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Vocabulary notes.

Читайте также:
  1. A. Vocabulary
  2. Active vocabulary
  4. Active vocabulary
  5. Active vocabulary
  6. Active Vocabulary
  7. Active Vocabulary


1. district court   районный суд
2. decision on the claim   решение по иску
3. to deny the claim   отклонить иск
4. to perform ineffectively at trial   неэффективно действовать в суде
5. to perfect an appeal on the claim   завершить, окончательно оформить апелляцию по делу
6. (not) to utter a word     (не) произнести (ни) слова
7. a report on smb/smth   отчет о к-л.\ч-л
8. a bidder   лицо, участвующее в торгах, покупщик
9. advanced mental breakdown     прогрессирующее умственное расстройство
10. (not) to serve any purpose   (не) служить к-л цели
11. to be opposed to smth   быть противником чего-либо
12. clemency hearing   слушания о помиловании
13. to make sense   иметь смысл
14. guilt of a wrong decision     вина за неверное решение
15. to grant a delay   предоставить отсрочку
16. to be comforted by smth   утешиться чем-либо
17. a trace of pride   признак гордости
18. for the occasion   по случаю

II. Make up five comprehension questions for each part of the chapter.

III. Reading between the lines.

1. Adam hated Dr.Swinn and people like him. But for the moment, he was working

for them, and he was good.

2. Goodman seemed to be more than a little optimistic, particularly because of

Sam’s age.


3. “As a lawyer, I have to explore every possibility”.

4. Adam was sure that the only way to talk Sam into a clemency hearing was to

promise him it would not be a public show.

5. “I cannot change my mind unless there’s something new”.

6. “I do not want to carry the guilt of a wrong decision for the rest of my life”.

7. “We are in constant contact with the Attorney General’s office. From now until

next Wednesday, we will be prepared.”

8. “ This case will attract a lot of attention, a lot of media. We must act

professionally at all times”.

9. Sam was amused when Adam told him about the Klansmen.

10. Sam shook his head with a frown. Adam watched him closely. He wasn’t really




IV. Topics for discussion.


1. Why did Garner Goodman work on the legal case together with Adam?

2. What was the role of Dr. Swinn`s report on Sam?

3. Why did Goodman visit McAlister?

4. How did Colonel Nugent and his team prepare for the execution? What troubles

from outside did they expect?

5. Why did Sam write letters to his victims? Why did he want the letters to be

delivered after the execution was over?




1 ). Use the correct tense form:


1. “It doesn’t look good. I …(to get) prepared, just in case. I … (to hurt) a lot of

people, Adam. When you …(to be going to) die, you … (to think) about the

damage you..(to do).”

2. “Quince Lincoln. I …(to work) on it for a week, but I …(to think) about it for

forty years”.

3. “The Mississippi Supreme Court just …(to turn down) our claim that you

…(to be) mentally unfit. The US Supreme Court …(to deny) the cruelty appeal.

Fifth Circuit …(not to respond) to the ineffectiveness claim”.

4. “We also …(to hear) that other such groups …(to be) here shortly, and it

…(to appear) that they …(to plan) to protest until this thing …(to be) over.

5. He …(to have) center-stage and obviously.…(to enjoy) every moment of it.

6. “The gas chamber itself …(to prepare). It’s old and it …(not to use) in two

years, so we …(to be) very careful.”

7. “There …(to be) no contact with any member of the press unless I first …

(to approve) it”.


8. “I always …(to think) there must …(to be) someone else behind the bombing.

But why is it so important?”

9. “I …(to understand) there …(to be) quite a lot of claims and appeals in the past

few days,” McAlister said.

10. Sam …(to suffer) from advanced mental breakdown. He …(to reach) a point

where he ….(not to know) the nature of his punishment. He …(to lack) the

necessary understanding to be executed, and therefore the execution …(not

to serve) any purpose.



Дата добавления: 2015-10-30; просмотров: 104 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: I. Vocabulary notes. | II.Comprehension questions. | Use Indirect Speech. | Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the words in brackets. | I. Vocabulary notes. | Report the following questions. | Use Indirect Speech. | Connect the following parts of the sentences. |
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