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VII. Translate the sentences. Pay attention to the translation of the underlined words.

Читайте также:
  1. Card 2. Translate from Russian into English.
  2. Check the sentences that use the underlined parts correctly.
  3. Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined part.
  4. Choose the word that is closest in meaning to the underlined part.
  5. Complete the word or phrase that is similar in meaning to the underlined part.
  6. Consult the dictionary to learn the difference in meaning between the following words.
  7. Define the underlined nouns as count, uncount, singular, plural or collective. Translate them into Russian paying attention to singular-plural correspondences.

1. The fire caused great damage to the house. The house was damaged during the fire.

2. In winter heating equipment comes into use. People shouldn’t use gasoline to start a bonfire.

3. Paint burns easily. I want to paint my kitchen.

4. A fire can result from overloading one outlet. Five people were injured as a result of the fire.

5. People shouldn’t stand near lighted stoves. The flat was light.

6. Teachers may give talks for classes. Firefighters may talk for classes.

7. Some groups are sponsors of radio and television programs. Many industries sponsor special classes to teach fire safety to workers.

8. Children visit fire departments. Children’s visit to fire department was very interesting.

VIII. Translate the sentences paying attention to the construction “modal verb + Infinitive”.

1. Workers must take special care when they work with chemicals.

2. Some liquids have to be stored in metal safety cans.

3. Spilled chemical must be cleaned up immediately.

4. Gasoline should be stored in tightly closed cans.

5. Gasoline shouldn’t be stored indoors.

6. Gasoline must never be used to start a bonfire.

7. An electrician should regularly check electric wiring.

8. Children may learn fire dangers by reading rhymes.

9. Machines must be designed to keep the flames under control.


IX. Read and translate into Russian the text “Fire Prevention in homes and schools”.


X. Answer the following questions:

1. How do fire departments work to improve fire prevention?

2. Why does the number of fires increase every winter?

3. Why should trash, old clothes, etc. be discarded?

4. How should gasoline and paint be stored?

5. What should electricians do?

6. What causes loss of life and thousands of dollars in damage?

7. How may young children learn fire dangers?

8. Why does fire prevention present special problems in industry?

9. What do inspectors and employers do to prevent fires?

10. Why must workers take special care when using chemicals and oils?


XI. Choose the proper variant:

1. The number of fires in homes increases a) every autumn b) every winter c) every summer.

2. An electrician should replace electric wiring that is a) new b) old c) weak and worn.

3. Wise parents teach children a) not to play with matches b) not to use matches c) not to light matches.

4. Many types of fabrics burn a) slowly b) easily c) seldom.

5. School and community groups sponsor a) state fire departments b) junior fire departments c) local fire departments.

6. Fire must be used for a) rare jobs b) many jobs c) some jobs

7. Spilled chemicals must be cleaned up a) quickly b) slowly c) easily.


XII. Find in the text the sentences describing:

a. work of some public agencies to improve fire prevention.

b. storage conditions of gasoline.

c. work of electrician in homes and schools.

d. school programs training children to be alert to fire hazards.

e. fire prevention measures in industry.

f. work with some liquids and chemicals.


XIII. Decide whether these sentences are true or false. Use the phrase. “You are (not) quite right. That’s (not) quite right. I’m afraid you are wrong”.

1. Fire departments work to worsen fire prevention through laws, educational programs, etc.

2. More fires occur in winter.

3. Gasoline and paint don’t burn easily.

4. Gasoline mustn’t be kept indoors.

5. Cords can run under carpeting.

6. Playing with matches is very dangerous.

7. Older children may give talks and demonstrations for classes.

8. Fire is used for many jobs.

9. Workers must report any problems that could cause fire.


XIV. Find in the text the English equivalents to the following words and word combinations:

общественные организации, улучшать пожарную безопасность, торговые палаты, молодёжные клубы, опасность пожаров, бирка предупреждающая об опасности, плотно закрытые канистры, не должен храниться в помещении, заменять электрический шнур, проходить под напольным покрытием, финансово поддерживать детские клубы, поддерживать пожарную безопасность в жилых домах, работодатели обучают рабочих, легковоспламеняющиеся пары, должны немедленно убираться.


XV. Retell the text in brief using the following word combinations:

to improve fire prevention through laws, educational programs, newspapers, number of fires in winter, to come into use, shouldn’t be stored, gasoline must never be used………, an electrician should ………, to burn easily, may give talks, to present special problems, to check for fire hazards, to report any problems that could cause fire, to use dry or liquid chemicals, must be cleaned up, to promote fire safety.


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