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A. Training Exercises

Читайте также:
  2. Additional Language Exercises
  3. Additional Language Exercises
  4. Additional Vocabulary Exercises
  5. B. Pre-reading Exercises
  6. Basic notions of a system, subsystem, complex, series, cycle, group of exercises


Exercise 1.1. Analyse the type of Subjunctive mood in the sentences below:


1. Edgar gave her an anxious look fearing lest she faint in front of the guests. 2. God give him wisdom and courage! 3. So be it, Paul. 4. He specially desired that you accompany me on the second visit. 5. Whatever she say, we can hardly change anything now. 6. Should you come to Washington, call me by all means. 7. It’s not fair that the child should be sent to bed so early on a day like this. 8. It was decided that he spend a fourth year at Cambridge doing psychology. 9. “So how do you suggest I should get hold of her?” 10. Franz had suggested that Rita finish packing the gear and that he handle the heavy work of loading it into the cargo trailers. 11. It’s incredible that she should have said such a terrible thing! 12. He stifled his tears, lest he wake his new roommate. 13. Far be it from me to intrude on his privacy. 14. It strikes me as odd that she know the password. 15. The idea was that no connection be made between you and your friend. 16. The details aren’t for the briefing but suffice it to say we are convinced our man was bought off. 17. It’s vital we not be involved. 18. He betrayed me, so I ordered that he should be killed. 19. It’s inappropriate that they should be given the award again. 20. If you should write to Lisa, send her my love.

Exercise 1.2. Say whether the sentences below are correct or incorrect:


E.g. Tom suggested that I should look for another job. / correct /


1. Tom suggested that I look for another job.

2. Tom suggested that I looked for another job.

3. Tom suggested me to look for another job.

4. Where do you suggest I go for my holiday?

5. Where do you suggest me to go for my holiday?

6. Where do you suggest I should go for my holiday?

7. It is sad that you should have heard of it on the day of your wedding.

8. It is sad that you should hear of it on the day of your wedding.

9. Should he ask for the references, tell him to apply to me.

10. If he ask for references, tell him to apply to me.

11. If he'll ask for references, tell him to apply to me.

12. Should anything change, you will return home.

13. Anything change, you will return home.

14. If anything changed, you will go home.


Exercise 1.3. Insert the suitable verb forms in these sentences:


E.g. It's urgent that we (should) send the information now. (we/to send)


1. It's essential that __ home now. (she/to return) 2. I'm eager that __ presents at the meeting. (he/to be) 3. It's vital that __ informed. (They/to be) 4. It's impossible that __ about it. (he/to guess) 5. Is it possible that __ to come? (she/to refuse) 6. It's unlikely that... before. (we/ to meet) 7. My decision is that __ us at the railway station. (he/to meet) 8. The police insisted that the __ moved immediately. (car/to be) 9. I propose that this __ closed to cars. (street/to be) 10. I’m suggesting that __ my proposal. (he/to reconsider)


Exercise 1.4. Use either Subjunctive I or the Suppositional Mood to complete these sentences:


E.g. Marion proposed that we (should) buy a gift for Jim who would soon be leaving the firm. (we/ to buy)


1. The travel agent recommended that __ driving abroad during the holidays. (We/to avoid)

2. I suggest that __ this matter during the meeting. (he/not to raise)

3. All I ask is that __ the rules. (he/not to break)

4. What does he advise __? (She/to do)

5. It's no good demanding that __ our performance. We're doing our best. (We/to improve)

6. I request that __ good care of this flat while you're living in it. (You/to take)

7. Her solicitor insisted that __ in signing the contract. (She/(not) to delay)

8. I suggest that __ a taxi if we want to get to the meeting on time. (We/to take)

9. He asks that __ to visit his children once a week. (He/to be allowed)

10. Having come from disco after midnight I tip toed to my room lest __ that I came later than I had promised. (Mother/to wake up, to see)


Exercise 1.5. Complete the sentences using The Suppositional Mood + one of the verbs from the box:


to ask not to raise to leave to listen to avoid to be to say to be fitted to worry to begin


1. It's strange that she... late. She's usually on time.

2. It's funny that you... that. I was going to say the same thing!

3. It's only natural that parents... about their children.

4. Isn't it typical of Ron that he... without saying goodbye to anybody?

5. I was surprised that he... me for advice. What advise could I give him?

6. It's very important that everybody... very carefully.

7. Alice thinks that we … driving through the centre of town.

8. It has been agreed that the company … its prices.

9. He suggested that Mr. Clarke … to look for another job.

10. The law stipulates that the new cars … with seatbelts.


Exercise 1.6. Use appropriate forms of the Suppositional mood:


1. It is disgusting that he (to waste) money she earns for him. 2. I’m amazed she (to tell) us as much as she did. 3. Isn’t it weird that during all these years we (to live) not two miles from each other? 4. And who (to answer) the phone but Sam Watson! 5. I’m sorry your name (to come) forward in connection with this affair. 6. It doesn’t strike me as odd that Laura (to treat) like a little girl while she was in hospital. 7. I wonder why this matter (to get) so much publicity. 8. It’s a shame Fred (to get) a “C” for his term paper. 9. It’s perfectly natural that a man like him (to avoid) paying taxes. 10. Isn’t it strange that Sally (to sleep) still?


Exercise 1.7. Supply the suitable forms of the Suppositional mood or Subjunctive I to complete the story:


“For the time being,” Dr. Grey said, “It’s important that you (to take) it easy. Immediately after a heart attack, I suggest you (to get) plenty of rest. After a month, I recommend you (to begin) taking a little exercise.”

Mr. Fry blinked through his glasses. “I will be dead!” he protested.

“If you don’t do as I tell you, you will be,” Dr. Grey said. “It’s vital that you (to follow) my advice.”

“But I’ve always been so active, Doctor.”

“And you will be active again, but n ot yet. Come and see me in a fortnight.”

Of course, Mr. Fry didn’t follow his doctor’s advice. “There may be people who can sit around,” he said to his wife, “but I can’t!”

He spent the morning before his next appointment painting the kitchen ceiling. In the afternoon, he visited Dr. Grey.

“It would seem you have been painting the ceiling!” Dr. Grey said sternly.

“How can you possibly know, Doctor?”

“You’ve got paint on your glasses!” the doctor said.


Exercise 1.8. Fill in the gaps using the words in brackets. Enlarge upon the dialogues and act them out:

BEN: Where’s Jack? He promised to check these reports with me.

SUE: I saw him in the sales office a few minutes ago.

BEN: It's essential (he/to see) the reports.

SUE: Shall I go and look for him?

BEN: NO, I shouldn't bother. He'll probably turn up in a minute.


FAY: Are you going to stay in the office over lunchtime?

JILL: Yes. It's important (I/to check) these figures. We'll be using them in this afternoon's meeting.

FAY: Oh, right, yes. Look, (Gareth/to call), will you say I'm not available until tomorrow? I really haven't got time for him today.


MICK: I can't find those file anywhere. What do you suggest (I/to do)?

TOM: I really don't know. It's absolutely typical that (they/to disappear) just when you need them. Why don't you ask Rose for a copy of them?

MICK: I did. She insisted that (I/to search) for them.

TOM: She's so unhelpful.


GAIL: Are you going to buy a house?

LIZ: Well, the bank's recommendation is that (we/to wait).

GAIL: Why's that?

LIZ: They say prices may fall later in the year. They suggest (we/to rent) until the autumn.

GAIL: I suppose it's only natural (they/to be) cautious.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-30; просмотров: 295 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: THE CATEGORY OF MOOD | THE USE OF SUBJUNCTIVE I | THE SUPPOSITIONAL MOOD | A. TRAINING EXERCISES | B. PRACTICING | E.g.She lives in a small flat. (If only)⇨If only I lived in a cottage in the country. | Structural Conversation 1. | C. ORAL ACTIVITY | REVISION TESTS | Successful Advertising Strategies |
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