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Houses and Homes. A group of English pupils has arrived at our school; try to make an excursion inside and outside your school.

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A group of English pupils has arrived at our school; try to make an excursion inside and outside your school.

Our school is situated in Flyorov Street. It’s the largest school in our town. Our school is 25 years old. It looks nice and lovely. It’s a clean and attractive three-storeyed building. When you enter it you can see a large light entrance hall decorated with flowers and pictures. The cloakroom, the canteen, the gym, the workshops, the headmaster’s office and the classes for junior pupils are on the ground floor. On the first floor you can find a teachers’ room, classrooms for junior and senior pupils. We are proud of our assembly hall, where all kinds of performances, concerts and meetings are held. It has comfortable seats and is nicely decorated. On the second floor there are different classrooms with required equipment. For instance, we’ve got two computer classrooms, a language classroom. Our school library is also on the second floor. In the library there are not only textbooks, but there is fiction, newspapers and magazines. The school building itself is of a typical design, it is beautiful and well-planned. Near the school there is a big playground where we like to play different games and ski in winter.

2. What role does school play in every pupil’s life?

I’m absolutely sure that school plays an important role in every pupil’s life. School provides us not only with knowledge in science and humanities but gives us assistance in facing the outside world. It’s also a place where we make friends, learn to value moral qualities in people and develop our talents and skills. It’s common knowledge that success of school education depends mainly on the teachers, their professional skill, their attitude to the subjects they teach and the kind of relationship they can establish with the pupils.

3. Imagine that you are an exchange student in Great Britain. What questions would you ask British students? (Ask 3 questions.)

1. What problems do you have at school, if any?

2. What would you like to change at your school?

3. What extra-class activities do you take part in?

4. Your friend doesn’t know how to choose his future profession. Give some advice.

Topic “Future Profession”


5. What does school mean to you?

School means a lot to me in many ways. First it provides a high level of education. Now when I’m finishing school my heart is full of gratitude to most teachers for the knowledge they’ve given me and to many of my friends who have made my school life enjoyable. I will always look back at my school years as the happiest in my life.


Houses and Homes

1. Let’s talk about houses and homes. What type of house do you live in? Describe your house/flat in particular.

We live in a nine (five)-storeyed block of flats. It is situated in a very picturesque place, not far from the centre of the city. Our house is a short walk from the bus stop. It usually takes us about twenty minutes to get to the centre of the city. Our flat is on the _________ floor. There are _________ rooms in our flat: a living room, my parents’ bedroom, my own room. We also have a kitchen, a bathroom, a toilet and a hall in our flat. There is also a balcony where we can grow flowers in summer.

The living room is the largest and most com­fortable room in the flat. Our living room is very cosy and light. We use it as a dining-room and as a sitting-room. In the evenings we stay here together watching TV, listening to music, talking or discussing family matters. There is a wall unit, a sofa with two armchairs. There is a small coffee table between two com­fortable armchairs.

My parents’ bedroom is very comfortable and spacious. It reflects their tastes, hobbies and the way of life. There are a lot of books and souvenirs there.

The room I like best is my room. It is nice and cosy. There is a bed, a bookcase, a computer table, a ward­robe and an armchair in my room. There are sev­eral bookshelves on the walls of my room.

Our kitchen is rather large and comfortable. There is a refrigerator, a gas-cooker, a cupboard, a sink and a little table in the middle of the kitchen. There are some chairs round the table. Our kitchen is very well equipped. We have got a microwave oven, a coffeemaker, a dishwasher and a toaster. I like our flat very much. I think there is no place like home.

2. Is your flat comfortable and well-planned? What modern conveniences have you got?

Our flat is very comfortable and well-planned. It's a flat with all modern conveniences, such as cen­tral heating, electricity, gas, cold and hot running water, a telephone and chute.

3. Imagine that you want to rent a flat or a house. What question will you ask your estate agent? (Ask 3 questions.)

1) Is it a modern or a period house?

2) How many rooms are there?

3) Is it in a good location?

4. The place the person lives in influences his mood and his way of life, doesn’t it? Give your reasons.

Home is a place where you design the environment to reflect your personality, tastes, interests, turning your surroundings into an extension of yourself. Being in your familiar surroundings at home gives you peace of mind and a feeling of mental and emotional security. Your home is a place where you make the rules, where you decide what or who may be part of your personal life. I believe that familiar and friendly surrounding of your home makes you really happy.

5. Do you agree with the proverb “East or West, home is best”.

I absolutely agree with this proverb. Time flies. Our world changes, but there is something which remains eternal, and this is our home. A home is a place where you are always welcome and safe, where love is unconditional, where your soul rests peacefully. Home to me, it is my nest, my cave, my comfort zone for heart and soul, my home is my castle. And generally speaking, a house starts to be a home when it is warmed by people who live in it.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-30; просмотров: 249 | Нарушение авторских прав

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