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А. silent, vocal, mumbling, hissing, yelling, deafening, screaming, crying, cheering, hilarious, murmuring


1. Какой из рассмотренных приемов стратегии «создание логических связей» и как можно использовать для запоминания следующих прилагательных?

corpulent, squat, slight and slender, skinny, petite, plump, like a lamp-post, stocky, overweight, square, slim, puny, muscular, obese, like a barrel, thin.

2. Распределите следующие выражения по «цепочке» действий, связанных логикой: to apply for a job, to have a pay-rise, to be in charge of, to have the right qualification for the job, to have a new challenge (a new exciting situation), to graduate from, to be made redundant, to be promoted, to work in shifts, to get the sack, to go for an interview, to look for a job, to go on a training course, to hand in one’s resignation, to find job, to start work, to have relevant experience.

3. Постройте синонимический ряд с глаголом “to cry”; с прилагат. “beautiful”. (по 10 слов)

4. Образуйте возможные словосочетания со словом “climate”.

5. Возможны ли следующие словосочетания: a pretty man, a handsome woman? Как лучше запомнить возможные словосочетания с существительными "a man” и “a woman”?

6. Какие речевые клише можно использовать при выполнении следующей речевой задачи «Сделайте комплимент вашей сокурснице» (7 примеров)?

7. Составьте один контекст (можно «поэтическую опору») на грамматическое правило, которое вызывает у вас больше всего затруднений.

9. Дополните своими примерами семантическую карту с глаголом «to get». Перескажите известную вам русскую народную сказку, использовав в ней 20 выражений с данным глаголом.

10. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Составьте семантическую карту со словом «Technophobia», используя слова и выражения из текста.

Michel Marriott, T. Trent Gegax «Technophobia»

Like many born before circuits were integrated and TV strove to be interactive, Robert Robards, 63, tried his best to keep his dis­tance from computers. His sons pleaded with him for years to embrace the new technology he feared, but Robards, the director of a shelter for the homeless in Boston, still stubbornly resisted. He'd say, "It's not me. It ain't my world."

He was not alone. Millions of Americans are technophobes, running from the high tide of high tech sweeping into their lives. A recent U.S. study found that 55 percent of those surveyed showed some sign of technophobia. Some are simply spooked by anything electronic, from beeping answering machines to blink­ing VCRs. Many more feel threatened by the omnipresent com­puter. Technophobes tend to be people older than 45 who didn't grow up with the devices they are now expected to master. And, true to gender stereotyping, experts say, high-tech fears are more common among women than among men.

Yet technophobes are even more misunderstood than they are numerous. Just because they cling to a tech-lite lifestyle doesn't make them obstructors of progress. In fact, technophobes have historically propelled technology in a fear-forward way. Their resistance has forced innovators to create even more sophisticated technologies that the phobic will accept. More often than not, the product of all that fear is one that is easier to use. "A good example is the automatic transmission," says Clifford Nass, a Stanford University professor who is an expert in how humans relate to computers. Many early motorists were intimi­dated by manual transmissions. In response, automotive engi­neers in the 1930s developed the superior hydraulic technology that required little of the driver. The same paradox also rules con­sumer electronics. Point-and-shoot cameras, robotized with chips and infrared sensors, are far more advanced than their brainless cousins with their manual f-stops and shutter speeds. Because so many people could not program their VCRs to tape, we now have VCR Plus +, which eliminates the bother of timers. "The only reason technology is not simple is because there is not enough of it," says Mike Maples, an executive vice president of Microsoft. Twelve years ago, using a computer meant memorizing arcane strings of typed commands. Now software advances like Microsoft's Windows and hardware like the mouse allow chil­dren to use computers with a point-and-click before they can read.

Not everyone is happy to see the techno-barbarians at the gate. People who had to learn things the hard way (Unix com­mands, f-stops, stick shifts) often resent that others don't have to. And high-tech elitists are unnerved by any intrusion into their once exclusive domain. "What you see with all these technologi­cal changes," says Stanford's Nass, "is that the insiders generally hate it, and talk about 'dumbing down'."

But despite this snobbery, technophobes will continue to push progress. Software manufacturers like Apple, Novell and Microsoft are scrambling to make personal computers even more personal—the buzzword is "intuitive." This year Microsoft plans to release its even smarter Windows 95—and Bob, a program populated with cute and chatty "personal guides." Bob speaks like comic-strip characters do, in written balloons. But scientists say two-way, computer/human-voice communication is right around the corner, a nod to remaining phobes.

Robert Robards isn't waiting for computers to be quite that user-friendly. Two years ago the Bostonian discovered a child-simple Macintosh SE computer, and it "seemed to open up a whole new world," he says proudly. And why shouldn't he be proud? His fears practically invented the thing.

11. Составьте словосочетания из прилагательных (список А) и имен собственных (список В). Какой прием поможет вам запомнить значения прилагательных?

А. silent, vocal, mumbling, hissing, yelling, deafening, screaming, crying, cheering, hilarious, murmuring

В. Christine,Dave, Mable, Charley, Myrtle, Silvia, Victor, Hilary, Ian, Kathrine, Henry,

12. Какой прием можно использовать при запоминании данных слов и словосочетаний: a stuffy room, it reeks of fish, the aroma of coffee, to stink the place out, a faint odour, a stomach churning smell, a fruity bouquet, a heavenly fragrance. Покажите как «работает» этот прием на трех выражениях из данного списка.

13 Проиллюстрируйте значения модальных глаголов «must» и «should» необычными сюжетными картинками.

14. Прочитайте текст и выпишите из него незнакомые слова. Какие из изученных вами приемов можно применить для лучшего запоминания новых слов.

А. Rachel Carson «A Fable for Tomorrow»


What dangers do you see affecting our environment over the next decades? How can we as a society address these environmental problems?

There was once a town in the heart of America where all life seemed to live in harmony with its surroundings. The town lay in the midst of a checkerboard of prosperous farms, with fields of grain and hillsides of orchards where, in spring, white clouds of bloom drifted above the green fields. In autumn, oak and maple and birch set up a blaze of color that flamed and flickered across a backdrop of pines. Then foxes barked in the hills and deer silently crossed the fields, half hidden in the mists of the fall mornings.

Along the roads, laurel, viburnum and alder, great ferns and wildflowers delighted the traveler's eye through much of the year. Even in winter the roadsides were places of beauty, where countless birds came to feed on the berries and on the seed heads of the dried weeds rising above the snow. The countryside was, in fact, famous for the abundance and variety of its bird life, and when the flood of migrants was pouring through in spring and fall people traveled from great distances to observe them. Others came to fish the streams, which flowed clear and cold out of the hills and contained shady pools where trout lay. So it had been from the days many years ago when the first settlers raised their houses, sank their wells, and built their barns.

Then a strange blight crept over the area and everything began to change. Some evil spell had settled on the community: mysterious maladies swept the flocks of chickens; the cattle and sheep sickened and died. Everywhere was a shadow of death. The farmers spoke of much illness among their families. In the town the doctors had become more and more puzzled by new kinds of sickness appearing among their patients. There had been several sudden and unexplained deaths not only among adults butevenamong children, who would be stricken suddenly while at play and die within a few hours.

There was a strange stillness. The birds, for example— where had they gone? Many people spoke of them, puzzled and disturbed. The feeding stations in the backyards were deserted. The few birds seen anywhere were moribund; they trembled vio­lently and could not fly. It was a spring without voices. On the mornings that had once throbbed with the dawn chorus of robins, catbirds, doves, jays, wrens, and scores of other bird voices there was now no sound; only silence lay over the fields and woods and marsh.

On the farms the hens brooded, but no chicks hatched. The farmers complained that they were unable to raise any pigs—the litters were small and the young survived only a few days. The apple trees were coming into bloom but no bees droned among the blossoms, so there was no pollination and there would be no fruit.

The roadsides, once so attractive, were now lined with browned and withered vegetation as though swept by fire. These, too, were silent, deserted by all living things. Even the streams were now lifeless. Anglers no longer visited them, for all the fish had died.

In the gutters under the eaves and between the shingles of the roofs, a white granular powder still showed a few patches; some weeks before it had fallen like snow upon the roofs and the lawns, the fields and streams.

No witchcraft, no enemy action had silenced the rebirth of new life in this stricken world. The people had done it them­selves.

This town does not actually exist, but it might easily have a thousand counterparts in America or elsewhere in the world. I know of no community that has experienced all the misfortunes I describe. Yet every one of these disasters has actually happened somewhere, and many real communities have already suffered a substantial number of them. A grim specter has crept upon us almost unnoticed, and this imagined tragedy may easily become a stark reality we all shall know.


Дата добавления: 2015-11-26; просмотров: 83 | Нарушение авторских прав

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