trap? The cynic, he observed, is a person who knows “the price of everything but the value of nothing”. Have we all become practicing cynics? So observed with the price that we no longer attempt to consider value? 23. He poured orange juice into Dixie cups for us, and we retired to the living room. 24. Little Tracy came into the world weighing a healthy eight pounds five ounces at the Princess Margaret hospital in Windsor. 25. The average income per head in South Africa was £ 2,600 a year, according to the World Bank. 26. Two years ago, the month of June enjoyed a loud, unbroken spell of sunny weather. 27. From the medical report it appeared that Valerie was quite remarkably healthy. There were no entries on her National Health Medical card for the last three years. 28. It was five miles outside Oxford that Tailor noticed a red car. 29. If possible she would drop of her blood. 30. What was your favourite movie of all times? Gone with the Wind was fabulous. And I loved all the Bette Davis things. 31. There are a lot of hotels but most people prefer the friendless of local bed and breakfasts. 32. Senator Barrack Obama is making his first visit to Kenya since being elected to the Senate last year. The visit to his father’s homeland is the climax of a two-week, four-nation African tour. 33. Nowhere is this more evident than in the South, which has seen an unusual alliance of Republicans and African-American democrats. 34. It wasn’t until the evidence was heard at trial that local people felt able to relax. 35. Even if it was not shown until after the verdict, somebody is going to be influenced by the thought that 10 million people will see them. 36. At least twelve elite troops have already been killed. 37. You, my dear, are replaceable. My possessions are not. It’s that simple. 38. It’s not just France. All Europe is struggling to integrate ethnic minorities into the mainstream.


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