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Find words or phrases in the texts which mean the following.

Читайте также:
  1. A few common expressions are enough for most telephone conversations. Practice these telephone expressions by completing the following dialogues using the words listed below.
  2. A Graphical User Interface (GUI) makes computers easier to use. A GUI uses icons. Icons are pictures which represent programs, folders, and files.
  3. A phrase or sentence built by (tiresome) repetition of the same words or sounds.
  4. A student visited a dermatovenerologist complaining of erosion on penis which had appeared some days before. Examination of the patient determined painless ulcer of
  5. A) Consider the synonyms; match words with their definitions.
  6. A) Historical facts and events which were not known to the Prophet (pbuh) or his contemporaries e.g. about Zulqarnain, city of Ihram etc.
  7. A) Order the words to make sentences.

a) to go to a restaurant or film, etc. with someone you like in a romantic way _________

b) an informal word for “children” ___________

c) AmE word for “film” ___________

d) to say “yes” to something/to agree ___________


Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form (Present Simple, Present Continuous or Future Simple).

a) She _____ (to read) a newspaper now.

b) We never _____ (to go) out late at night.

c) Tomorrow he _____ (to go) to the cinema.

d) Gulnaz _____ (to have) three classes every day.

e) _____ he (to speak) any foreign language?

f) My father _____ (to have) four meals a day: breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper.

g) Where _____ you (to go) for holidays next year?

h) I _____ (to talk) on the phone at the moment.

i) My grandmother _____ (to make) wonderful cakes.

j) _____ it (to rain) now?

Unit 3 Hobbies

Listen to the following dialogues and read them in pairs.

Dialogue 1

Lilia What books do you like to read?

Alfiya I prefer fantasy books, you know, like

“The Lord of the Rings.”

Lilia Cool, so do I! I admire Tolkien. By the

way, did you read his “Hobbit”?

Alfiya No, I can find it neither in the libraries nor

in bookstores.

Lilia I have my own copy; I can give it to you.

Alfiya That’s great! Thank you very much!


Dialogue 2

Diana Hi, Ramil! Are you going to the gym tonight?

Ramil Yes, I will. I go every day. I

like the machines there and I

also lift weights.

Diana Great! I’m coming too. I prefer jogging.

Ramil Workout does me a lot of good: it keeps me in shape all the time.

Diana Oh yes, I love it too. And I also go to the swimming pool twice a week.

Ramil Cool! You must be a good swimmer then.

Diana Yes, I am a master in swimming.


Dialogue 3

Azamat Hi!

Liana Hi!

Azamat How did you find today’s concert?

Liana I loved it! “Yunost” were perfect as usual.

Azamat Oh yes, every time I listen to them I am sorry I can’t sing that


Liana But you are in our dance ensemble, aren’t you?

Azamat Yes, this week we are going to take part in dance contest among the universities.

Liana Great! Where will it take place?

Azamat In the City Palace of Culture.

Liana I will come to see it!


board/card game настольная/карточная игра
by the way между прочим, кстати
carpentry ['ka:pintri] работа по дереву, плотничество
collecting коллекционирование
contest ['kontest] соревнование, конкурс
dance танец, танцевать
drawing рисование
electronic/computer game электронная/компьютерная игра
gardening садоводство
gym [dʒim] спортзал
hobby хобби, любимое занятие
jogging ['dʒogiŋ] бег трусцой
knitting ['nitiŋ] вязание
machine [mə'òi:n] спортивный тренажер
music музыка
novel ['novel] роман
own собственный
photography фотография
poetry поэзия
reading чтение
sewing ['səuiŋ] шитье
sport спорт
swimming pool плавательный бассейн
to admire [əd'maiə] восхищаться
to be good at something хорошо делать что-то, удаваться
to be keen on something увлекаться чем-то
to do good¹to do harm приносить пользу/вред
to lift weights [weits] поднимать тяжести
to swim – swam – swum плавать
to take part принимать участие
to take place иметь место, проходить
workout занятия спортом



Дата добавления: 2015-10-23; просмотров: 349 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Insert the appropriate degree of comparison of the adjectives given in brackets. | Listen and repeat. Add the words from the dialogues and from the vocabulary to the appropriate sounds. | Read about houses in Great Britain. Find the differences and similarities between Russian and British living places. | Discuss the following question in groups of four. | Listen and repeat. Add more words. | Present Continuous (Настоящее продолженное время) | Looking at English cities | Practice the following sentences with the words given below. Listen and repeat the sentences until you can say them fluently. | Read the following text and choose the best title for it. | Find some adjectives describing food in the dictionary. Make up five phrases with them. |
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In groups of four match the words with the definitions. Use a dictionary.| This is an interview with Kevin Costner. Match the questions and answers.

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