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Sam and Cathy are planning their evening.

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  1. A) Consider the synonyms; match words with their definitions.
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  3. A) Match the idioms with their definitions.
  4. A. The article below describes the lives of two Russian teachers of English, Anya and Olga. Read the article and find out whether they are satisfied with their jobs.
  6. B) People use great amounts of water for their needs.
  7. B) The mild temperature was lowered by a heavy rain in the morning, and the temperature dropped lower by evening. 1 страница

Cathy: Sam?

Sam: Mmm?

Cathy: What do you want to do tonight?

Sam: Oh, I don't know. Nothing special.

Cathy: Is there anything on at the cinema?

Sam: Here's the paper. Page two.

Cathy: Thanks. (Looking at the paper.) There's a new film by Maurice.

Sam: Who? Who's Maurice?

Cathy: A film director, of course.

Sam: Well, I didn't know. What's it called?

Cathy: 'Elena.'

Sam: 'Elena!' - what kind of film is it?

Cathy: I don't know, but I'd like to see it.

Sam: All right. How long's it been running?

Cathy: Why?

Sam: Well, if it's a new film, it'll be difficult to get a seat.

Cathy: (Looking in the paper again.) No, it says: 'Now in its tenth week.

Continuous performances.'

Sam: So it doesn't matter when we go.

Cathy: No, but...

Sam: Yes?

Cathy: Well, I'd like to go now. Come on.... Sam, come on!

(Later.Outside the cinema.)

Cathy: Oh no! Look!

Sam: (Reading a notice.) 'House Full. Standing Only.'

Cathy: I don't want to stand for three hours.

Sam: What now?

Cathy: Where can we go dancing?

Sam: Dancing? You don't like dancing.

Cathy: I know. But tonight I do.

Sam: Perhaps there's something in the paper.

Cathy: Perhaps. (She looks in the newspaper.) What about this place?

Sam: Which place?

Cathy: This one. "Paradise".

Sam: 'Paradise!'

Cathy: (Reading from the paper.) 'Paradise. StFrancis's latest rendezvous for young people. Non-stop entertainment. Live groups, discotheque and restaurant.' What do you think?

Sam: It sounds all right. Does it say anything else?

Caihy: 'The Right of Admission is reserved.'

Sam: Oh. Do you think they'll let me in?

Cathy: We'll see. Anyway it's not far. Just round the corner.

Sam: Cathy?

Cathy: Yes?

Sam: Cathy, why do you want to go out tonight?

Cathy: It's my birthday.




a) Read and act the dialogues.

b) Make up the dialogues based on the models using as many words as possible dealing with topic "At the theatre."

Dialogue 1

At the Theatre

—Good evening, Mr. McDonald! Never expected to meet you.

—Good evening, Mr. Bailey! This is a small world. How are you?

—I am doing fine, thanks. How is life treating you?

—Never felt better in my life. Thanks.

—Pleased to hear it. Incidentally, where do you have a seat?

—In the stalls, row С and where is your seat?

—In the box, close to the stage. So I don't have to use opera glasses.

—Fine. What do you think of the play?

—Frankly speaking I don't like it. The action develops slowly. Some scenes are dull. The cast is not very good. Do you share my opinion?

—Yes, I do. That happens to be a rather poor performance. Have you been to this theatre before?

—I am here for the first time. The hall is beautifully decorated and the chandelier is wonderful.

—I advise you to see "The Twelfth Night" by Shakespeare at this theatre. I am sure you will be impressed.

—I had a chance of seeing the play at the Sovremyennik Theatre in Moscow. It was many years ago.

—It would be interesting for you to compare the two performances. Don't you think so?

—I fully agree with you here. I have been dreaming of seeing a play by Shakespeare in this country. So I'll do my utmost to see "The Twelfth Night."

—The lights are going down. In a minute the curtain will be up. We must hurry to the hall.

—Be seeing you later.

Dialogue 2

Alice: Do you fancy going to the Drama theatre on Sunday? They are doing a new play by O'Neil.

Jane: I'd love to. Do you think we'll manage to get tickets? I know that his plays are very popular with the public.

Alice: You're quite right, but I've already booked seats by telephone.

Jane: Oh, it's wonderful. Is it a matinee or an evening performance?

Alice: It's an evening performance. I don't like matinees with lots of children who are very noisy.

Jane: Where shall we sit?

Alice: Our seats are in the rear stalls. You'd better take opera glasses.

Jane: Yes, of course. Shall we meet outside the theatre at 7.15?

Alice: It suits me fine.

Jane: Then it's settled. Good-bye.

Alice: See you soon.

Dialogue 3

Дата добавления: 2015-10-30; просмотров: 244 | Нарушение авторских прав

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UNIT 2. THEATRE| After the performance

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