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Shoes and Health

Читайте также:
  1. Read the conversation between a health official and a restaurant manager. Then answer the questions.
  2. Task3. Read the article about the phenomenon called the red tide which in many cases presents a health hazard and causes extensive fish kills.


Shoes should be... with the idea that they are made to... and support the.... They should be... for shape,... and the... of the material.

... is no guarantee that... will fit, and people should... shoes that follow the... of the foot. Only with... fitting shoes will the wearer avoid the... of having the small... of the foot pushed out of....


Match each of the following types of footwear with the correct number in the picture below.



... boot

... clog

... sandal

... wellington

... moccasin

... slipper

... trainer

... riding-boot


Choose the right answer.


1. I don’t know how you manage to walk with such high... on your shoes.

a) heels

b) laces

c) straps

d) toes


2. Her shoes were so old that her... were sticking out of them.

a) fingers

b) thumbs

c) tips

d) toes


3. What... shoes do you take?

a) length

b) measure

c) scale

d) size


4. No, these shoes... my toes. Let me try a larger size, please.

a) break

b) compress

c) hold

d) pinch


5. The first thing he did was to... his shoelaces and take his shoes off.

a) disconnect

b) mislead

c) unpack

d) undo



6. These leather shoes are made....

a) at hand

b) by hand

c) in hand

d) with hand


7. If I could... these shoes a little, they would be much more comfortable.

a) expand

b) grow

c) increase

d) stretch


8. She bought some green shoes to... her green dress and handbag.

a) equal

b) match

c) mate

d) pair


9. You need a good... pair of boots for mountain climbing.

a) rough

b) rude

c) rusty

d) tough

10. You really ought to... your shoes repaired.

a) do

b) get

c) make

d) take


Match each of the following parts of the shoe with the correct number in the picture below.

... eyelet


... heel


... shoe-lace


... lining


... sole




... tongue




What do the following symbols mean? Match the symbols with the correct instructions.



... do not wash

... hand-wash in lukewarm water

... do not use chlorine bleach

... dry flat

... tumble dry

... hang to dry

... drip-dry

... do not iron

... dry-clean only



Give the names of the following items.










broad-minded (narrow-minded)





calm (placid)



cunning (sly)



fair (unfair)


fault (flaw, drawback, shortcoming)








idle (idler)







merciful (merciless)



moody (grim)


obedient (disobedient)

polite (impolite)

reliable (unreliable)


reasonable (unreasonable)



























Read the following descriptions of eight different people, and write their names in the appropriate box depending on their personality.


A Name: _____ B Name: _____ C Name: _____ D Name: _____
Tetchy Bossy Conceited Bigoted Bitchy Reliable Punctual Industrious Timid Absent-minded   Stoical Witty Impulsive Garrulous Gregarious Mean Obstinate Generous Changeable Obedient
E Name: ______ F Name: _____ G Name: _____ H Name: _____
Optimistic Independent Cheerful Artistic Easy-going   Intellectual Suspicious Pessimistic Untidy Lazy Romantic Sensitive Energetic Creative Adventurous Popular Honest Ambitious Open-minded Friendly


1. My girlfriend Julie is always doing something. When she isn’t making things with her hands, she is risking her life doing dangerous activities like parachuting or bungee jumping. She loves it when I buy her flowers, take her out or say nice things about her, but she gets very upset if I say anything horrible to her.

2. My sister Molly seems to be a different person every day! Sometimes she will be buying presents for everyone, and at other times she resents spending even the smallest amount of money. One day she will do whatever people tell her to do, the next day she refuses to even listen to them, especially once she’s made her mind up about something.

3. Betty has a very high opportunity of herself and is always saying nasty things about other people. She gets irritated very quickly and likes to tell people what to do. She always believes, often unreasonably, that she is right and best, especially in matters of religion, politics or race.

4. Charlie has always wanted to be a painter. He loves to do his own thing, and rarely loses his temper. He always seems to be happy, and has great hopes for the future.

5. Richard says he wants to be Prime Minister one day, but I doubt he would be a good politician. Why? Well, for a start he always tells the truth. Secondly, he gets on well with everybody, and everyone likes him. And above all, he is very tolerant of other people.

6. Mary is always expecting bad things to happen, and never trusts strangers. She never seems to do any work and her room is always a mess. She likes to spend her time reading academic textbooks.

7. Joanne is very sociable and enjoys the company of other people. She tends to talk a lot, but she often does things without thinking of the consequences, but always manages to remain calm when things go wrong.

8. Bob is easily frightened, especially of his boss, which is probably why he’s never late for work. He is often so concerned with his own thoughts that he forgets things. On the other hand, he works hard and is somebody you can trust and depend on at all times.

Listen to the text «The English».

Choose the correct answer:

1. The text is about

a) the fire that is the focus of English home.

b) the picture of the aristocratic Englishman.

c) the reputation that the English people have.


2. What are the French supposed to be?

a) gay, fond of champagne

b) dull, fond of military uniform

c) energetic and vulgar



3. What are the English reputed to be?

a) efficient, fond of parades

b) cold, reserved

c) energetic


4. What nation is steady, easy-going, and fond of sports?

a) the French

b) the Germans

c) the English


5. What houses do the English people prefer?

a) small houses, built for one family

b) big houses, built for one family

c) small houses, built for two or more families



6. What is the focus of the English home?

a) the ceremony of English coffee

b) the open fire

c) the ceremony of Indian tea


7. Why is central heating kept so low in the English home?

a) Because it is not installed well in the English home.

b) Because the English don't want to pay much for keeping central heating high.

c) Because the English get nervous headaches from stuffiness in their home.


8. What is the picture of the aristocratic Englishman?

a) dressed in silks, smoking a pipe

b) dressed in tweeds, smoking a pipe

c) dressed in cottons, smoking a pipe


Complete these sentences.


a) Almost every nation has a … of some kind.

b) The Germans are supposed to be dull, formal, efficient, fond of …, and parades.

c) The Americans are supposed …, energetic, and vulgar.

d) The English are a nation of … - … - ….

e) There is no place like …, they say.

f) The fire is the … of the English home.

g) Even when central heating is … it is kept low in the English home.

h) Americans and Russians get … in the English home.

i) The English get nervous headaches from … in their home.

j) The English are amongst the most … people in the world.

k) The English have a genius for ….


Do the comprehension test. Agree (+) or disagree (-) with the following statements.

a) The French are supposed to be gay, fond of champagne.

b) The Germans are supposed to be boastful, energetic and vulgar.

c) The English are reputed to be dull, formal, fond of military uniforms.

d) There is no place like home, the English say.

e) The English prefer big houses, built for one family.

f) The garden is the focus of the English home.

g) Other nations go out to cafes or sit round the cocktail bar.

h) Americans and Russians get chilblains in the English home.

i) Central heating is kept low in the English home.

j) The English get nervous headaches from cold in their home.

k) The aristocratic Englishman is dressed in tweeds, smoking a pipe, walking with his dog at his heels.

l) The English can be ruthless.

m) The English are generous in small matters but more cau­tious in big ones.


Answer these questions.

1. What characteristic can you give to the Russians? Are they gay or dull?

2. Are they fond of military uniforms and parades like the Ger­mans?

3. Are they boastful, vulgar like the Americans? Are they cold, reserved like the English?

Retell the text «The English».


Complete each sentence with a word. Use each word once only.















1. I think I’ll stay here on my own, I’m not feeling very … today.

2. Diana wants to get to the top in her company. She is very ….

3. It’s not … to stare at people and say nothing.

4. I think you have to be very … to write a novel.

5. Thank you for helping. It was very … of you.

6. Peter refuses to change his mind, although he is wrong. He’s so ….

7. It was very … of Shella to put out the fire on her own.

8. Our neighbors look down on us. They are a bit ….

9. Don’t eat all the cakes! You really are becoming …!

10. If you lend me the money, I’ll be very …!

11. I am very … of my new motorbike.

12. My parents don’t mind my crazy hairstyle. They are very ….


Read the clues and complete the crossword.




1. She doesn’t think about anything seriously or have any deep feelings. She’s so ….

6. He’s always …. He’s never in a hurry and he’s always calm.

8. She is the most … person in the school. Everybody likes her.

10. He is very …. If he says he’ll do something, then he does it.

13. She’s very …. She never complains about the pain she is in all the time.

14. She always tells the truth. She’s very ….

15. He is a very … teacher. He doesn’t get cross even when he has to repeat something three times.

17. They were very … when we said they could stay in our house while we were away.



1. He never drinks and drives. He is too … to do something silly like that.

2. She’s going to travel around the world for six months on her own. She must be very ….

3. She always has fun at parties because she’s so bright and ….

4. He never smiles and always looks …. I don’t know what his problem is.

5. She’s only 17 but she seems much older. She’s very … for her age.

7. He makes her … when he looks at other girls.

9. She looks …. Why does she always wear such strange clothes?

11. They are very rich but they are also really … with their money. They give wonderful presents.

12. He got 100% in all his exams. His parents are really … of him.

16. She’s always … and friendly. You always feel welcome at her house.


Match the words with the descriptions. Use each word once only.















1. You always arrive on time.

2. You are always happy.

3. You do what you say you will do.

4. You say exactly what you think.

5. You don’t think about the needs of others.

6. You have a strong wish to get what you want.

7. You are unkind, or not willing to spend money.

8. You easily become angry with others.

9. You think about the needs of others.

10. You tell the truth and obey the law.

11. You understand the feelings of others.

12. You try to avoid work if you can.


Underline the most suitable word or phrase.


1. Please don’t push. It’s very bad-tempered / rude / unsympathetic.

2. Jack hates spending money. He’s rather frank / greedy / mean.

3. Our teacher is very proud / strict / tolerant and won’t let us talk in class.

4. Helen never does her homework. She is rather gentle / lazy / reliable.

5. I didn’t talk to anyone at the party because I felt ambitious / lonely / shy.

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