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Present Tenses

Читайте также:
  1. A Graphical User Interface (GUI) makes computers easier to use. A GUI uses icons. Icons are pictures which represent programs, folders, and files.
  2. A Present continuous
  3. A) Present Passive quiz
  4. A. Write sentence or questions with the present perfect.
  5. Advertising: Any paid form of nonpersonal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor.
  6. Advice on Giving a Good PowerPoint Presentation
  7. Before I start my presentation today, I’d like to ask you all a question. [QUESTION] Put your hand up, please, if your answer is ‘yes’.

Simple Present, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, or Present Perfect Continuous? Choose the right answer.

1. Peter ______ to the swimming pool every day.


is going

has gone

has been going

2. I usually ________ till nine in the evening.


am working

have worked

have been working

3. She ________ apple pie for dessert quite often.


is making

has made

has been making

4. Please be quiet. My children________.


are sleeping

have slept

have been sleeping

5. The sun ________ in the east.


is rising

has risen

has been rising

6. Listen! Someone________ the piano.


is playing

has played

has been playing

7. Where is Linda? – She _________ dinner in the kitchen.


is cooking

has cooked

has been cooking

8. She can't go to the movies. She ______ her homework yet.

doesn't do

isn't doing

hasn't done

hasn't been doing

9. Tanya _______ France several times.


is visiting

has visited

has been visiting

10. We ________ this report for four hours. Let's have a break.


are writing

have written

have been writing

Past Tenses

Simple Past, Past Continuous, Past Perfect, or Past Perfect Continuous? Choose the right answer.

1. It _______ me two hours to get to the airport.


was taking

had taken

had been taking

2. Their car was stolen while they ______ lunch at a cafe.


were eating

had eaten

had been eating

3. My grandmother_________ fairy tales to me when I was a child.


was reading

had read

had been reading

4. When he lived in Mexico, he ________ in a bank.


was working

had worked

had been working

5. He _______ for his bus at the bus stop when the robbers attacked him.


was waiting

had waited

6. She __________ all the letters by the time her boss asked her to type them again.


was sending

had sent

7. Until last night, she________ him about it.

never asked

was never asking

had never asked

8. He _________ for twenty years when he finally quit smoking.


was smoking

had been smoking

9. Yesterday I went to an interesting museum that I_________ before.

didn't visit

wasn't visiting

hadn't visited

10. By the time we arrived, she ___________ for us at the train station for three hours.


was waiting

had been waiting

Future Tenses

Simple Future, Future Continuous, Future Perfect, or Future Perfect Continuous? Choose the right answer.


1. I'm sure that he__________ you.

will help

will be helping

will have helped

will have been helping

2. She __________ when you come back.

will sleep

will be sleeping

will have slept

will have been sleeping

3. I _________ you in the morning.

will call

will be calling

will have called

will have been calling

4. I ________ at 11:30 tomorrow.

will work

will be working

will have worked

will have been working

5. I think that we ________ to Italy next summer.

will go

will be going

will have gone

will have been going

6. You will recognize him. He __________ a brown leather jacket and a red scarf.

will wear

will be wearing

will have worn

will have been wearing

7. Say goodbye to Ann. By the time you return, she ________ for New York.

will leave

will be leaving

will have left

will have been leaving

8. She buys too many things. She_________ all her money long before her next pay.

will spend

will be spending

will have spent

will have been spending

9. By 2014, he __________ as the director of this company for thirty years.

will work

will be working

will have been working

10. She ______ him about it.

won't tell

won't be telling

won't have told

won't have been telling

All Tenses. Choose the right answer.

1. Who ______ food in your family when your Mom is away?


is cooking

has been cooking


2. Where is John? – He_________ his car in the garage.


is repairing

has repaired


3. I love this film. I __________ it four or five times already.


have seen


had seen

4. I think I _______ home tonight. I'm a little tired.


am staying

will stay

will be staying

5. She_________ the living room when she heard a strange noise in the kitchen.

has cleaned

has been cleaning


was cleaning

6. I envy you. At five tomorrow you _________ some tan on a nice beach in Greece.

will get

will be getting

will have gotten

will have been getting

7. You arrived two days ago. You are going to leave next Sunday. By the time you leave, you _______nine days here.


have spent

will spend

will have spent

8. Where is he? I ________ for him since three o'clock!

am waiting

have been waiting

was waiting

had been waiting

9. I went to Belgium last month. I _________ there before. It's a beautiful country.

have never been

had never been

never was

never been

10. He said that his mother would be very upset when she _______ that he had lost his job.



had learned

would learn

THE PASSIVE VOICE (Страдательный залог)

The Passive Voice показывает, что лицо или предмет, обозначенные подлежащим, являются объектами действия, выраженного сказуемым:

¨ She was woken from her sleep by his singing. — Она была разбужена пением.


The Passive Voice образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в соответствующем времени, лице и числе и причастия прошедшего времени смыслового глагола Participle II:

The Passive Voice
to be + Participle II

Таблица форм глагола to give в страдательном залоге


Passive Voice Present Past Future
Indefinite am/are/is given was/were given will be given
Continuous am/are/is being given was/were being given ____________________
Perfect has/have been given Had been given will have been given
Perfect Continuous ________________ ________________ __________________


Пассивный залог показывает, что подлежащее не выполняет действие, а подвергается действию другого лица или предмета. Если указано, кем произведено действие, то употребляется предлог by:

e. g. The new play was staged by R. Simonov.

В Passive Voice употребляются глаголы, имеющие предложные дополнения такие как:

hear of – слышать о

laugh at – смеяться над

look after – присматривать за (кем-либо)

look at – смотреть на

rely on – полагаться на

send for – посылать за

speak of (about) – говорить о

pay attention to – обращать внимание на

take care of – заботиться о

The book is much spoken about. Об этой книге много говорят.

He can't be relied on. На него нельзя положиться.

В русском переводе не все глаголы сохраняют предлог:

to listen to – слушать что-либо, кого-либо

to look for – искать что-либо

to provide for – обеспечить кого-либо, чем-либо

to explain to – объяснять кому-либо

He was listened to with great attention. Его слушали с большим вниманием.

The new performance was much talked about.

(Об этом спектакле много говорили).


1.Поставьте глаголы в скобках: Present, Past, Future:

a) Every morning the theatre (to be cleaned). The lamps (to be washed). The chairs and seats (to be brought) in. The old sets (to be painted) again. The furniture (to be repaired).

b) Every day some new scene (to be rehearsed).

c) The student’s film called “ Our Institute” (to be made) at the VGIK studio some years ago. The script of the film (to be written) in English. The roles (to be performed) well. The film (to be directed) and (to be shot) quite professionally. When the film (to be shown) in the big hall of the Institute it (to be enjoyed) by all the students.

d) Soon a concert (to be held) at our Institute. The concert (to be given) by third - year students. The music of young composers (to be performed) at this concert.

2.Поставьте предложения в страдательном залоге:

Model: They bought us some newspapers.

Some newspapers were bought to us.

We were bought some newspapers.

· She showed them a new picture.

· He wrote a play in 1996.

· They will buy tickets in the box- office tomorrow.

· The director asked many questions to the producer.

· Khachaturyan wrote music to this ballet.

· The experienced teachers teach our students.

· Different producers perform this play.

· These musicians are doing a lot to propagate folk music.

· This song formed the hybrid of folk songs and rock music.

· The organizers of the Prom have attracted the world-wide performers.

3.Поставьте глаголы в скобках в действительном или страдательном залоге:

1. The music festival (to fit) to the 21-st century.

2. A lot of new for that time trends (to include) in the genre.

3. This prestigious event (to hold) since 1999.

4. Classical music repertoire (to perform) by the orchestra long before they (to start) their world tours in 2002.

5. Nowadays a lot (to do) by he orchestra to keep British national traditions alive.

4. Переведите предложения на русский язык:


1. She was looked at.

2. Chaplin’s gags were always laughed at.

3. This pianist’s concerts are much spoken of.

4. Fresh newspapers will be sent for.

5. The incident will be quickly forgotten about.

5 Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Active или Passive Voice.

1. Nobody (to see) him yesterday. 2. The telegram (to receive) tomorrow. 3. He (to give) me this book next week. 4. The answer to this question can (to find) in the encyclopedia. 5. We (to show) the historical monuments of the capital to the delegation. 6. You can (to find) interesting information about the life in the USA in this book. 7. Budapest (to divide) by the Danube into two parts: Buda and Pest. 8. Yuri Dolgoruki (to found) Moscow in 1147. 9. Moscow University (to found) by Lomonosov. 10. We (to call) Zhukovski the father of Russian aviation.

6. Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice.

1. I bought potatoes yesterday. 2. We shall bring the books tomorrow. 3. They are repairing the clock now. 4. They sell milk in this shop. 5. I have translated the whole text. 6. They broke the window last week. 7. When I came home, they had eaten the sweets. 8. We shall do the work in the evening. 9. He wrote this book in the 19th century. 10. They were playing tennis from four till five. 11. He stole a lot of money from the shop. 12. By six o'clock they had finished the work. 13. At twelve o'clock the workers were loading the trucks. 14. By three o'clock the workers had loaded the trucks. 15. We send our daughter to rest in the south every year. 16. They will show this film on TV. 17. They are building a new concert-hall in our street. 18. They have made a number of important experiments in this laboratory. 19. Livingstone explored Central Africa in the 19th century. 20. By the middle of autumn we had planted all the trees. 21. They will stage this play at the beginning of next season. 22. They have forgotten the story. 23. Has anybody explained the rules of the game to you? 24. They haven't brought back my skates.

7. Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice.

I. The students greeted the famous lecturer warmly. 2. They have recently built a huge plant, in the town of N. 3. We must finish the work by tomorrow. 4. When I fell ill, my mother sent for the doctor. 5. They looked for the girl everywhere. 6. They did not listen to the boy. 7. She looks after the patients well. 8. They asked for our address. 9. My father looked through these papers this morning- Ю- He will give my brother English lessons. 1.1. A friend of his has shown me an interesting magazine. 12. His friend told him everything. 13. They showed Helen the nearest way to the theatre. 14. He gave his patient some good advice. 15. Mary has told me the news. 16. The people looked at the little boy with interest. 17. They examined the paper attentively.

Choose the correct answer

1. The university of Michigan is one of the best universities in the United States and it..... in Ann Arbor.



is located

2. Detroit..... Motown in the past.

was called

is called


3. I don't think we must..... everything tomorrow.


have finished

be finished

4. The bridge..... by tomorrow morning.

will have been reconstructed

is being reconstructed

will be reconstructed

5. Robert Burns..... a lot of wonderful poems.


has written

was written

6. They..... this clock now.


are repairing

are being repaired

7. America's first college, Harvard,..... in Massachusetts in 1636.

is being founded

had been founded

was founded

8. It's a big company. It..... two hundred people.

is employed



9. Hundreds of people..... by the new factory this year.

are employed

were employed

have been employed

10. The room..... later.

will clean

will be cleaned

has been cleaned

11. People..... this road very often.

aren't used

don't use

haven't used

12. Tom..... his key.

has lost

has been lost

was lost

13. Weekends..... outdoors by most English people.


are spended

are spent

14. Detroit..... as the first capital city of Michigan, but now Lansing is the capital city of Michigan.


was chosen

have been chosen

15. This house..... in 1930.


was built

has built

Согласование времен


Если сказуемое главного предложения выражено глаголом в одном из настоящих времен, то сказуемое придаточного предложения может быть выражено глаголом в любом времени, которое требуется по смыслу.


He says (that) he works hard. he's working hard, he worked hard. he will work hard и т.д.

Если сказуемое главного предложения выражено глаголом в одном из прошедших времен, то глагол придаточного предложения должен быть употреблен также в одном из прошедших времен. При этом соблюдаются три правила:

1. Если действие, выраженное глаголом-сказуемым придаточного предложения, одновременно действию главного предложения, в придаточном предложении может быть употреблено The Past Indefinite (Simple) или The Past Continuous (Progressive) Tense:

Магу said she was planning to take a trip. — Мэри сказала, что планирует совершить путешествие.

Jim felt he was sleepy. — Джим чувствовал, что засыпает.

Несмотря на то, что глаголы в английском придаточном предложении стоят в прошедшем времени, они переводятся на русский язык глаголами в настоящем времени, т.к. в русском языке при одновременности действий в главном и придаточном предложениях глагол в придаточном предложении употребляется в настоящем времени:

Sally said she didn't like chocolate. — Сэлли сказала, что не любит шоколад.

2. Если действие, выраженное глаголом-сказуемым придаточного предложения, предшествует действию главного предложения, то глагол придаточного предложения употребляется в форме Past Perfect или Past Perfect Continuous:

Не thought he had seen her somewhere. — Он думал, что уже где-то ее видел.

The manager knew I'd been working for the same company for 12 years. — Управляющий знал, что я работал на эту самую компанию уже 12 лет.

3. Если действие, выраженное глаголом-сказуемым придаточного предложения, является будущим по отношению к действию главного предложения, то глагол в придаточном предложении употребляется в форме Future in the Past:

Не thought he would come to the meeting. — Он думал, что придет на собрание.

I supposed I should visit my aunt and uncle. — Я предполагал,что я навещу своих тетю и дядю.


Прямая речь Косвенная речь
Dave said, ‘Dan, I want to talk to you.’ - Дейв сказал: «Дэн, я хочу поговорить с тобой». Dave told Dan that he wanted to talk to him. - Дейв сказал Дэну, что он хочет поговорить с ним.
Cora whispered, ‘They are looking at you.’ - Кора прошептала: «Они смотрят на тебя». Cora whispered that they were looking at him. - Кора прошептала, что они смотрят на него.
She said, ‘I have been working at this plant for 20 years.’ - Она сказала: «Я работаю на этом заводе 20 лет». She said (that) she had been working at this plant for 20 years. - Она сказала, что работает на этом заводе 20 лет.
A stranger said, ‘I shall make a note of it’. - Незнакомец сказал: «Я запишу это». A stranger said (that) he wouldmake a note of it. -Незнакомец сказал, что запишет это.
He said, ‘She disappeared in a concentration camp.’ - Он сказал: «Она исчезла в концентрационном лагере». He said that she had disappeared in a concentration camp. - Он сказал, что она исчезла в концентрационном лагере.
Tom said, ‘He was given a new position.’ - Том сказал: «Ему дали новую должность». Tom said that he had been given a new position. - Том сказал, что ему дали новую должность.


Правила Согласования времен не соблюдается, если в придаточном предложении сообщается общеизвестная истина

e.g. The child learned that the Earth goes round the Sun.

Reported Speech

При переводе предложений из прямой речи в косвенную речь выделяют следующие типы предложений

1.Повелительные предложения (просьбы, команды)

e.g. The teacher said, “ Play the piano”

The teacher told (asked) me to play the piano.

Kate said, “ Do not call me up after rehearsal”

Kate told (asked) not to call up her after rehearsal.

Повелительные предложения в косвенной речи вводятся инфинитивом (в отрицательной форме с отрицанием not to). Глагол say заменяется глаголами tell, ask


Прямая речь Косвенная речь
She said, ‘Open the window, please.’ - Она сказала: «Откройте, пожалуйста, окно». She asked me to openthe window. - Она попросила меня открыть окно.
She said, ‘Don’t open the window, please.’ - Она сказала: «Не открывайте, пожалуйста, окно». She asked me not to openthe window. - Она попросила меня не открыть окно.
He said, ‘Stop the car.’ - Он сказал: «Останови машину». He told me to stopthe car. - Он велел мне остановить машину.
He said, ‘Don’t bangthe door.’ - Он сказал: «Не хлопай дверью». He told me not to bangthe door. - Он запретил мне хлопать дверью.
The commander said to the sentry, ‘Take the prisoner away’. - Командир сказал часовому: «Уведите пленного». The commander ordered the sentry to takethe prisoner away. - Командир приказал часовому увести пленного.


2. Повествовательные предложения.

При переводе предложений из прямой речи в косвенную речь действует Закон Согласования времен (слова автора стоят в прошедшем времени)

Правила согласования времен

Прямая речь Косвенная речь
Present Indefinite Past Indefinite
Present Continuous Past Continuous
Present Perfect Past Perfect
Past Indefinite Past Perfect
Future Indefinite Future Indefinite in the Past



To say to smb. --- to tell smb.

e. g. He said,” I take part in this concert”

He told (that) he took part in that concert.

Mary said to us, “ I bought ticket for the 6 o’ clock show”.

Mary told us (that) she had bought ticket for the 6 o’clock show.

The director said, “ We will rehearse next day.”

The director told (that) we would rehearse the following day.

Обстоятельства времени меняются следующим образом:



Прямая речь Косвенная речь
now - теперь then - тогда
today - сегодня that day - в тот день
tomorrow - завтра the next day - на следующий день
the day after tomorrow - послезавтра in two days’ time - через два дня; two days later - два дня спустя
yesterday - вчера the day before the previous day накануне
the day before yesterday - позавчера two days before - за два дня до этого; two days earlier - двумя днями раньше
ago - тому назад before - раньше
next year - в будущем году the next year the following year в следующем году
here - здесь there - там
this - этот that - тот
these - эти those - те


3.Вопросительные предложения.

Порядок слов в косвенном вопросе прямой (подлежащее, сказуемое второстепенные члены предложения). Общий вопрос вводится союзами if, whether. Специальный вопрос --- вопросительными словами.

Прямая речь Косвенная речь
He said ‘Have you read the morning papers?’ - Он сказал: «Вы читали утренние газеты?» He asked me whether (if)I had read the morning papers. - Он спросил меня, читал ли я утренние газеты.
I asked, ‘Do you understand now?’ - Я спросил: «Теперь вы понимаете?» I asked him if he understood now. - Я спросил, понимает ли он (это) теперь.


e.g. Mike asked Jane, “ Are you enjoying the film?”

Mike asked Jane if she was enjoying the film.

I asked Ann, “ Where have you seen this play?”

I asked Ann where she had seen that play.

вопрос да Нет
Do you speak English? - Вы говорите по-английски? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
I answered that I did. Я ответил, что говорю. I answered that I didn’t. Я ответил, что не говорю.
Have you received a letter from home? - Вы по-лучили письмо из дома? Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.
I answered that I had. Я ответил, что получил. I answered that I hadn’t. Я ответил, что не получил.
Will he take part in the chess tournament? - Он будет принимать участие в шахматном турнире? Yes, he will. No, he won’t.
I answered that he would. - Я ответил, что (он) будет. I answered that he wouldn’t.- Я ответил, что (он) не будет.



В официальной речи возможно употребление следующих косвенных кратких ответов:



Для утвердительного ответа Для отрицательного ответа
He answered in the affirmative. Он ответил утвердительно. He answered in the negative. Он ответил отрицательно.



Специальные вопросы вводятся в косвенной речи соответствующими вопросительными словами, используемыми в качестве соединительных слов. В косвенных вопросах этого типа также применяется прямой порядок слов:



Прямой вопрос Косвенный вопрос
Michael said, ‘Why dotheywant to wear the uniform?’ - Майкл сказал: «Почему они хотят носить форму?» Michael asked why they wanted to wear the uniform. - Майкл спросил, почему они хотят носить форму.
He asked, ‘When didyousee him?’ - Он спросил: «Когда ты его видел?» He asked when Ihad seen him. - Он спросил, когда я его видел.
He asked, ‘How willhefind it out?’ - Он спросил: «Как он это узнает?» He asked how hewould find it out. - Он спросил, как он это узнает.
He asked me, ‘ Whohas come?’ - Он спросил меня: «Кто пришел?» He asked me whohad come. - Он спросил меня, кто пришел.



1.Переведите следующие предложения из прямой речи в косвенную речь:

· John said, “ I never miss a new film.

· Ann said to her friend,” Learn the role, please!”

· The manager said,” The rehearsal has already started.”

· Ann asked Jane,” Will we buy a programme?”

· The artist asked me, “ Did you like my landscapes at this show?”

· Monica said, “ I prefer classical music.”

· I asked my sister, “ What’s on in the local cinema?”

· John asked,” Do not be late to the concert”

· Mike asked Ann, “ What film will get the first prize?”


Переведите с русского на английский, обращая внимание на Закон согласования времен.

· Джон сказал, что хочет стать профессиональным музыкантом.

· Мне было интересно, согласится ли актриса сниматься в нашем фильме.

· Нам было интересно, что скажут критики об этом спектакле.

· Студенты сказали, что они хотят поставить пьесу Ибсена.

· На экзамене профессор спросил меня, читал ли я Джека Лондона в подлиннике.


Передайте следующие повествовательные предложения в косвенной речи.

1. Masha said: "I usually spend my holidays in the south." 2. She said: "I spent my holidays in the Crimea last year." 3. Boris said: "I go to the south every year." 4. He said: "I am going to a rest-home tomorrow." 5. Ann said to us: "They haven't yet come." 6. She said to us: "They arrived in St. Petersburg yesterday." 7. I said: "I was in London last year. My friends in London sometimes invite me to spend my holidays with them." 8. Nick said: "I have never been to London. I think I shall go there next year." 9. He said: "I shall not stay with my friends too long." 10. He said to me: "They are staying at the 'Europe' hotel. 11. He said: "They are leaving next Monday." 12. The clerk said to them: "You can leave the key with the maid upstairs."


Передайте следующие повествовательные предложения в косвенной речи,

1. Oleg said: "My room is on the second floor 2. He said: "I am sure she will ring me up when she is back in St. Petersburg." 3, Misha said: "I saw them at my parents' house last year." 4. He said: "I haven't seen my cousin today." 5. "1 don't go to this shop very often," she said. 6. Tom said: "I have already had breakfast, so I am not hun gry." 7. He said: "I have just received a letter from my uncle." 8. "I am going to the theatre tonight," he said to me. 9. Mike said: "I spoke to Mr. Brown this morning." 10. He said to her: "I shall do it [ today if I have time." 11. I said to them: "I can give you my uncle's address."


Передайте следующие повествовательные предложения в косвенной речи.

1. Не said to me: "I want to see you today." 2. She said: "I am free tonight". 3. Mother said to me: "I feel bad today." 4. The pupil said to the teacher: " I can do my homework after dinner." 5. The teacher said to Jack: "You work hard, I know. You are a good boy." 6. The teacher said to the pupils: "Next year we shall have six hours of English a week." 7. The old man said to the girl: "You can sing perfectly. I think you will be a fa­mous singer." 8. My sister said to me: "You look very well, much better than you looked yesterday. I think you have recovered after your illness." 9. My brother said to me: "I am going to become a doctor." 10. My uncle said to us: "I buy several newspapers every day." 11. "You are an excellent cook. Everything is so tasty," said my guest to me. 12. The student said: "I can't answer this ques tion. I don't understand it." 13. The mother said: "The children are in the nursery, doctor." 14. "I have no time for lunch today," said the boy to his mother. 15. "You speak English very well," said the woman to me.

Передайте следующие повествовательные предложения в косвенной речи.


1. I shall do it now if you like. 2. My brother was here today. 3. It's a pity you didn't come earlier. 4. There will be an interesting lecture at the school assembly-hall tomorrow. One- of our teachers will speak about Charles Dickens. 5. Last year I spent my summer vacation in the Caucasus. 6. I came to live in this town several years ago. 7. I have read all about it in today's newspaper. 8. They finished building this house only last week. 9. Five years ago there were no people living here at all. 10. I shall go skiing on Sunday if I have time. 11. It will be so pleasant when Tom comes home. 12.1 shall come as soon as I am ready. 13. You will know that I have gone to the concert if I am not at home by eight. 14.1 shall come to the Philharmonic with you if you get tickets. 15. I'll be reading you a story until it is time to go to bed.


1. Jerry said that by the end of the year he..... in his new house for four years.

would have been living

would be living

would live

2. Mrs. Smith told me that it had not been raining when lightning..... the tree in her garden.

had struck


should be striking

3. The shop assistant showed me a book and said that the book..... the museums of our town.


was describing

had described

4. The policeman warned us that..... the street against the red light.

we mustn't cross

mustn't we cross

we don't have to cross

5. She asked me about my schedule for the next week and I answered that I..... it yet.

hadn't known

didn't know

wouldn't know

6. George was worried if..... enough time to finish his report for the conference.

would he have

he would have

will have

7. Could you ask Aleks how long..... at the hotel "Grandston"?

would have been staying

he would be staying

would he be staying

8. In my interview I asked Celia Young why..... another romantic novel.

she had written

had she written

she wrote

9. I wondered how many people..... to the parents' meeting the day before.

would come


had come

10. The mother reminded me that I..... to feed the dog and take him out for a walk.

shouldn't forget

don't have to forget

not to forget

11. Cindy was not sure if the delegation..... or not, and she didn't know whom to ask about it.


was arriving

had arrived

12. Sheila said that she..... the office earlier that day to get to the station in time.

had to leave

would have to leave

had had to leave

13. Mark told Nancy that he..... his dog at last, and the worried expression began to disappear from his face.

had found


must find

14. Alice told me..... that coat because it wasn't long enough.


to buy

not to buy

15. Mary said she was worried that her son..... very well that year.

isn't studying

wasn't studying

hadn't been studying



Модальные глаголы показывают отношение говоря­щего к действию, выраженному инфинитивом. Напри­мер, сравните:

You can speak English. Вы можете (умеете) говорить по-английски.

You must speak English. Вы должны говорить по-английски. You may speak English. Вы можете гово­рить по-английски. (Вас поймут.)

Как видим, в одном и том же предложении измене­ние модального глагола меняет смысл всего предложе­ния, т.е. меняется отношение к действию, выраженно­му инфинитивом.

Модальные глаголы не имеют форм во всех временах, для этого употребляются их эквиваленты (за­менители).

Вопросительные и отрицательные предложения с модальными глаголами строятся без вспомогательных глаголов: Can you help mе? — Yes, I can.— No, I can't. Вы можете помочь мне? — Да. —Нет.


К основным модальным глаголам относятся:

Модальный глагол саn


саn — мочь, быть в состоянии

could — прошедшее время

предполагает наличие физической, умственной и прочих возможностей, позволяющих сделать что-либо:

I can swim. — Я могу (я умею) плавать.

I could translate this text. — (Я мог, был в состоянии) перевести этот текст.

Вежливую просьбу можно начинать с модального глагола could:

Could you help me, please! — He могли бы вы помочь мне, пожалуйста!

В будущем времени у глагола can есть заменитель — конструкция to be able to (быть в состоянии что-либо сделать): I shall be able to help you when I am free. — Я смогу помочь тебе, когда освобожусь.


Модальный глагол may


may — иметь возможность, получить разрешение (де­лать что-либо).

May I help you? — Можно вам помочь? — Yes, you may. — Да, можно.

Форма прошедшего времени might употребляется для выражения предположения:

Hе might know about it. — Он, вероятно, знал об этом.

В будущем времени у модального глагола may есть заменитель — конструкция to be allowed to (получить разрешение сделать что-либо).

Не will be allowed to take the book. Ему разрешат взять книгу.


Модальный глагол must


must — должен, обязан.

You must write it down now. — Вы должны написать это сейчас.

Заменителями глагола must являются глаголы to have to и to be to, которые имеют некоторые до­полнительные оттенки значения. Глагол have to озна­чает долженствование, вызванное обстоятельствами, вынужденную необходимость, в то время как глагол to be to — долженствование, связанное с расписанием, планом или заранее сделанной договоренностью.

She had to stay at home. — Она вынуждена была (ей пришлось) остаться дома.

The train was to arrive at 8 in the evening. — Поезд должен был прибыть в 8 вечера. (По расписанию).

После модальных глаголов и некоторых их эквива­лентов инфинитив употребляется без частицы to.

Заменителями модального глагола must являются также модальные глаголы ought to, should (в значе­нии совета, рекомендации, упрека).

Children ought to obey their parents. — Дети должны слушать своих родителей.

You should enter the Institute. Вам следует посту­пить в институт (рекомендация, совет).

В сочетании с перфектным инфинитивом глагол should выражает сожаление о невыполненном действии и переводится «следовало бы».

You should have helped them. Вам следовало бы по­мочь им. (Но вы не сделали этого).


Модальный глагол should


Модальный глагол should в сочетании с перфект­ным инфинитивом should hove done выражает дей­ствия, которые должны были произойти в прошлом, но по каким-то причинам не произошли, переводится на русский язык «следовало», «нужно было».

You should have helped them.

Вам следовало помочь им.

You should have done this.

Вам следовало это сделать, (упрек)

This work should have been done yesterday.

Эту работу нужно было сделать вчера.


Модальный глагол would


Модальный глагол would может иметь следующие значения:

1) Вежливая просьба. Would you help me? He помо­жете ли вы мне?

2) Повторяемость действия в прошлом. Не would often help me. Он, бывало, часто помогал мне.

3) Стойкое нежелание совершать какие-либо дей­ствия. Не wouldn't listen to me. Он никак не хотел слу­шать меня.


Модальный глагол need


Модальный глагол need — «нужно, надо» употреб­ляется,- в основном, в отрицательных предложениях. You needn't do it now. Вам не нужно делать это сейчас.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-29; просмотров: 233 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. | Choose the right answer | Герундий может употребляться после следующих глаголов c предлогом |
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