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Try to characterize Mr. Sidoroff (if he is a lazy or a persistent guy, if he is a lark or an owl, etc.).

Читайте также:
  1. Give working definitions of the following terms and find examples of words which are characterized by these sense relations.
  2. Orthostatic syncope is characterized by, except.

Try to find as many mottoes as you can in his note (one of them is underlined)


Ex. 17. Listening. IN THE PARK







Useful vocabulary:

To stroll along – прогуливаться

Skirt – юбка

Slacks – брюки

First listening.

Listen to the conversations of the friends strolling along the park. Choose the activities they are discussing from the following:

ð Riding a bike

ð Buying skirt and slacks

ð Horse riding

ð Swimming

ð Renting a boat

ð Sitting at a café

Second listening.

Number your paper from 1-5.Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer:

The friends went to the park

a) in summer

b) in spring

c) in autumn

d) in winter

2. Judy can’t ride a bicycle because

a) she has no bicycle

b) she is wearing a skirt

c) she has no skirt

d) the weather is nice

3. Mariam can’t ride a bicycle because

a) she does not know how

b) she is wearing slacks

c) she can ride a horse

d) she has no bicycle

The friends did not rent a boat because

a) they had no money

b) they could not swim

c) they did not want to

d) the park was closing

5. which is NOT true:

a) the weather was nice

b) all the friends agreed to rent a boat

c) all of them couldn’t ride a bike

d) one of them couldn’t swim

@18. Practice. Translate from Russian into English

1. Я иду в театр сегодня вечером, не хочешь присоединиться? – К сожалению, сегодня я встречаюсь с друзьями, как-нибудь в другой раз.

2. Что ты делаешь в эти выходные? – Не знаю еще. Я никогда не планирую заранее.

3. Ты будешь занята сегодня вечером? Я бы хотел пригласить тебя прогуляться. – Сегодня проблематично, т.к. я буду заниматься английским. – Но ведь сегодня воскресение! – конечно, но у меня завтра контрольная. – Какая досада! - Ничего не поделаешь.

4. Завтра воскресение. Мой выходной. Наконец-то можно выспаться и никуда не торопиться.

5. Хоть воскресение и выходной день и не нужно идти в университет, я больше люблю субботу вечером, потому что можно гулять долго, пойти на вечеринку или дискотеку.

6. Ты чем-нибудь занят сегодня вечером? – Ничем особенным, а что? – Приходи ко мне в гости. – Какой-нибудь праздник? – нет, но мне нужно передвинуть пианино, поможешь? – что же мне остается!


19. Practice

Read English idioms in the list A and find Russian equivalents in the list B.


To be back on track; a whole good hour; from time to time; day in, day out; on the run; in the dead of night; to play the fool; to twiddle one’s thumbs.


Время от времени; валять дурака; изо дня в день; глубокой ночью; на бегу; битый час; войти в колею; бить баклуши.

@20. Writing. Write about one of your usual day-off. Include information about your interests and hobbies. Use idioms from ex. 19

® 21. Role-play the following situations. Use the idioms from ex.19:

Situation 1

A: It’s 8 o’clock. Sunday. Your husband is sleeping. You have been awake for an hour already. Try to wake him up.

B: It’s 8 o’clock Sunday morning. Your wife is waking you up. Explain her that you are not going to get up so early on Sunday. You haven’t slept well for more than a week.

Situation 2

A: You do not know where to spend your week-end. Ask your friend for advice.

B: Your friend doesn’t know where to spend the week-end and is asking you for advice. Offer him different choices.

Situation 3

A: You are calling your girl-friend to fix a date. Invite her to the café in the evening.

B: Your boy-friend is calling you to invite you to the café. You have no wish to go. Try to reject the invitation (find any plausible reason).

Situation 4

A: You invite your friend to the disco-bar. She is in two minds.Try to persuade her.

B: Your friend invites you to a disco-bar. On the one hand you are glad to go, but on the other hand you have some objections. Give your reasons for not going.


² 22. Listening




Keith Solovin (19)

Liza Solovin (14)

Dick & Tom Solovin – twins (12)

John Solovin (8)

Jeff – Keith’s friend


Дата добавления: 2015-10-24; просмотров: 129 | Нарушение авторских прав

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