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Airport reservations

Читайте также:
  2. Transaero (uN) Airport office.


I’d like to tell you about our university. I’m a first year student at the Saint-Petersburg State Railway Transport University. I have a students’ card and students’ credit book and I live in a hostel.

Our classes begin at nine o’clock. Each lesson lasts one hour and a half. After two lessons we have a forty-minutes break. During the break we go to the canteen to have lunch. Every day we have three or four lessons. We have classes on maths, physics, history, English, programming, P.T.(Physical Training) and many others. My favourite subject is maths and I am very good at computers.

At the end of the term we have to pass exams and to write tests. To study well and not to fail the exams we have to attend all the lectures and practical lessons. All students and postgraduates receive a grant if they study well.

We study six days a week and so we don’t have much free time but there are lots of ways to spend it well. Usually we don’t go home after classes. We have a lot of extra-activities. Students regularly go on excursions. There is a students’ theater, rock club, ball room dancing and the chorus “Cantus”. You may choose what you like.There are many sport sections at our University. Basketball, football, athletics, ping-pong, tennis, swimming, gymnastics and aerobics are among them. The University has a Swimming Pool and well-furnished Sports Halls. Every autumn first-year students take part in special sport competition and get special prizes. In future I would like to graduate from the university, to get speciality and to find a good job.


1 .Make sure you know the meaning of the following words.

A) First year student, subject, education, grant, students’ card, credit book, graduate, postgraduate, hostel, canteen, break, competition, chorus.

B) Maths, Physics, Chemistry, History, Economics, Philosophy, English, P.T., Ecology, Descriptive Geometry.

2. Make up the sentences, using the following word combinations:

to be bad at; to be good at

For example: I am good at Maths, but I am bad at Philosophy.

What subjects are you good at? What about your friend?

3. Give the English equivalents:

жить в общежитии, получить стипендию, получить студенческий билет и зачетную книжку, посещать лекции и практические занятия, сдать экзамены, проводить свободное время, принимать участие, закончить университет, получить специальность.


4. Answer the questions. Work in pairs:

How many lessons do you have every day?

What is your favourite subject?

Are there any subjects you are bad at?

Do you live in a hostel, rent a room or live with your parents?

What subjects do you study?

Do you receive a grant?

What do you usually do after classes?

Act out the following mini-dialogues. Substitute phrases.

A. – Where do you1 study? 1. does he, does she, do they

I study at the St. Petersburg State Transport University2.

2. at the Electrical Engineering faculty

B. – What’s you favourite subject?

I like English1 most of all. 1. Maths, Chemistry, P.T., History


C. – What is David good at1? 1. – clever, poor, keen on

He is good at Maths2. 2. – Computers; Foreign languages

D. – Why did you miss last English lesson1?

I was not well2 .

1. a lecture on History, a seminar on Economics

2. was late, didn’t know about it

E. – What mark did you get for your test1? 1. translation, exam, essay

– I got an excellent mark2. 2. a good mark, a satisfactory mark, a bad mark

F. – Where can I find the Dean1?

He is probably at the Dean’s office2.

1. the tutor, the lecture, the English teacher;

2. the stuff room, the lecture room, the faculty office;

III*.Read and discuss: STUDENT’S LIFE

The merry-go-round1 of student’s life is something that one never forgets. It’s a fascinating, fantastic, fabulous experience for a full-time and a part-time student. Who can forget the first day at the university when one turns from an applicant who has passed entrance exams into a first-year student? I did it! I entered the university! A solemn ceremony of dedication of freshmen to the body of students in the Yusupov Garden and serious people making speeches. Hey, do you happen to know who they are? Who? The rector, vice-rector, deans … and what about those ladies? Heads of departments and senior lecturers? Okay. And where are our lecturers and tutors2? Oh, how nice….

The monitors hand out student membership cards and library cards – one feels like a real person. First celebrations and then days of hard work. So many classes, so many new subjects to put on the timetable! The curriculum seems to be developed especially for geniuses. Lectures, seminars and tutorials. Home preparations; a lot of homework.

First tests and examination. Reading up for exams. “No, professor, I have never cheated – no cribs3. I just crammed4 ”. The first successes and first failures: “I have passed!” or “He has not given me a pass!” Tears and smiles. And a long-awaited holiday.

The merry-go-round runs faster. Junior students become senior. Still all of them are one family – undergraduates. Students’ parties in the students’ club. Meeting people and parting with people. Yearly essays, graduation dissertations, finals…. I’m happy! It is over! It is over… Is it over? Oh, no…


1 merry-go-round (зд.)круговорот 3 crib - шпаргалка

2 tutor - куратор 4 cram - зубрить

a) Discussion points:

a) Compare your student’s life with a merry-go-round.

b) Your first months at the university?

c) They say that it is a poor soldier who does not want to become a general. Say what a student must do to become a good specialist.

d) Your plans for the future: to get an interesting but not well-paid job or well-paid but monotonous one.

b) Translate the proverbs into Russian and comment upon them:

1. A man is never too old to learn.

2. Education covers a lot of ground but it doesn’t cultivate it.

3. Live and learn.

c) Roleplay:

Imagine you are a Dean of your faculty.

A group of students came to you to discuss their problems

(too busy time-table, there’s not enough special literature in the library, etc.).




Read the text. Ask questions to the text


Student’s life is much more fun when you travel.

There are different ways of travelling: by air, by sea, by train, by car, by coach, etc. As for me, I like travelling by train, because it’s very nice and comfortable, especially if the journey is not too long.

For instance, I often go to Moscow by train. When I do so, I usually go by a passenger train, but in a sleeping car. I like lying on the upper berth, because from there I can enjoy beautiful views. As I never know how long I’m going to stay in Moscow, I always buy a single ticket. I prefer travelling light, that’s why I have only one piece of luggage with me; a small rucksack. I don’t like anybody to see me off, that’s why I arrive at the station alone, get on my train and take my berth. I like to get acquainted and chat with other passengers, because we have to spend several hours together and it’s always nice to have a good company. If it’s an evening train, I wait for the attendant to bring in the bedding, make up the bed and fall asleep. The route from Saint Peterburg to Moscow is a very busy one and the trains always leave on the dot and run to schedule. So, when I wake up in the morning, I’m already in Moscow.

As for travelling by air, I consider it to be less exciting, because visibility is often poor and you can’t see anything at all. Though, it must be very convenient for businessmen who are always in a hurry and can’t afford enjoying picturesque views. But there is one way of travelling which I think to be much more pleasant than all the above-mentioned ones. I have never experienced it myself, but I hope to. That’s a travel by sea or river. My best dream is to make a voyage along the Volga River and I hope that one day this dream of mine will come true.

Make up lexical pairs using the words given below.

Ways of views

Booking station

Railway train

Express ticket

Passenger office

Sleeping luggage


Return car

Piece of

Upper berth

Picturesque travelling

Which sentences are wrong?

1. There are many ways of travelling.

2. I like travelling by train.

3. I never go to Moscow by air.

4. I usually go by an express train in a dining car.


What do you call?

· a ticket for a trip from one place to another and back again;

· a place for someone to sleep in a train;

· one of the separate areas into which a plane, ship or train is divided;

· someone whose job is to carry traveller’s bags at railway stations, airports etc.;

Read and translate the dialogue.

A: How much is the return to Stockford, coming back next Friday?

B: 118 pounds. A single’s half that price – 59 pounds.

A: Is that the first-class price?

B: No that’s a standard ticket. Do you want first class?

A: Er... no, standard is fine. What time’s the next train?

B: In about two hours – at 4.15.

A: Is it direct?

B: No you’ll have to change at Allchurch.

Study the following dialogue and make up the dialogue of your own.

David: Are you going to take a vacation next month?

Mary: Yes my family and I are going to St.Petersburg for a week. We want to see that beautiful city.

David: I envy you. I haven’t had a vacation for years. I wish I could get away for a while.

Mary: You can take a vacation soon, can’t you?

David: No, there’s too much work to do. May be next year, though.

Read, translate, retell

A: Я давно тебя не видел. Ты был в отъезде?

B: Yes, I’ve been on vacation.

A: Где ты проводил свой отпуск?

B: I was in a holiday centre.

A: Где это?

B: It was in Zelenogorsk.

A: Ты ездил туда один или с друзьями?

B: I went there with my friends.

A: Вы хорошо отдохнули?

B: Yes, we enjoyed ourselves. Almost every morning we went fishing. In the afternoon we sometimes played tennis or went swimming.

VIII*. Read the text and answer the questions given below.

Old Country Advice to the American Traveller.

(After William Saroyan)

One day my uncle Melik travelled from San Francisco to New York. Before he got aboard the train his uncle Garro paid him a visit and told him about the dangers of travel.

“When you get on the train”, the old man said, “choose your seat carefully, sit down and do not look about.

“Yes, sir”, -my uncle said.

“Several moments after the train begins to move”, the old man said, “two men wearing uniforms will come to your compartment and ask you for your ticket. Ignore them. They will be impostors (самозванцы).

“How shall I know? ”, my uncle said.

“You will know”, the old man said. “You are no longer a child”.

“Yes, sir”, my uncle said.

“On your way to the diner a very beautiful young woman will run into you”, the old man said. “She will be very attractive, and your natural wish will be to become friends with her. Don’t do this, go into the diner and eat. The woman will be an adventuress.

“A what?”, my uncle asked.

“An adventuress”, the old man shouted. “Go and eat. Order the best food,

and if the diner is crowded, and the beautiful woman sits at your table, do not

look into her eyes. If she speaks, pretend to be deaf”.

“Yes, sir”, my uncle said.

“That’s the only way out of it".

“Out of what?”, my uncle said.

“Out of the whole trouble”, the old man said, “you’ll pass through the smoker. There you will find a game of cards in progress. The players will be three young men. One of them will invite you to join the game. Tell them you don’t speak English.

“Yes, sir”, my uncle said.

“That is all”, the old man said.

“Thank you very much”, my uncle said.

“One thing more. When you go to bed at night, take your money out of your pocket and put it in your shoe. Put your shoe under the pillow, keep your head on the pillow all night, and don’t sleep”.

The old man went away and the next day my uncle Melik got aboard the train and went to New York. The two men in uniforms were not imposters, the young man with the doped cigarette did not appear, the beautiful woman did not sit at his table in the diner, and there was no card game in progress in the smoker. My uncle put his money in the shoe and put the shoe under the pillow and put his head and did not sleep all night the first night, but the second night he decided to sleep.

The second day he himself offered another young man a cigarette, which the other young man accepted. In the diner my uncle went to sit at a table with a young lady. He started a card game in the smoker, and long before the train got to New York my uncle knew everybody aboard the train and everybody knew him.

The journey was a pleasant one.

When my uncle came back home from New York, his uncle Garro visited him again.

“I see you are looking all right”, he said. ”Did you follow my instructions?”

“Yes, sir”, my uncle said.

“I’m pleased”, he said.

IX*. Answer the questions.

1. What kind of person do you think uncle Garro was?

2. When do you usually seek other people’s advice?

3. Which of these quotations from the fables of Aesop would go with the story?

4. What is the message of the story?

People often grudge others what they cannot enjoy themselves;

Never trust advice of a man in difficulties.


X*. Read and retell the dialogue.


Travel agent: Can I help you?

B: I want to fly to London next week. I’d like to make reservations for a roundtrip ticket.

Travel agent: What day are you planning to leave for London?

B: On the 12th of March.

Travel agent: There are three flights to London on that day – at 10 a.m, at 8.30 and 9 pm. Do you have any preference about the time of the day?

B: I’d rather leave at 9 pm. I want to get to London early in the morning.

Travel agent: Are you going to travel first class or economy?

B: I prefer economy. How much will it be?

Travel agent: 440 dollars.

B: Are meals and refreshments served on the flight?

Travel agent: Yes, they are.

B: What’s the flying time?

Travel agent: Six hours.

B: What’s the London airport we’ll arrive at?

Travel agent: Heathrow Airport. How many days are you planning to sty in London?

B: Seven days.

Travel agent: When would you like to fly home from London?

B: March 22nd

Travel agent: All right. Your name and address?

B: Boris Brown, 99th Street, New York 11374.

Travel agent: And your telephone number?

B: 439-7286.

Travel agent: Will you pay by credit card?

B: Yes, by Master Card. When can I get my tickets?

Travel agent: You will have them 2 days before your departure.

XI* Roleplay

Imagine that you want to fly to London very much. You try to persuade a friend to join you. Your friend is not sure about it. Express different opinions on the same activity:

Bore Fun

Waste of time Exciting

Stupid Wise (broadens one’s horizons)

Waist of money Is worth living for.

XII*.Make up the exercise of your own and fulfill it.

XIII*. Writing: Compare modern ways of travelling with those in the 18th century.





i. Read and translate the following text:

Protaros resort is an hour from Larnaca airport and 15 minutes from Agia Napa tourist centre. The laser-lighted discos attract you into the clubs and karaoke songs can be heard from the pubs. The beaches are really safe for children, so parents can actually relax, but when the last sand castle has finally been built, visit an unforgettable performance staged within decorations of an ancient theatre. Or what about spending time at the water park, riding the rapids and high speed slides or floating down the “lazy river”?

The majestic Troodos mountain range is an amazing place to explore. Every season will expose you to an incredible variety of flora, fauna and landscape. In winter you will need warm clothes to take advantage of the excellent ski slopes and snow trails. Building snow men seems to be a popular pastime. There are fascinating monasteries to visit including the richest and largest Kikkos famous for an icon of Virgin Mary.

ii. Answer the questions:

What places of interest can you visit?

What does the night life offer the tourists?

What are the active kinds of having a rest one can choose?

What winter sports are available in Troodos mountains?

Is there any cultural program offered?

iii. Name all the activities Protaros resort can offer; which do you prefer and why.

iv. Think of the five things you do on holidays. Ask your partner if he/she does the same. Use the following ideas:

to relax

to go travelling

to sleep a lot

to read books

to visit old friends

to go in for sports

v. Persuade your friend to have a rest in following situations:

in the country - use the expressions given below:

to go swimming to the river/lake

to go fishing

to breathe fresh air

to play football

to eat fresh fruit and vegetables

to pick mushrooms and berries

b) near the sea -use the ideas given in the text, add your own ones.

vi. Make up dialogues. Call the travel agency and ask about:

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