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Завдання 4. Використайте прикметники у дужках у

Читайте также:
  1. Адвокатура в Україні: основні завдання і функції
  2. Бонусні завдання
  3. Виконання спеціального завдання з попередження або озкриття злочинної діяльності організованої групи або злочинної організації
  4. Для виконання індивідуального завдання за темою
  5. Домашнє завдання
  6. Домашнє завдання
  7. Домашнє завдання

відповідному ступені порівняння:

My secretary is (good) of the three.

This is (big) building in the world.

Athens is (far) from London than Rome is.

It was slowly getting (hot) and (hot).

Завдання 5. Виберіть правильний займенник у дужках.

Alex bought a ticket to the soccer game He put (it, them) in (his, he) pocket.

He forgot about (it, them).

Excuse Alex. (He, him) is not right.

This is our bus. This bus is (our, ours).

There aren’t (any, some) mistakes in my dictation.

Mary is an accountant. (He, she) does (her, their) work well.

Don't take this book. I need (her, it) very much.

Excuse him..(She, he) is wrong


Завдання 6. Вставте правильну форму дієслова “to be”.

The shops…not open today.

They… busy now.

It…..a very interesting detective last week.

Next week there …… a very interesting film on TV.

I ….. at the college tomorrow by all means.


Завдання 7. Вставте дієслова в дужках у відповідній часовій формі.

You (to know) the answer.

My brother (to live) in Odesa.

She (to agree) with you.

My classes (to begin) at a quarter past eight.

I usually (to have) lunch at half-past twelve.

It (to snow) in winter.

My parents (to come) home late last Monday.


Завдання 8. Заповніть пропуски відповідними прийменниками де необхідно.

Is he interested ……learning Foreign languages?

He’s not very good……English.

I’m reading a book…….a famous traveller.

She likes to travel ……bus.

How often do you write … your friends?

When do you usually get … home?

I saw Helen …….Sunday.




Завдання 1. Прочитайте, перекладіть текст.

Project analysis

George Stephenson built a railway from Liverpool to Manchester in the 1820s. It was 45 per cent over budget and there were a lot of delays. Today, it is still difficult to manage big projects. The construction of Wembley Stadium, the home of English soccer, was Ј750m ($1.4 billion) over budget and the project finished late.

Smaller projects can also have problems. Research shows that IT projects often have problems with budgets and deadlines. In 2004, the cost of IT projects was usually 56 per cent more than the budget, and most projects took 84 per cent more time than planned.

Some projects fail because the work takes longer than planned. Sometimes the cost of labour or materials is more than the agreed budget. But good project management can increase a company's profits. A big German company decided to improve its project management, and the result was that it added one billion euros per year to its profits.

Project management isn't a new science. It has an international association, the Project Management Institute (PMI), based in Pennsylvania, USA. The PMI sets professional exams that thousands of people take every year. It has 150,000 members in 150 countries. All of the members are specialists in managing projects.

So, it is possible for big projects to succeed. The Saudi-Aramco Haradh gas pipeline is one example. The $2 billion project finished six months early and 27 per cent under budget. The project manager and the client were both very happy.


Завдання 2. Утворить множину іменників та перекладіть їх.

knife, ox, college, tape-recorder, man.


Завдання 3. Утворіть ступені порівняння прикметників та прислівників і перекладіть їх.

thick, well, attractive, pretty, polite.


Дата добавления: 2015-11-26; просмотров: 84 | Нарушение авторских прав

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