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  1. A10. Укажите правильную морфологическую характеристику слова ГОТОВЫ из четвертого (4) предложения текста.
  2. A9. Укажите верную характеристику второго (2) предложения текста.
  3. Interogative Sentences Вопросительные предложения
  4. IV.Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Simple or Present Continuous. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
  5. Quot;Мирные" предложения центральных держав и Соединенных Штатов
  6. VI. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах.
  7. VII. Заполните пропуски предлогами. Предложения переведите.
hardly + вспом. глагол + подлежащее + глагол
never (before)
only (by hard work)
no sooner (than)
no longer

Hardly had he fallen asleep when he began to dream.

(He had hardly fallen asleep when...)

Rarely does Jorge forget to do his work.

(Jorge rarely forgets to do his work.)

Only by hard work will we be able to accomplish this great task.

(We will be able to accomplish this task only by hard work.)

Seldom did John miss a football game when he was in London.

(John seldom missed a football game...)

No sooner had he arrived, than he wanted to leave.

No longer does John study at the University.

(John does not study at the University any more.)


Запомните:В простом настоящем и прошедшем следует использовать вспомогательные глаголы do, does или did.


I never gothere. Never doI gothere.
Ino longer feelsafe. No longer doI feelsafe.
Irarely sawhim. Rarely didI seehim.
Iseldom understood him. Seldom didI understandhim.

В отрицательном предложении any следует заменить на no.

I won't go under any circumstances.

Under no circumstances will I go.

She wasn't available at any time.

At no time was she available.

Do или Make

Do It Make Someone angry
So An apology
The bed An appointment
Best Arrangements
Business Someone bankrupt
The cleaning/the cooking, etc. A bargain
Damage The bed
A degree A cake
A dinner party A (phone) call
Someone a discount A choice
English, etc. (it) clear
An exam Contacts
Exercises Conversation
Good A criticism
(someone) a good turn A date
Gymnastics A decision
(no) harm Demands
The housework A/no difference
(your) homework Something dirty
An impression Economies
A job Enemies
Math(s) An excuse
A mess Faces
A miracle Friends
No good Fun of
A question Grimaces
A report A guess
Research An impression
Right An inquiry
Sewing A (good) job of something
The shopping Jokes
The sights A journey
Sport This step Something lighter A living
A subject A loss
(my) teeth Love
A wash/the washing (-up) Someone mad
What do you do for living A mess
Work A mistake
(something) wrong(ly) Money
  A move
  A noise/noises
  Problems (for)
  A (net) profit
  A promise
  A report
  A request
  Room (for)
  Sense (of)
  Something soft
  Something sour
  A speech
  A start
  A stop
  Someone something strong
  Something tight
  A trip trouble
  Use (of)
  A voyage
  (our) way
  work (for)

Предлоги – Prepositions

Noun + preposition

An advantage OF but there is an advantage IN (or TO) doing something An answer TO An attitude TO(or TOWARDS) A cause OF A cheque FOR A connection WITHbut connection BETWEENtwo things or people Contact WITHbut contact BETWEENtwo things or people Damage TO A demand FOR A decrease IN A difference BETWEEN A disadvantage OF but there is a disadvantage IN (or TO) doing something A drawing OF A fall IN An increase IN An invitation TO A key TO A map OF A photograph OF A picture OF A plan OF A reason FOR A reaction TO A relationship WITH but a relationship BETWEENtwo things or people A reply TO A rise IN A solution TO

Adjective + preposition

Afraid OF Amazed AT or BY Angry ABOUTsomething (but angry WITHsomebody FOR doing something) Annoyed ABOUTsomething (but annoyed WITHsomebody FOR doing something) Ashamed OF Astonished AT or BY Aware OF Bad AT Bored WITH Brilliant AT Capable OF Certain OF(or ABOUT) Conscious OF Critical OF Crowded WITH Cruel TO somebody Delighted WITH Dependent ON Different FROM (or TO) Disappointed WITH Engaged TO Envious OF Excited ABOUT Excellent AT Famous FOR Fed up WITH Fond OF Friendly TO somebody Frightened OF Full OF Furious ABOUTsomething (but furious WITHsomebody FOR doing something) Generous OF somebody (but be generous TO somebody) Good OF somebody (but be good TO somebody and to be good AT doing something) Happy ABOUT Hopeless AT Impressed WITHorBY Incapable OF Independent OF Interested IN Jealous OF Keen ON Kind OF somebody (but be kind TOsomebody) Married TO Nervous About Nice OF somebody (but be nice TOsomebody) Pleased WITH Polite OF somebody (but be polite TOsomebody) Proud OF Responsible FOR Satisfied WITH Scared OF Shocked AT or BY Short OF Silly OF Similar TO Sorry ABOUTsomething (but sorry FOR doing something) Stupid OF Sure OF(or ABOUT) Surprised AT or BY Suspicious OF Terrified OF Tired OF Tolerant OF Typical OF Upset ABOUT Worried ABOUT

Verb + preposition


Accuse OF Aim AT Apologise TO somebody FOR something Apply (TO somebody or something) FOR Approve OF Ask somebody (FORsomething) Believe IN Blame somebody or something FOR also blame something ON Break INTO Bump INTO Care ABOUT(think that somebody or something is important) Care FOR (like something usually in questions and negative sentences or look after somebody) but take care OF (look after) Collide WITH Complain (TO somebody) ABOUT(say that you're not satisfied) but complain OF something Compliment ON Concentrate ON Congratulate ON Consist OF Crash INTO CutINTO Depend ON Describe TO Die OF Have a discussion ABOUT Divide INTO Dream ABOUTbut dream OF being something or doing something Drive INTO Explain TO Fill WITH Fire AT Forgive FOR Glance AT Happen TO Hear ABOUT(be told about something) Hear OF (know that somebody or something exists) Hear FROM(receive a letter or phone call from somebody) Insist ON Invite TO Laugh AT Leave FOR Listen TO Live ON Look AT (or have a look AT) Look FOR (search for) but look AFTER (take care of) Pay FOR but pay a bill, a fine, a tax, a fare, rent, a sum of money (without preposition) Phone somebody (without preposition) Point AT Prefer one thing TO another Protect FROMorAGAINST Provide WITH Read ABOUT Rely ON Remind ABOUT(tell not to forget) but remind OF (cause somebody to remember) Run INTO Search FOR Shout AT somebody (when you are angry) but shout TO somebody (so that they can hear you) Shoot AT Smile AT Speak TO somebody (ABOUTsomething) Specialise IN Spend ON Split INTOStare AT Succeed IN Suffer FROM Supply WITHSuspect OF Talk TO somebody but talk ABOUT somebody or something Telephone somebody (without preposition) Tell somebody ABOUT Thank somebody (for something) Think ABOUT(then you consider something and concentrate your mind on it) Think OF (then the idea comes to your mind) Throw AT (in order to hit) but throw TO (for somebody to catch) Translate FROMone language INTO another Wait FOR Warn ABOUT(warn OF also possible when we speak about a danger or something bad which might happen) Write TO


Basic points

Choose the correct answer(s). One or more answers may be correct.

1. She's________ university teacher.

(A) a (B) an (C) the (D) one

2. I like________ small animals.

(A) the (B) -(= nothing) (C) every (D) all

3. Is this coat_______?

(A) yours (B) your (C) the yours

4. Is Diana_______?

(A) a friend of yours (B) a your friend (C) your friend

5. Who are_______ people over there?

(A) that (B) the (C) these (D) those

6. ________ is your phone number?

(A) Which (B) What (C) How

7. Could I have______ drink?

(A) other (B) an other (C) another

8. There aren't______ for everybody.

(A) chairs enough (B) enough chairs (C) enough of chairs

9. They're_______ young to get married.

(A) too much (B) too (C) very too

10. Most________ like travelling.

(A) of people (B) of the people (C) people

11. Ann and Peter phone____ every day.

(A) them (B) themself (C) themselves (D) each other

12. It's________ weather.

(A) terrible (B) a terrible (C) the terrible

13. The plural of car is cars. Which of these are correct plurals?

(A) journeys (B) ladys (C) minuts (D) sandwichs (E) babies

14. Which of these is/are correct?

(A) happier (B) more happier (C) unhappier (D) beautifuller

15. This is_______ winter for 20 years.

(A) the more bad (B) worse (C) the worse (D) worst (E) the worst

16. She's much taller_____ me.

(A) than (B) as (C) that

17. He lives in the same street____ me.

(A) that (B) like (C) as (D) than

18. Her eyes_______ a very light blue.

(A) are (B) have (C) has

19. ________ help me?

(A) Can you to (B) Do you can (C) Can you

20. You________ worry about it.

(A) not must (B) don't must (C) must not (D) mustn't

21. It________ again. It________ all the time here in the winter.

(A) 's raining, 's raining (B) rains, rains

(C) rains, 's raining (D) 's raining, rains

22. I_________ she________ you.

(A) think, likes (B) am thinking, is liking

(C) think, is liking (D) am thinking, likes

23. Who________ the window?

(A) open (B) opened (C) did opened

24. Why________?

(A) those men are laughing

(B) are laughing those men

(C) are those men laughing

25. What________?

(A) does she want (B) does she wants (C) she wants

26. I didn't________ he was at home.

(A) to think (B) think (C) thinking (D) thought

27. ________ a hole in my sock.

(A) There's (B) There is (C) It's (D) It is (E) Is

28. I'll see you_______ Tuesday afternoon.

(A) at (B) on (C) in

29. What time did you arrive____ the station?

(A) at (B) to (C) -

30. We're going______ the opera tomorrow night.

(A) at (B) - (C) in (D) to



Intermediate points

Choose the correct answer(s). One or more answers may be correct.

1. I went out without_____ money

(A) some (B) any

2. He's got_______ money.

(A) much (B) many (Q a lot of (D) lots of

3. Who's there? _________.

(A) It's me (B) It is I (Q Me (D) I

4. Although he felt very____, he smiled_______

(A) angrily, friendly (B) angry, friendly (C) angry, in a friendly way

5. I_________ to America.

(A) have often been (B) often have been (C) have been often

6. My mother_______ ту birthday.

(A) always forgets (B) always is forgetting (C) forgets always

7. You look______ a teacher.

(A) ljke (B) as (C) the same like

8. How many brothers and sisters_______?

(A) have you got (B) do you have (C) are you having

9. Good! I_______ work tomorrow.

(A) mustn't (B) don't have to (C) haven't got to

10. I________ smoke.

(A) - (= nothing) (B) use to (C) used to

11. Andrew______ to see us this evening.

(A) will come (B) comes (C) is coming

12. Alice_______ have a baby.

(A) will (B) shall (C) is going to

13. I knew that he______ waiting for somebody

(A) is (B) was (C) would

14._________ Gloria last week?

(A) Have you seen (B) Did you see (C) Were you seeing

15. She's an old friend - I_____ her________ years

(A) We known, for (B) know, for (C) We known, since (D) know, since



16. We met when we_____ in France.

(A) studied (B) were studying (C) had studied

17. As soon as she came in I knew I__ her before.

(A) have seen (B) saw (C) had seen

18. This picture______ by a friend of my mother's.

(A) is painting (B) is painted (C) was painting (D) was painted

19. Can you_______?

(A) make me some tea (B) make some tea for me (C) make for me some tea

20. Try________ be late.

(A) not to (B) to not

21. I went to London_____ clothes.

(A) for buy (B) for to buy (C) for buying (D) to buy

22. You can't live very long without___.

(A) to eat (B) eat (C) eating (D) you eat

23. I enjoy________, but I wouldn't like______ it all my life.

(A) to teach, to do (B) teaching, doing (C) to teach, doing (D) teaching, to do

24. Her parents don't want____ married.

(A) her to get (B) her get (C) that she get (D) that she gets

25. I'm not sure what______.

(A) do they want? (B) do they want. (C) they want.

26. The policeman_____ me not to park there.

(A) asked (B) said (C) told (D) advised

27. I_________ you if you_______ that again.

(A) hit, say (B) 'II hit, Ml say (C) hit, 'II say (D) 'II hit, say

28. It would be nice if we_____ a bit more room.

(A) would have (B) had (C) have

29. If you________ me, I________ in real trouble last year.

(A) didn't help, would have been (B) hadn't helped, would have been

(C) hadn't helped, would be (D) didn't help, would be

30. There's the man_____ took your coat.

(A) which (B) who (C) that (D) -



Choose the correct item.

1. I________ Michael for ages.

(A) didn't see (B) don't see (C) haven't seen (D) saw not

2. I_________ get up very early now.

(A) must to (B) have to (C) should to (D) ought

3. How much______ to fly to New York?

(A) costs it (B) it costs (C) does cost (D) does it cost

4. My brother Nick is very good____ math's.

(A) for (B) at (C) about (D) in

5. When did you discover that your car__?

(A) was disappeared (B) had been disappeared

(C) had disappeared (D) disappeared

6. If he________ hard, he'll fail his final exams.

(A) doesn't work (B) won't work

(C) hadn't worked (D) wouldn't worked

7. Have you hear the_____ news?

(A) last (B) previous (C) latest (D) latter

8. Which of you______ to go on an excursion?

(A) wants (B) want (C) does wont (D) do want

9. I'd like to know______.

(A) where is my diary (B) where it is my diary

(C) where my diary is (D) my diary is where

10. I'm very busy at that moment. I____ for my English exam.

(A) am preparing (B) prepare

(C) have been preparing (D) am going preparing

11. _______ you've given me!

(A) What a good advice (B) What good advices

(C) What the good advice (D) What good advice

12. Ann said that she_____ a new dress.

(A) had bought (B) bought (C) will buy (D) buy

13. Christmas is______ popular and colorful holiday in Great Britain.

(A) most (B) the most (C) most of all (D) very

14. There is_______ noise in Moscow.

(A) so many (B) so much (C) such mach (D) a lot

15. Have you read any books____ Oscar Wilde?

(A) from (B) since (C) by (D) for

16. Are you_______ angry with me?

(A) yet (B) else (C) still (D) while

17. This time tomorrow_____ in the Black See.

(A) I swim (B) I'll swim

(C) I'll swimming (D) I'll be swimming

18. I have known Dr. Simon____ 1982.

(A) since (B) for (C) about (D) from

19. Do you know______ foreign language?

(A) some (B) some of (C) any (D) the

20. This book______ into 14 language.

(A) translated (B) has translated

(C) being translated (D) has been translated

21. If the weather______ fine tomorrow, we'll go to the park.

(A) is (B) will (C) will be (D) were

22. I'd like you to meet a very good friend of__ ___ Robert White.

(A) us (B) we (C) our (D) ours


Choose the correct item.

1. I'm sure we_______ before.

(A) have never meet (B) haven't never meet

(C) didn't meet (D) had meet

2. I don't know_______.

(A) where this museum (B) where is this museum

(C) where this museum is (D) this museum is where

3. They were in Spain last summer____?

(A) were they (B) isn't it

(C) didn't they (D) weren't they

4. When I came home late in the evening, my parents_____.

(A) had already had dinner (B) have already had dinner

(C) have been having dinner (D) had dinner

5. New Year's Day is_____ popular in Britain than Christmas.

(A) more less (B) more little

(C) les (D) little

6. ________ Michelangelo began painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in

the Vatican.

(A) At the age of 33 (B) At 33 years

(C) At the age of 33 years (D) At the age of 33 years old

7. The cost of living in our country has____ again.

(A) rose (B) raised

(C) picked up (D) risen

8. I want_______ at the airport.

(A) you meeting me (B) that you meet me

(C) you to meet me (D) you meet me

9. What_______ we are having!

(A) the rainy weather (B) a rainy weather

(C) rainy weathers (D) rainy weather

10. Alex was sure that he____ the exams successfully.

(A) will pass (B) would pass

(C) passed (D) has passed

11. Who________ to go to the cinema with us?

(A) want (B) does want

(C) wants (D) is wanting

12. The teacher asked me____ for the lesson.

(A) was I ready (B) if I was ready

(C) if was I ready (D) that I was ready

13. You aren't going to Liverpool____.

(A) I'm not too (B) I am not also

(C) neither I am (D) neither am I

14. Jane has been trying to write an essay for three hours, but she hasn't

(A) anything (B) nothing

(C) anyone (D) something

15. I think that John Lennon is___ musicians in the world.

(A) greatest one of (B) the greatest

(C) one of greatest (D) one of the greatest

16. I don't like coffee with_____.

(A) the milk (B) a milk

(C) milk (D) milks

17. Mrs. Johnson told us____.

(A) to not wash up (B) to do not wash up

(C) not to wash up (D) that we don't wash up

18. I've lost my valet. — When_____?

(A) have you lost it (B) did you lost it

(C) had you lost it (D) you lost it

19. It's not very difficult______.

(A) to learn how to drive (B) to learn how drive

(C) learn how to drive (D) to learn how driving

20. I don't want to go to the country. I'd rather_____at home.

(A) staying (B) stay

(C) to stay (D) will stay

21. I usually go to school_____ bus.

(A) on (B) by

(C) in (D) at

22. It is________ a boring book that I don't dare to advise you to read it.

(A) so (B) such

(C) very (D) too


Choose the correct item.

1. ________ are not always the uneducated.

(A) Poor (B) The poor

(C) Poors (D) The Poors

2. ________ his physical handicap, he goes in for sport.

(A) although (B) Despite

(C) Despite of (D) In despite of

3. ________ the weather was bad, we went for a walk.

(A) In spite of (B) Although

(C) In spite (D) Although of

4. My apartment is______ a family of two.

(A) too large to (B) too large for

(C) very large for (D) very large to

5. My English is______ to pass the exam.

(A) enough good (B) good enough

(C) a good enough (D) the good enough

6. He has_______ to buy a camera.

(A) enough money (B) money enough

(C) an enough money (D) the enough money

7. ________ it is, the worse I feel.

(A) Hotter (B) More hotter

(C) The hotter (D) That the hotter

8. This is_______ book of the two.

(A) more interesting (B) the most interesting

(C) the more interesting (D) most interesting

9. The barber_______ stand up all day.

(A) used to (B) is used to

(C) use to (D) is use to

10. The fourth graders_____ to multiply.

(A) know (B) knows

(C) know how (D) knows how

11. I would like to have a job which is_____interesting and highly paid.

(A) very (B) too

(C) both (D) as

12. I would like to worry a person who is______handsome, but also rich.

(A) as (B) very

(C) not only (D) both

13. I would like to spend my vocation______in the exotic countries or in

the five star hotel.

(A) both (B) as

(C) either (D) neither

14. I like________ dirty nor noise in the New York subway.

(A) both (B) neither

(C) either (D) not only

15. Henry told me that he_____.

(A) will come (B) would come

(C) came (D) comes

16. I propose that he______ this rally.

(A) will stop (B) stop

(C) stops (D) stopped

17. _______ they are, the harder they fall.

(A) bigger (B) the bigger

(C) the biggest (D) more bigger

18. The food tastes______ in this restaurant.

(A) bad (B) badly

(C) not well (D) worse

19. Mary_______ the child funny stories now.

(A) tells (B) says to

(C) is telling (D) says

20. John got Bob______ the car.

(A) wash (B) to wash

(C) washed (D) washing

21. Mary had his husband______the room.

(A) to clean (B) cleaned

(C) clean (D) cleaning

22. We demand him_____ now.

(A) leave (B) to leave

(C) is leaving (D) has left


Choose the correct item.

1. Have you seen Mary's boyfriend______?

(A) yet (B) still

(C) just (D) else

2. I wonder what our children___ __when we come back.

(A) do (B) will do

(C) are doing D) will be doing

3. I hate_________.

(A) a rainy weather (B) rainy weather

(C) the rainy weather (D) rainy weathers

4. Don't be angry______ me, please.

(A) at (B) about

(C) with (D) for

5. I was very much surprised when Ann said that she_____.

(A) can't to swim (B) can't swim

(C) couldn't swim (D) wasn't able swim

6. I want________ me.

(A) you to help (B) that you help

(C) that you'll help (D) you helping

7. He has never been to____ foreign countries.

(A) some (B) any

(C) no (D) anywhere

8. ________ a post-office near here?

(A) Is (B) Is there

(C) Where there (D) There is

9. The police______ the criminal yet.

(A) have caught (B) didn't catch

(C) didn't caught (D) haven't caught

10. Charles Dickens is still____ popular today as when his First work

appeared, over 150 years ago.

(A) as (B) so

(C) such (D) much

11. Tom Sawyer______ by Mark Twain.

(A) has written (B) was wrote

(C) was written (D) is being written

12. As far as I know he speaks neither Spanish _______Italian.

(A) or (B) either

(C) not (D) nor

13. He said that he_____ to Egypt.

(A) never had been (B) never was

(C) has never been (D) had never been

14. When we arrived in Sochi, it was very hot and the sun_______.

(A) was shining (B) shone

(C) shined (D) shining

15. The teacher made me______the exercise again.

(A) to do (B) do

(C) doing (D) that I'll do

16. You've made_____ mistakes in your dictation.

(A) too many (B) so much

(C) very little (D) a lot

17. You've never heard this song,______?

(A) isn't it (B) haven't you

(C) have you (D) is it

18. Jane is a friend of________.

(A) ours (B) our

(C) us (D) we

19. She was the sort of woman who was always bothering about_________.

(A) what other people would think (B) what would other people think

(C) what would think other people (D) what other people think

20. It was_______ place I had ever seen.

(A) more beautiful (B) most beautiful

(C) the most beautiful (D) the beautifulest

21. I have made up my_______to become a teacher.

(A) brains (B) mind

(C) head (D) decision

22. Before we parted Wilson asked me_______I would like to go and see

his house one day.

(A) that (B) which

(C) about (D) if


Choose the correct item.

1. I________ getting up early in the morning.

(A) used to (B) am used to

(C) am use to (D) am used

2. I________ you call me tomorrow.

(A) would rather (B) would that

(C) would rather that (D) would rather than

3. It was difficult to deliver the letter_______the sender had written the

wrong address.

(A) because of (B) because

(C) because that (D) despite

4. _______ her dislike for coffee, she drinks it every morning.

(A) despite of (B) despite

(C) although (D) though

5. ________ she has bad grades she will be admitted to the college.

(A) in spite of (B) in spite

(C) although (D) despite

6. ________ fallen asleep when he began to dream.

(A) He hardly had (B) hardly had he

(C) he hardly has (D) hardly has he

7. John is______ talented nor handsome.

(A) either (B) neither

(C) both (D) whether

8. Neither John nor his friend_______going there.

(A) are (B) is

(C) are not (D) is not

9. He ran______ that he could catch the train.

(A) so fastly (B) so fast

(C) such fastly (D) such a fast

10. We had______ good a time at the party.

(A) so (B) such

(C) such a (D) so a

11. If he had passed the test, he________happy.

(A) would be (B) would have been

(C) had been (D) has been

12. If I________ a letter, I would have answered it.

(A) have got (B) had got

(C) would get (D) got

13. If you had watched the program, you_______it.

(A) would like (B) would have liked

(C) would liked (D) would have like

14. If the tooth______, the dentist would have pulled it. j

(A) has been bad (B) has bad

(C) had been bad (D) would have been bad

15. If the tree had died, he______it down.

(A) would cut (B) would have cut

(C) would have been cut (D) had cut

16. If she_______ the bus, she would have been late.

(A) had missed (B) has missed

(C) would have missed (D) will have missed

17. He made his son________the lesson.

(A) doing (B) to do

(C) do (D) done

18. Mary got the car________.

(A) wash (B) to wash

(C) washed (D) being washed

19. The sun______ in the morning.

(A) rises (B) raise

(C) raises (D) rise

20. The workers are_______cement for the patio when it began to rain.

(A) lying (B) laying

(C) satting (D) set

21. John helped Mary_______the dishes.

(A) wash (B) washing

(C) washed (D) to have washed

22. Tom allowed his son_______.

(A) swim (B) to swim

(C) swimming (D) Swam


Choose the correct item.

1. Charlie Chaplin was fond______his friends.

(A) to imitate (B) imitate (C) imitating (D) of imitating

2. Moscow has_____ beautiful building and monuments.

(A) a lot (B) much (C) a great deal (D) many

3. We'll start our tour from Trafalgar Square_____ is the geographical

center of London.

(A) which (B) whose (C) where (D) there

4. I've decided______ to university when I finish school.

(A) go (B) going (C) to go (D) that I go

5. Jenny couldn't conic to the lesson______?

(A) could he (B) couldn't he (C) did he (D) didn't he

6. Everybody______ that smoking is dangerous.

(A) know (B) knows (C) is knowing (D) is known

7. If you help me we______finish the job much sooner.

(A) can to (B) could (C) will be able (D) will be able to

8. A hundred year_______life was very different.

(A) before (B) previously (C) ago (D) later

9. How long are you going to______at the hotel?

(A) leave (B) stay (C) put up (D) occupy

10. When_______ from Moscow University?

(A) did you graduate (B) did you graduated

(C) have you graduate (D) were you graduating

11. It's very cold today. Don't forget to put______your coat.

(A) off (B) of (C) on (D) out

12. When I arrived my boss_______.

(A) has already left (B) had already left (C) already left (D) was leaving yet

13. I'm hungry. I haven't had______breakfast this morning.

(A) some (B) a (C) no (D) any

14. Pete is______ man. I've ever met.

(A) the most handsome (B) most handsome

(C) a most handsome (D) most the handsome

15. He_______ a lot of time reading poetry.

(A) used to spending (B) used to spend

(C) used spending (D) used on spending

16. Nick hasn't found a job_______.

(A) too (B) also (C) neither (D) either

17. I'm afraid I have________bad news for you.

(A) a (B) the (C) some (D) any

18. Do you know_______?

(A) when St Valentine's Day is (B) when is St Valentine's Day

(C) St Valentine's Day is when (D) St Valentine's Day when is

19. The book______ next year.

(A) publishes (B) is published (C) will publish (D) will be published

20. I have never seen____ __an interesting film.

(A) so (B) such (C) very (D) too

21. When are you planning to leave_______Australia?

(A) for (B) to (C) in (D) through

22. What_______ when I rang your up yesterday?

(A) you were doing (B) were you doing (C) did you do (D) did you

23. Ann and Alec are twins. They are very much_______.

(A) look like (B) like (C) a like (D) liking

24. Susan is a very old friend of________.

(A) my (B) mine (C) me (D) her

25. Will you help me to________me table?

(A) lay (B) lie (C) lain (D) laid

26._______ _ I'll be in Paris.

(A) The day tomorrow (B) The day after tomorrow

(C) After tomorrow (D) The day before yesterday

27. I haven't been to the Bolshoy theatre______many years.

(A) since (B) after (C) for (D) while

28. Mary has_______beautiful hair.

(A) such (B) such a (C) so (D) a

29. Washington was_______in 1790.

(A) find (B) finded (C) found (D) founded

30. You'd better_____ it at once.

(A) to do (B) hot to do (C) do (D) doing


Choose the correct item.

1. Six public holidays______in Great Britain.

(A) celebrate (B) are celebrating

(C) are celebrated (D) are celebrate

2. Have you telephoned your parents_______?

(A) still (B) yet

(Q while (D) else

3. Mrs Nickolas offered me_______cup of tea.

(A) other (B) another

(C) an other (D) the other

4. They didn't go to the country_______the bad weather.

(A) as (B) because

(C) because of (D) therefore

5. Don't worry. We'll look________your children.

(A) at (B) into

(C) about (D) after

6. _______ has lived in this house for a long time.

(A) Some (B) Nobody

(C) Anybody (D) Anything

7. It's the most exciting film_______.

(A) I've ever seen (B) I've never seen

(C) I've ever saw (D) I ever seen

8. The success of our picnic depends_______the weather.

(A) of (B) for

(C) on (D) to

9. I wondered______ she would say next.

(A) that (B) what

(C) which (D) whom

10. We_______ to a wonderful pop concert last Saturday.

(A) have gone (B) were going

(C) had gone (D) went

11. "If you_______ all summer, you'll starve in the winter", -

said the ant to the grasshopper.

(A) sing and dance (B) will sing and dance

(C) singing and dancing (D) would sing and dance

12. Can you tell me______to Trafalgar Square?

(A) the road (B) the way

(C) how to find (D) how get

13. I usually read a lot, but just now______anything.

(A) I am reading (B) I'm not reading

(C) I have read (D) I read

14. You had to come back, ______?

(A) didn't you (B) hadn't you

(C) weren't you (D) had you

15. At that moment Jack's wife came in and said that she______the police.

(A) is going to call (B) called

(C) had called (D) had been called

16. I'm very tired. I______for three days.

(A) travel (B) travelled

(C) had travelled (D) have been travelling

17. If what you say is true, there is______we can do about it.

(A) little (B) a little

(C) few (D) a few

18. Our kitten washes______every hour.

(A) him (B) his

(C) himself (D) itself

19. My doctor has told me______.

(A) to stop smoke (B) stop to smoke

(C) to stop smoking (D) to stop to smoking

20. I intend to stay in bed______10 o'clock tomorrow morning.

(A) for (B) during

(C) while (D) till

21. When will the conference______?

(A) take part (B) take place

(C) take time (D) take off


Choose the correct item.

1. Television_____ by John Logie Baird.

(A) invented (B) has invented

(C) was being invented (D) was invented

2. Yesterday he had____ on.

(A) a three-pieces suit (B) three-pieces of suit

(C) a three-piece suit (D) three-piece suit

3. The train isn't_____ the plane. They both cost the same.

(A) as expensive as (B) so expensive like

(C) as expensive like (D) like expensive like

4. Have you been to the Kremlin? - Yes, I______ there last week.

(A) have been (B) am

(C) was (D) had been

5. I don't know where your key is, I haven't seen it _______.

(A) any place (B) any where

(C) nowhere (D) some where

6. They arrived______ New York late at night

(A) in (B) at

(C) to (D) into

7. At the interview they asked Alan_______.

(A) could he drive? (B) did he can drive?

(C) if he could drive. (D) if he can drive.

8. We had______ a good time at the party.

(A) so (B) quite

(C) very (D) too

9. Who_______ you to play tennis?

(A) did teach (B) have taught

(C) teach (D) taught

10. Did you see the car______he bought a month ago?

(A) what (B) whom

(C) which (D) that's

11. What did you have______yesterday?

(A) for breakfast (B) for a breakfast

(C) for the breakfast (D) on breakfast

12. This is______ dress I've ever seen.

(A) the expensivest (B) the more expensive

(C) the most expensive (D) most expensive

13. My brother said that he_______the car the following day.

(A) won't need (B) doesn't need

(C) wasn't needing (D) wouldn't need

14. I wouldn't dare to advise_______to the cinema with him.

(A) that you to go (B) what you to go

(C) you to go (D) you go

15. Do you mind_______the window?

(A) if I open (B) me to open

(C) me open (D) that I open

16. I________ this book all day, but I haven't finished it yet.

(A) read (B) was reading

(C) am reading (D) have been reading

17. Shall we go by train? - I'd rather_______.

(A) to fly (B) flew

(C) fly (D) will fly

18. How long______ his house?

(A) has Mr Green had (B) does Mr Green have

(C) did Mr Green have (D) has Mr Green been having

19. The guide told us_______the river water unboiled.

(A) to not drink (B) not to drink

(C) don't drink (D) to do not drink

20. Can I give you_______?

(A) an advice (B) some advice

(C) a few advice (D) a piece of advice

21. Winston Churchill was famous_______his wonderful public speeches.

(A) for (B) with

(C) about (D) of


Choose the correct item.

1. The room______ with beautiful yellow roses.

(A) decorated (B) was decorated (C) has decorated (D) was decorating

2. At last Sally came in to tell him that dinner______ready.

(A) is (B) has been (C) was (D) is being

3. Yes, I enjoyed the play very_______.

(A) must (B) many (C) a lot (D) a great deal

4. He wondered_____ if he told her truth.

(A) what will she say (B) what she would say

(C) what would she say (D) she would say what

5. He didn't answer____ his question.

(A) on (B) to (C) at (D) -

6. Tom looked at his watch and said that he ______ go.

(A) must to (B) has to (C) had to (D) had

7. Mr Adams is fond____ speeches in public.

(A) to make (B) make (C) making (D) of making

8. Everybody______ fine weather.

(A) likes (B) like (C) is liking (D) dislike

9. I________ histories of the Early Roman Empire, so there was now very

new to me in what he said.

(A) read (B) have read (C) had read (D) had been read

10. How long______ here? - Fifteen years.

(A) have you been (B) you had been (C) are you (D) are you being

11. Do you know how long ______ to get to the center?

(A) it takes (B) takes it (C) does take (D) does it take

12. She said that her husband was a bank manager. _______?

(A) wasn't he (B) was he (C) didn't he (D) didn't she

13. I________ for this company since 1995.

(A) work (B) am working (C) worked (D) have been working

14. What was your favourite subject _______?

(A) at school (B) at the school (C) in school (D) in the school

15. Who_______ the flowers in the vase?

(A) did arrange (B) arranged (C) arrange (D) was arranged

16. They haven't finished dinner_______.

(A) yet (B) already (C) still (D) else

17. I've never heard ______ fantastic story!

(A) such (B) so (C) such a (D) so a

18. I'll ring you up as soon as I ______ home.

(A) will come (B) come (C) would come (D) came

19. I don't play hockey, but I like to watch others_______.

(A) to play (B) play (C) the play (D) to playing

20. I have never seen this film. - _______.

(A) I haven't too (B) So never I (C) Never did I (D) Never have I

21. Margaret's dress was made ________ blue sill.

(A) from (B) of (C) off (D) out from

22. Tom thinks that he will find a job _______.

(A) easy (B) easy (C) with easy (D) easiest

23. Will you help me to _______ the table, Mary?

(A) lay (B) lie (C) lain (D) laid

24. The last student ________ now.

(A) examines (B) is examined (C) is being examined (D) had been examined

25. I usually go to school ________ foot.

(A) in (B) with (C) by (D) on


Translate into English


1. Родители хотят, чтобы их дети были добрыми и честными.

2. Джон не говорит ни по-немецки, ни по-французски.

3. Что ты собираешься делать сегодня вечером? - Я еще не решил.

4. Мне очень жаль, но я не могу принять ваше приглашение. У меня столько много работы!

5. У тебя есть родственники в Петербурге? - Да, там живет моя двоюродная сестра.

6. Эти деньги не мои. Я не могу их взять.

7. На каком языке она говорит? Я ничего не понимаю.

8. Ничто не могло заставить нас выйти на улицу в такую дождливую погоду.

9. Северн гораздо длиннее Темзы, не правда ли?

10. На вашем месте я бы не стала с ним спорить.




Choose the correct item.

1. Do you smell something___?

(A) burn (B) burns

(C) burning (D) is burning

2. She found him____ at her.

(A) looking (B) looks

(C) looked (D) is looking

3. I don't want to go out tonight in case Peter.

(A) will come (B) come

(C) comes (D) would come

4. It's no use______ about it.

(A) to worry (B) worrying

(C) to be worried (D) to be worrying

5. Did you have any difficulty___ a visa?

(A) to get (B) on getting

(C) getting (D) to getting

6. He_______ them after the journey.

(A) looks forward to see (B) is looking forward to seeing

(C) is looking to see (D) looks forward seeing

7. The government_____ to reduce taxes nowadays.

(A) has want (B) is wanting

(C) want (D) wanted

8. After I_______ to you, I got a letter from Tom.

(A) speak (B) spoke

(C) have spoken (D) had spoken

9. Roberta was angry at herself because she_______a stupid mistake.

(A) made (B) has made

(C) had made (D) had done

10. I had to go to the dentist because my tooth_______me for a month.

(A) was bothering (B) bothered

(C) has bothered (D) had been bothering

11. ______ regularly attend lectures.

(A) most students (B) most of students

(C) the most students (D) the most of students



12. We spent______ on the beach.

(A) all day (B) all the day

(C) whole day (D) the day

13. We were invited to____.

(A) Tom and Kate wedding (B) wedding of Tom and Kate

(C) Tom's and Kate's wedding (D) Tom and Kate's wedding

14. I need_______ sleep a night.

(A) eight hour (B) an eight hour

(C) eight's hour (D) the eight of hour

15. My house is very near my school — only about______walk.

(A) a five minute (B) five minute

(C) five minutes (D) a five minutes

16. I met a friend______ in the street.

(A) of him (B) of mine

(C) of their (D) of our

17. Do you prefer to have____ or an apartment?

(A) an own house (B) your own house

(C) the own house (D) own house

18. He usually_____ great after having a swim.

(A) feels (B) feels himself

(C) feels himselve (D) fell

19. Why are you looking for under the bed? Have you lost______?

(A) something (B) everything

(C) any (D) some

20. You can cash these traveler's cheques at______bank.

(A) a (B) some

(C) any (D) the

21. The film is really great. You can ask_______who has seen it.

(A) someone (B) each

(C) anyone (D) some



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