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For questions 1-10, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals below to form а word that fits in the space.

Читайте также:
  1. A Complete the questions with one word only.
  2. A Discuss these questions as a class.
  3. A few common expressions are enough for most telephone conversations. Practice these telephone expressions by completing the following dialogues using the words listed below.
  4. A friend has just come back from holiday. You ask him about it. Write your questions.
  5. A friend has just come back from holiday. You ask him about it. Write your questions.
  6. A Read the text. Discuss these questions with a partner.
  7. A Work with a partner and discuss these questions.

Module 1

Self-Assessment Control Test

otato Use of English

Complete each sentence with a word from each box.

rolling new wet nosy couch stuffed fair-weather
broom potato parker shirt blanket stone friend

rolling stone

new broom

wet blanket

nosy parker

couch potato

stuffed shirt

fair-weather friend

1. Paul’s a fair-weather friend – he’s never really supportive when things are going wrong.

2. Don’t be such a wet blanket- by not joining in, you are spoiling everyone else’s fun.

3. Leila is always moving from one town to another, never settling down – she's a real rolling stone

4. Veronica is a nosy parker - she likes gossiping and never stops trying to find out what's happening in other people's lives.

5. Graham has been a stuffed shirt since he was applied for the job – he has made so many changes for the better.

(5 points)

2. Underline a correct word in italic:

1. After yesterday's victory, the champion can now take his honorary / rightful / valid place amongst the greatest heroes of boxing.

2. I eventually came round / up / in for to the idea of moving to a new city.

3. I've never felt entirely at comfort / ease / leisure with the new director as he has a manner which I find somewhat intimidating.

4. I could hear the bottles of wine I bought at the supermarket clinking / crashing / smashing in the bag as I walked along the street.

5. She felt so finished / drained / dry of emotion after her long ordeal on the lifeboat that she could hardly speak.

(5 points)


Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and eight words, including the word given.

1. I only realized who it was when he removed his sunglasses.


It was only when … he removed his sunglasses, I recognized …… him.

2. You don’t know who your real friends are until there is a crisis.


It’s only in the… critical moments you can find …….. out who your real friends are.

3. His jokes in themselves are not funny, but his delivery of them is hilarious.


It’s how he… tells the jokes, this is hilarious, but ……… not the jokes themselves.

4. Your place of birth doesn’t determine your accent so much as where you spent your childhood.


It’s where you … grew up shows where you brought your accent …………….. rather than your place of birth.

5. You are only likely to get a two per cent rise from him.


All he … can offer is …………… a two per cent rise.

(5 points)


4. Write at least 3 idioms/expressions with each of the given words:

1. time on time - to be on time means not to be late. You arrive at the right time. 'The trains always run on time in my country. They are never late.' time flies - This common idiom means that time passes quickly. 'Time flies when you are having fun.' save time - We save time when we do something the quick way. 'We will save time if we drive instead of taking the bus.' 2. run a dry run - an occasion when you practise doing something to make sure there will be no problems when you really do it. We decided to do a dry run at the church the day before the wedding. We'd better have a couple of dummy runs before we do the real thing. run a risk - to take a chance that something (bad) will happen. I don't want to run the risk of losing my job. Don't worry. You won't have to run a risk. run something off - to get rid of something, such as fat or energy, by running. The little boys are very excited. Send them outside to run it off. They need to run off their energy. 3. come Come by something - travel by means of some vehicle. We came by train. Come down in the world - lose financial or social prestige and position. I'm afraid Tom has come down in the world. Life's been pretty hard for him lately. Come in out of the rain - start paying attention to a situation. If he doesn't come in out of the rain, things will get out of control. 4. look look like death warmed over - to look really tired or sick. Tony was out with his friends until 3 a.m., so when he came into work the next morning, he looked like death warmed over. look-see - to look at something, sometimes for the purpose of amusement. Usually used with the verb "have." Let's go have a look-see at that new bar downtown. look through - to look quickly through a newspaper, magazine, or website. Ed looked through the college catalogue to decide whether or not this was the school he wanted to attend. 5. catch catch a cold - To get sick with a cold (a minor respiratory infection). “Why weren’t you at the soccer game on Saturday?” “Oh, I caught a nasty cold, so I decided to stay home and rest.” catch your breath - To try to breathe normally after hard exercise. “I stopped running to catch my breath.” catch fire - When something comes into contact with fire and starts to burn. “Keep those papers away from the candle, or else they’ll catch fire.”  

(5 points)


For questions 1-10, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals below to form а word that fits in the space.

The often dull realities of life aboard а space station, with its long periods of (1) activity seem а far cry from the thrill and sensation of science fiction movies.

But this was (2) dramatically disproved by the incident which occurred on the Mir space station on 26th June 1997 during the docking of а supply vessel.

The sudden (3) appearance from view of the vessel during the final stages of the docking (4) proceeding gave the crew on the station the first indication that something was wrong. When it turned up again, it collided with а science module attached to the station. The ensuing situation quickly became (5) nightmarish for the crew. With air rapidly escaping from the hole caused by the (6) collision, the station was heading for disaster. А catastrophe was averted by the quick­thinking and (7) resourceful of the crew in isolating the damaged section.

Although nо claims that the station was (8) destroyed had been made by the technicians, they were still shocked at just how vulnеrblе it was shown to be. One factor that (9) arguably contributed to the near tragedy was the station's age. Nevertheless, the crew themselves said they didn’t feel(10) iollusory with the mission and all agreed that the new International Space Station should go ahead.


(10 points)


Дата добавления: 2015-10-29; просмотров: 330 | Нарушение авторских прав

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